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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. He ‘lied his a– off': Carrier union leader on Trump’s big deal
  2. I and a few others here have alluded to this idea that the mere existence of the Obama White House contributed to racial anxiety (IMO, the true anxiety this past election, forget about claims of economic anxiety...). Cornell Belcher: The Real Racial Crisis Is Aversion
  3. Love this. The Weather Channel calling out Pepe... https://twitter.com/weatherchannel/status/806221200229703680
  4. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/806189297699328000
  5. The GOP doesn't waste time when it comes to voter suppression at least: Trump’s Lies About Voter Fraud Are Already Leading to New GOP Voter Suppression Efforts
  6. In New York, Heroes in Hijabs Face Trump-Loving Haters
  7. Consider calling this number if you have the time:
  8. Dems lack the balls to do something like this, but it's still fun to think about. https://twitter.com/YeaYouRite/status/805921366763597824 Senate Democrats Have One Shot At Saving SCOTUS - Will They?
  9. @ the poster who was asking for advice WRT engaging Trump supporters: This is exactly my POV. Don't waste your time on the willfully ignorant.
  10. 56%? Seriously, I'm surprised it's this low, based on the geniuses I've encountered IRL.... Americans Dislike How The Media Treats Trump — And How He Treats The Media
  11. https://twitter.com/LisaBloom/status/805795864681791489
  12. FFS I wish there was a way to get Paul Ryan the fuck out of office. He's a fucking disgrace. He'll never be voted out.
  13. Not sure where else to put this as I don't consider Wikileaks to be part of the media... Suspected Russian interference in elections around the world is spreading
  14. Trying to sincerely engage a Trump supporter has been an utter waste of time every time I've tried. I have since given up. I can only hear "STFU, quit whining. We won. #MAGA. Locker her up!!" so many times as a rebuttal. I also just can't get beyond this: Whatever you decide to do, just think of your sanity. "Winning " a debate shouldn't even be on the menu, as far as I'm concerned. There's no winning in the face of everything we've seen & heard. Good luck.
  15. I wish nothing but the worst for all Trump enablers.
  16. hahahahahaha, Keith slays me. Also: <gag> Uday trying to pontificate about helping starving children...yeah right, dude. You are totally like the super rich douchebags my girlfriend knows so well (she comes from a very wealthy family). The only poor kids you have ever encountered IRL don't even get a second thought from you, I'm sure. I assume you've given as much to children's causes as the Trump Foundation has.... https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/805535019926224896
  17. ^^ Seriously, that made me cough-up the beer I was drinking, hahahahaha. Unfortunately, it's also very accurate, methinks. The amount of graft we're about to witness will be beyond belief. They aren't even really trying to hide the fact that it's underway.
  18. Yeah, the Koch brothers view America as a giant company town for Koch Industries, nothing more. They're the head of the oligarchs....the Mercers have joined them, since they backed the right horse, Trump....albeit a little belatedly, which is more than the Kochs did, but the latter are benefitting anyway w/ appointment of their guys, Pompeo for CIA & Kobach as the architect of the "let's get rid of the brown folks" portion of the Trump menu. A comfortably numb electorate drunk on the happiness of being "great again" in a Christian utopia where everyone is equal in their barely above poverty life (other than the select few, of course), is achievable with a country full of scared people, hammered for years to believe that learning new things is un-American. Ho hum...as long as there are fewer brown people, gays & heathen non-Christians around, no level of poverty is too onerous, I guess.
  19. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/805520761565966338 ^^^ YEP... It's important to note "Trump supporter/fan" is NOT necessarily the same as "conservative." I have many conservatives in my life who abhor Trump. I respect their thoughts and actually feel for them as they legitimately feel (have felt for quite a while since the advent of the Tea Party nutjobs) that they are without a Party. Many have become registered Independents over the last 10 years or so.
  20. Welp, Munchkin is the economic Grim Reaper, I guess. Good thing for him that he didn't give a paid speech at Goldman Sachs....he only worked there.
  21. Sad but true Keith, sad but true... https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/805479891282042884
  22. Can't say I've ever cared about an election in Austria, but hell, given the momentum of the extreme right-wing lately, I'm happy to see this. https://twitter.com/AP/status/805455581159030785
  23. https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/805284113741729792
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