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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. Okay, FUCK YOU Phaedra. You are 100% wrong and I'm so sick of your fake, fucked up ass. You want to sit there pretending like KANDI didn't feel afraid too? Like she didn't tell you he came at HER aggressively? You didn't see that man knock his own fucking AUNT down? And still, you want to cry some bullshit crocodile tears and take it to labeling black boys? Having a son doesn't mean you get to blame other people for everything that goes wrong. YOUR huzzzbin has done more to fuck with your sons life, making them statistics before the age of 5...but you want to stay pressed on Kenya just because she had the good fucking sense to say "we're uncomfortable." Aside from all the rest, I'm so fucking PISSED with Phaedra and Sheree using Kenya as a bullshit scapegoat to conflate the actual, real shit that happens to innocent black boys and men, and the actual, real shit that Glen was doing that justifiably warranted those actions taken against him. It's nobody's fault but Glen's, and fuck you for trying to give that mean, scary, aggressive THUG an out. But then, that's just business as usual for you, right Esquire? And as long as I'm here, FUCK YOU TOO, Kim "my shit don't stink" Fields. Nobody had to shake that hornet's nest; apparently just walking by and creating a breeze could irritate that fucking nest. Better way of handling it? NO. Even his aunt couldn't nicely ask him to leave. 'Cause if Tammy could've handled it "another way," they'd have left. Seeing as her nephew couldn't even accept Kandi's "Uh, thanks," early in the evening, no way was he accepting Kenya's "We're uncomfortable and want you to leave" gracefully once it was clear that drunk Tammy was getting nowhere. The ONLY acceptable response was "fine, you don't want us here, we're gone." Not, "I'm not playing with you, little bitch." EXCUSE ME?? The only right way at that point was straight up saying "Please leave," which Kenya did. And then calling for assistance when he charged her. If you know so much, then YOU should have handled it, not just sat in judgment Monday morning quarterbacking. Things I am not here for: - Y'all felt nervous about him right off the bat. Yet the next day you're acting like Kenya was making things up, even though you sat there with Kandi acknowledging that a single simple conversation was going sideways. And no, you were NOT there for everything, you were not in the Jacuzzi when he got extra threatening behind a fairly neutral comment about "Oh, here comes your auntie, checking on the conversation." - Exaggerating why Kenya asked for people to be removed. Even if she was being extra with the asking, you're being extra with your reasoning "Oh, what if I'm next, and she'll wake me up at 2 am and say you have to go for no reason." Girl stop. - Continually trolling for points for leaving your fucking house for 80 damned hours. - Um, yeah Kim that's EXACTLY what it was "Uhh... wah, I wanna go home, I miss my husband." You might not need a reason, but you sure as shit didn't let an excuse to "bounce" without saying I'm bouncing go by. Somewhere in NY, Heather is saying "And THAT'S what the fuck I'm talking about!" There's my huff, time for me to leave in it.
  2. Only if you watched that wretched Workout. I let it play long enough to watch the preview, which thankfully came in the first commercial or so. Who's these "most of these chicks," who hate their husbands Phaedra? There's only 2 of y'all still married. Most of you chicks don't have huzzbins to hate. Poor Kim. Phaedra talking you down isn't "grown woman," or kindness, girl. That's camera time. Can't believe I find myself agreeing with Porsha twice in two weeks: Kim is wearing me out with this homesick routine too. We get it, you have the only greatest marriage of all time. Except ... clearly your oldest son is old enough for this man not to be brand new to you, and are well into your 40s, yet you want to act like some 20 year old newlywed who can't handle three damned days apart. Geeze Louise, woman. I don't even care if you don't "like" girl's' trips - this ain't a girl's trip, it's work. Which you signed up for. And you and your husband can carry your happy asses back to Miami any time you want, nothing is stopping you. But all the damned crying and needing to be jollied the fuck along at every turn is plucking my last good nerve, the one I'm saving for grandchildren someday. You're an actress - act like you can be that grown woman you like to talk about for 72 fucking hours, geeze! These shows do nobody any good. She's starting to come across like her emotional development was stunted at "Tootie." Except, of course when she shows those teeniest little flashes of diva starlet. And then I know she's not as brand new as she's trying to come across as. Although I do appreciate your facial expressions at all the going ons. I had that same look of horror at Shamea's impromptu GYN appointment. No such thing as too much ass and thighs these days, it seems. One person's too much = another person's flawless and fabulous, I guess. Dare I say I enjoy seeing Sheree and Kenya get along? Even if they both clearly understand it's all about the filming ops, there's still something fun to it all.
