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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. LMFAO....Kurt is all over this, and won't let up: https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/807025797777199104
  2. Wow....I am seriously impressed by this guy in the Virginia Tech hat who is interviewed ****NSFW due to some f-bombs****
  3. https://twitter.com/christinawilkie/status/806978875561562112
  4. https://twitter.com/goldengateblond/status/806760070667116546
  5. In Andy Puzder, Donald Trump Makes the Worst Possible Pick for Secretary of Labor Hmmmm, yet another move by Trump that flies in the face of his supporters claiming "economic anxiety."
  6. Journalists and Trump Voters Live in Separate Online Bubbles
  7. IME (I work w/ union reps occasionally for my job), the rank & file especially are like the rest of the GOP base: they've been bludgeoned for decades w/ faux "conservative" propaganda. It's all about "God & the flag." Their belief systems are so fucked up, they can't recognize that it's o.k. to have self-interest in wanting living wages, healthcare, etc. Seriously, I'm not just saying this to be a partisan asshole. They'd rather have gun rights than healthcare (the former that is NOT EVEN GOING TO BE TAKEN AWAY NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE GOP LIES ABOUT OBAMA COMING TO GET THEIR DAMN GUNS!!!).
  8. PEOTUS' favorite media outlet has put out a list: https://twitter.com/Kantrowitz/status/806674770859167744
  9. https://twitter.com/maliagriggs/status/806951617559830528
  10. ^^^ I'm far from an apologist for the Democratic Party, so keep that in mind.... I know I read/heard somewhere that Campbell's people did not want explicit, outside support. Supposedly, the thought was, peeps in LA are already anti-Dem, and the "stench" of "Outside" influence would hurt him more than it would help. They basically only wanted $$$ and maybe some logistical support.
  11. To this POS, any non-white is an "awfully bad person." I know it sounds quaint of me to say, but I never anticipated an openly racist Congressman from Iowa. A friend of mine in Iowa City who is in med school there, says King might run for Governor w/ Branstad leaving to become ambassador to China... Rep. Steve King: ‘Some Awfully Bad People’ Among DREAMers
  12. There's more than just discussion about appointments, but figured this fits most neatly here. A former Tea Party congressman is already ticked off at Trump: “I’m disappointed”
  13. ^^ Agree completely with @random chance 's take. Based on Trump voters I've encountered, more racial hate/misogyny would've only served to arouse them more in their support. Those things were not a net-negative for Trump, and we need to stop trying to view his campaign rhetoric through a normal lens. Burnett can still go fuck himself, because he's just being opportunistic like so many others. I can't stand his versions of reality tv, so no loss for me. I wasn't watching anyway.
  14. Da fuq???? A former Reagan speechwriter claims Putin is the equivalent of Gorbachev?!?! Bianna Golodryga Twitter Feed Rep. Dana Rohrabacher on being Trump's potential pick for secretary of state
  15. Why conservatives might be more likely to fall for fake news
  16. Trump addresses racial hate speech/violence only w/ sterile, perfunctory statements. He waits days to say anything about the Ohio State incident. But if someone (correctly) criticizes him? He immediately unleashes Twitter. Fucking buffoon.
  17. SMH. The Bully In Chief is such a moron. So many things I want to say. https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/806701537141682176 Donald Trump just insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring.
  18. I still think "economic anxiety" is bullshit code for other things, but....hey, Rust Belt: SHOCKER!!! The GOP doesn't care about your economic anxiety. They only want to foster more faux conservative beliefs in less government (which inevitably equates to UNequal justice; worse education for all but the wealthy, leading to a dumber & dumber electorate)... Stuff like this is only the beginning; have fun choking on the lies that you lapped up. Fight over 'Buy America' provision erupts in Congress Oh, and I know Trump supporters will just plug their ears & feign ignorance, but remember that PEOTUS himself loves using Chinese steeel in his building projects.
  19. If I believed in hell, Ryan, I'd tell you to burn in it. I despise Trump, but I hate enablers like you with a passion. Paul Ryan’s Dangerous Silence on Donald Trump Go fuck yourself Ryan; I hope you and your crew of spineless, sniveling weasels, someday soon, feel the retribution for what you're doing today.
  20. https://twitter.com/Anthony/status/806301957191245824
  21. I was born in '86, so obviously have zero personal recollection of this....I was struck by this when it popped up in my Twitter feed. Tell me again why Republicans act like Obama is some sort of extreme, tax-crazy socialist? <---rhetorical question (I hope this is obvious) https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/806300155402211328
  22. https://twitter.com/HirokoTabuchi/status/806258357086650369
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