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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. ^^ Anyone who has any recollection of what I've posted here knows I was being sarcastic.
  2. Again from overseas. Again, very sobering. I know, I know: but that can't happen here!!!
  3. ^^^ Well, I think we know from where (whence??) a fair part of anti-Obama sentiment stems, and it has zero to do with ideology. Yeah, yeah Trump supporters: there are legit policy-based reasons to disagree w/ Obama; hell, I disagreed with him quite often. However, the hate & vitriol directed at him, the pure obstructionism...well having seen the things I've seen, I know what is causing that. Funny thing is, Obama is a moderate. I know plenty of liberals who respect him for what he represents, but despair in the fact that he isn't liberal.
  4. 23 page Google Doc.... Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda
  5. My girlfriend has distilled this down to hashtags (hey, we're millennials...what can I say?) she's been using on social media the past couple weeks: #HesWithRUS & #TrumPutin
  6. What's next??? I dunno...try to hammer some basic facts into the heads of Republicans? Nahh, waste of fucking time, and the next 4 years is going to make it worse w/ Trump/Bannon/Kushner running their reality distortion field media: A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote
  7. So....is anyone else as worried as I am at the utter lack of Steve Bannon in the news? I mean, it worries me because it makes me think he's extremely busy communing with the craziest right wing elements (e.g. Alex Jones & Richard Spencer-types) devising plans. We see Priebus, the so-called "co-equal" of Bannon...but never Bannon himself since he was officially installed as senior advisor.
  8. Also, his meatball spokesman, Jason (??) Miller tweeted last night (I posted it here somewhere) that Trump had "done it again" or something, implying Trump had negotiated the return of the drone. Yeah....suuuure. Then Trump tweets that China can keep it. What a fucking clown car. The "best people" huh, Donald?
  9. ^^^ They're all a bunch of pathetic bedwetters w/ obvious fears of sexual inadequacy. I've had IRL encounters w/ some of them. IME, they talk tough when all grouped together &/or when they think they have someone cowed. I have made it clear every occasion I'm no "soft libtard"; I make it clear I believe in my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I'm also not a small guy, so physical intimidation doesn't work either.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, the President-Elect of the United States:
  11. Oh STFU Gates. You're one of the paid hacks working for Exxon who pushed Putin-loving Tillerson as SoS.
  12. What is happening in NC is exactly what I envision happening (:fingerscrossed:***) 4 years from now--Dem wins Presidency, but GOP still controls House & Senate. The GOP is treating this as a test case, for sure. I'm so glad I opted to register as an Independent when I turned 18. I sure as hell wouldn't want the stench of the GOP on me. I am (now) mostly moderate in my views, but just couldn't stomach either party at the time. It's weird...I was (much) more conservative when I was younger (turned 30 recently); it's supposed to work the opposite way, hahahaha. I like to think it's because I have an innate sense of fairness & empathy that just needed to develop. ***Obviously, I'm not hoping for a repeat at the Federal level...I meant I hope we get rid of Trump/Pence in 2020
  13. The Wayback Machine can be an awesome tool. As they say, once it's on the internet, it's forever....at least until TrumPutin & his ilk figure out a way to co-opt it.
  14. How many people here would be offended if I used the term "radical Christianity"? That's Pence, Santorum, etc. Or as Will McAvoy called them: the American Taliban.
  15. Yea, yeah Trump supporters, I know the script, "who gives AF about what foreigners think." Anyway, I found this to be very sobering:
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