  3. That she does. Those eyes when she was being held down were damned scary, along with those guttural threats to catch her alone and beat her ass. And anyone wonders why Cynthia would kick her off first and ask questions later? Thank you, Zaldamo for that Zappruder moment. I'm going to try the Fault Line Logic and take it allll the way back to "who, bitch?" as the start of the violence. So Porsha wins. Or loses (her shit). :)
  4. It's not Porsha's fault. It's Kenya's fault for making so her mad over a year ago she couldn't help but react when her friend did something to piss her off. It's never Porsha's fault, which is why she never learned to say "I'm sorry."
  5. It takes true pretzel logic to make this fight Cynthia's fault. Even if you believe it's "because Cynthia took things the wrong way when Porsha was just kidding," it stopped being her fault after she left the area, thus ending that argument. The altercation didn't happen because Kenya was extra about Shamea. The altercation didn't happen because Cynthia overreacted. The altercation happened because Porsha sat right in front of someone who was clear she didn't want to engage with her, to force said engagement, which she punctuated with a headpoke. If Cynthia had followed her around getting into her face and space, I'd blame Cynthia. But that's not what happened. Thank you for this.
  6. Kandi was doing the same thing they did behind that slumber party - going too far down the line to find a reason beyond the two people who were responsible: Cynthia and Porsha. It doesn't matter WHAT Kenya said or did to Shamea, the situation turned into a fight in the hands of those two individuals, and only those two. Take Kenya out of the equation - the fuss was behind the BFF comment, not the fact that Kenya was going to get Shamea removed. I'll give Porsha this much: for once I agreed with her when she met with Kenya. You're not really my friend, this conversation doesn't feel helpful and a friend wouldn't be talking to me like this. (They'd be sugarcoating it more, let's be honest. But she wasn't wrong.) Because when you hire your best friends to be your employees, that's what happens. There are no lines, and she likes/wants it that way. That way, she can cross the line the same way off some "we're friends, what do you mean you can't plan my wedding for free in addition to your other work?." I saw Cynthia grab her wrists too, right after Porsha climbed over and straddled her. Before that happened I saw Porsha almost stab Cynthia in the forehead with that jabby sharp fingernail. They both should have calmed it down but the approacher is the aggressor, and that was Porsha by sitting on her chair right in her face, and then pointing in her face. Several times you hear Cynthia say "Go on over there," and waves to the other side, and at least once she even leans BACK away from Porsha. Porsha continued to advance and then straddled. There'd have been no kicking but for that. And Porsha NEVER apologized, the girl doesn't know how. There's a lot of ways to dance around an apology, but only two ways to actually do it: "I'm sorry" and "I apologize." Two things Porsha cannot seem to say. 1. I want to thank you for saying every single thing in my head. I had to bold those words you snatched outta my mouth. Truthfully I could have let you drop the mike and been done, but I had already typed it and shit, so post I did. 2. I want to smack you for this: "Solid vagina buster" and this: "I never thought an outfit could be too much fabric and too little fabric all at once." Got me over here cackling like a gottdamn fool.
  7. Why not? An apology shouldn't be about whether or not you THINK you were wrong. If that's the criteria, people usually think they're in the right. Or at least they don't think they're wrong. It's about the other person, and she's just too selfish to go there. I still haven't forgotten the tiny petty victory pedestal she occupied by "allowing" Kenya to apologize for any part she had in their altercation, while she couldn't be arsed to do the same. What a bitch Porsha is. And while I'm here recalling her bitchitude, everything else almost made me forget her shady TH towards Kandi "Porsha is a REAL friend. She's the kind of friend that ANYBODY would want to have in their corner." STFU. If she was good and perfect like that, there wouldn't be mutual issues between her and Kandi, so butt the hell out. We're not seriously going with another conspiracy theory to absolve Porsha of her responsibility for getting physical again, are we? Because as ridiculous as these people can be, that's just beyond. Why can't it be what it is: a situation that could have been quickly squashed was instead escalated because, Porsha. And the continuation was on Porsha - so WHAT if Kenya and Sheree thought she should go over to her? Porsha does only what she feels like doing, and could just as easily have said "no, she's went to the other side and I'm giving her some space, We can talk later." She's responsible for her own self, not Kenya or Sheree or anyone else. Porsha still has not learned how to walk away from situations before they go all the way sideways and that's on her. And if she did get kicked in the stomach, it's because we see her straddling Cynthia at the end - I'd kick whoever was sitting on me in the stomach too, as leverage to get them the hell off of me.
  8. See Porsha? This is how it's done. Not "I wasn't TRYING to insult anyone so I really have nothing to apologize for." All that happened after the point where the apology should/could have been inserted.
  9. Bwahahaha!! You totally nailed Kenya (for this character she's playing.) I'm in the "Porsha was being shady" camp. Yes, they had been tossing the "bitches" all day, but there was some stank edge on that last "bitch," and it came on the heels of some "Yeah, go get your best friend" shade. It was clear Cynthia was getting tight because she basically said "I'm going but there's plenty of (fake) best friends here, not just me" while heading off to chill Kenya out. Porsha's last "Who, bitch?" was not the juvial (hey, 'Pollo!) usage and I see why Cynthia said that. LONG before it got to the point where she even walked away, she TOLD Porsha she didn't like what she said, and told her she hadn't disrespected her and called her out of her name. So it was very clear they were on different pages. Even though I DO think Porsha was being dismissive and sharp with her bitch, I also don't think she was looking for a fight with Cynthia. She was just running her mouth as always. And I also think Cynthia took it in a way Porsha didn't necessarily mean. Still, when someone tells you they don't like what you said, for whatever reason, and you're in a "friend" zone the response is not "what's wrong with you/I didn't say anything wrong/are you serious" it's simply "I'm sorry, I was just playing. I didn't mean to sound like I was serious." Boom. Done, finished. No following someone to explain why you DON'T owe them an apology, no fight, no being held down by security. Porsha has a serious problem with saying "I'm sorry." She just can't seem to do it, like it's taking something away from her to say those words. Seriously. Both scenes had me talking back to the TV, reminding Phaedra that she bought new tits PRECISELY so she could air them out. And I also said "Kimmy" was doing a little too much with trying to make that tear happen. I also yelled at Kimmy to be careful about being so quick to call Phaedra a friend she could go out with - that she'd find herself somewhere with a man named ReDickulous stirring her drink without a swizzel stick. All this. Really. At least Claudia waited a few episodes and until she had some actual beef to go for Nene's edges. Shamea is just trying to do the most from the first "...and, action!" I would have been Kim, book in my purse and ready to enjoy a sunny boat day. Until I realized I was on a show where gathering = fight. More yelling at the TV "Todd supported your failure of a dream, a play based on your terrible relationship with your mother - and you're supporting his soon-to-be failure of a restaurant. That's not being a good spouse, that's being co-dependently stupid!!" Don was a friend first, like most of Kandi's employees. So everybody feels they can say whatever because that's the business she runs. ... and agreed. There's just so many times one can try to explain away Porsha being justified in putting her hands on someone who hasn't hit her, because, because, because. Girl is in her mid-30s, that's just trifling. She needs to get that shit together. I have no doubt Aedan getting a lot of attention because of this show and is getting quite spoiled by it. It's not his fault, but his mother needs to check that before he becomes Kylie Jenner.
  10. New York Cynthia picking up her fashionista lifestyle on RHONY would be awesome for me, but not so sure who she would hang out with. A natural would have been Carole, Kristin & Heather, but they ran Heather off (damn you, Andy *shakes fist in air*). I can't see her with Ramona, Dorinda or the Countess. And Bethenny? Not so much.
  11. I don't know if that's true ... we came on the scene after they had already been told, yet she was still hugging Maria until Maria was like, enough already! And she told her not to walk up and down the stairs so much anymore, and not to carry anything heavy on the steps. And said if she carried anything heavy she'd have a problem with her, in a joking, loving way. It's kind of impossible to really know what's up since so many situations are producer-driven scenes, so I have to watch for the stuff they don't manipulate. One thing that was telling to me about their (real) relationship was when they were at the Jersey Shore and Nina was in the kitchen saying they needed to find a girl for Peter like Maria. And Maria - quite sassily - says "there's nobody like me." And Nina laughs and agrees, and you can see she gets a kick out of that. I thought it sounded like something I would (and have) said to my own MIL.
  12. I agree with this (the bolded part. I can't bring myself to think of Peter as charming!). This, and the voice in the back of her head that everyone will be saying "we told you so." Thankfully she seems to have reached the point where it doesn't matter, as they're saying it already - so she may as well cut her losses and be happy. All we know about her and Leon is that they had very different styles, temperaments and goals in life and that's why they aren't together. That they managed to stay such good friends and co-parents speaks very well of both of them.
  13. Laughed so very hard seeing the big chunk of ass sweat on the new "friend of" when standing around the seated group. So thirsty she actually drank out of the product bottle. Girl, bye.
  14. I don't think that whole Nina/Maria scene was anything except an excuse so Maria could expository a "Nina is annoyed, this secret we're keeping is getting in the way" to the narrative. They're all terrible actors.
  15. Phaedra considers herself a wordsmith. So I'm going to believe her, and believe she meant exactly what she said - not that she SHOULD CHANGE to be two shades darker, but that she was two shades darker than she needed to be. It struck the ear because it was such an off comment to make, like, really though? Marlo, Marlo. Telling the ladies they lost their etiquette. You are truly the personification of Kim aka Regine aka Regina's motto "I am everything I pretend to be." Girl, don't ever change. I see why Nene stayed stealing your style. Girl slays. Cynthia. Looking gorgeous again and taking no quarter from Peter's fake tears and accusations. No backing down and holding her ground. Welcome back, girl. And how is it it took me until tonight to realize Peter is a dick ... literally? Best part of tonight: "Daddy's here." Why yes. Yes you are. And what a delightful surprise that was, rousing me from a sick* bed to hit the rewind a couple of times for it. Special mention to the tutor. ROWR. I'll cougar up for that. Oh yes. #devar *hungover
  16. Fly. Definitely fly. I feel certain I actually heard the word "pussy." Along with jizz. I like them all (even the Persian sisters are growing on me since they've settled more into their own personalities and stopped being "on."). You'd think I'd be down with Princella, for many reasons, and yet I think I'd have to go with Egbar mom. We're probably close in age, I'm always explaining pop culture to my husband, I like to lay in bed and I have a gay son. So yeah. I think she said she WOULDN'T. Because Kenya was like, oh really? And giving her shifty "you know you lyin'" eyes. NOOOOOOOO!!!! It can't be over already! What the eff with this eight episode crap?? I could easily watch double! Bravo, get on that! I don't need fifty million episodes of Million Dollar Real Estate, I need more Couches in my life.
  17. Khloe's ass looks ridiculous. Are they still perpetuating the bullshit that they don't do anything? Or just continuing to claim no implants? Because that's ... well, ridiculous. Nobody loses weight everywhere but their ass. I've gained and lost more times than I care to count, and yes, each and every time I lost much ass. It's how you fit a smaller size jean. You don't go from size 14/16 with a shelf ass, to size 6 and retain that same shelf ass in the same configuration when it's real. Also the skinnier her legs, the more she looks like she's carrying a huge dumpy diaper in her pants. I noticed there were a ton of quick cut shots every time they showed her ass through the whole episode. Funny they're not even pretending anymore. "Take my picture here." "Now here." "Selfie opportunity!" "Okay, now makeup" A show about nothing is now really a show to show the nothingness that makes up the show. Oy, my head.
  18. If you are, then I am too, because I totally cosign ALL this. The only thing I hate more on these reality shows than the "she's a bully" (it's never a guy) is the "you're/they're (a) mean girl(s)." I can't even take grown ass people seriously crying about some shit like that. Someone wasn't as nice to you as you wanted? They didn't kiss your ass and maybe spoke harshly? Boo-fucking-hoo! Where do these special snowflakes come from anyway? I was surprised to hear Laurie promote that BS, 'cause I promise you in my entire black life nobody I know has even been all "you're such a mean girl" behind some nothing-ass shade! Ashley in particular. It was so clear after seeing how babied and doted on she was by her family that she is one entitled little bitch. Yeah, I said that because I think she acted as badly as anyone else, except she thought she was totally justified in her victim status. Like, someone had to be picked last, but not her? GTFOH. And she doesn't even see where there's anything wrong with that. I agree Heidi made it okay for her to wallow in the pool of victim-ness. Coming off two wins or not, if the others weren't seeing the "talent" the judges were, maybe they didn't want to work with her aesthetic. Or, maybe all the crying and whiny petulant bullshit made them not want to work with her. I'm cool and friendly with plenty of people I would NOT choose to have on my projects. She certainly didn't prove anyone wrong by going in all pissy about someone else not being picked last. I don't hold Laurie's word any higher than any of the other women on the team. Everyone sees things as they want to. By her own admission she made assumptions then carried the tale. Lord knows it's not like people can't accuse you of something that isn't even true, but if you defend yourself you're in denial. Good for Kelly for not laying down for her bullshit. And STFU Blake, who are YOU to call anyone out after what you said to Swapnil?? Aside from the fact that I didn't think anything she made was worthy of the win, I hate that she won because it made her even more convinced of her special snowflake status. And leads to my third most hated reality show canon: "they're just jelus haterz"
  19. Huh. Vicki "misspeaks" which causes the confusion. Flashback Vicki: I haven't gone to any drs. appointments, just one chemo appt. Interview Brooks: Yes, Vicki has come to around 15% of my dr. appts. Past Blog Vicki: These women hounded Brooks for an hour/hours at what was supposed to be a celebration; they invited him under the pretense of celebrating with cake but it was just to grill him. Interview Brooks: Understand this, Andy - I have spent a grand total of 10 minutes with these women talking about my health. Everything they got came from Vicki. Andy: You mean at Cut Fitness? Brooks: Yes. Fast talking, half-answers, jumbling situations. Yep. Clarissa explained it all, all right. I never watch these episodes after watching them once - but this season I'm for sure going to watch the repeats, to see just how many times Vicki "misspoke" and "confused the women" with Brooks sitting right there never once correcting the mistaken info. Only new thing I learned is that Brooks "had to" give an interview to Radar Online about his "very private" cancer that he didn't want to even be part of the "storyline" before the season even started, a month after their story about him and the prostitutes. Mmmkay. Alrighty then.
  20. 24. Cancer. We had 4 months from diagnosis to deceased. And I was too busy becoming the guardian to two teenagers and a seven year old while raising my own family (three kids under the age of 6) to be so damned dramatic. (Now, the person who really SHOULD have been crying and rolling on the floor was my husband! He sure wasn't ready for dealing with teenagers overnight.)
  21. If that's all they've got ... that's she's not married (to a cheater, convict, "queen", or ancient bag carrier) and didn't birth or raise a repeat offender ... waaaallll.... Not having what they have clearly isn't the insult they'd intend it to be.
  22. Yes! The whole night I while I was taking notes I was like, damn, Emerson is on fire tonight! He's getting ALL the quotes.
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