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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I have the whole season saved on the DVR, so I'm going to watch it again at some point.
  2. Mum couldn't believe that Winona chose that other man over Raylan. I had no idea that it was Jason Gedrick. Dad couldn't believe they killed Sam Elliott. I'm glad they all got out alive. Even Wynn. (and I loved the description on his dog grooming trailer - LOL!) I was hoping there wouldn't be a huge number of bodies, on what I've seen as a show that balances the lightheartedness and the darkness really well. Loved Boyd, preaching. I wish they'd gone down the road of he and Ava living a normal life, but that went out the window as soon as she was arrested. And I wonder if he would have been bored by a new, stable life.
  3. I love Foggy. I smiled when Karen agreed that it was a date, and sort of let out a "squee" - I don't do that often. Then for her to ask about Matt, wanting to know how Matt sees her... damn. Killing criminals to impress a date. I like how both the good guy and the bad guy seem to have similar motivations, at least on the surface. Both lost their dads young, both want to clean up "their" city. I didn't like that Claire was suddenly talking about falling in love with Matt, like it was a bad thing, after she'd told him before that he was helping people, and doing a good thing.
  4. I wasn't familiar with him before. I recall seeing a picture of him with Janet Montgomery (a gorgeous actress), and thinking he was okay, but not my type. But I agree with you here - it had a similar effect on me. I have the English accent myself, so accent-wise, they don't do much for me, until they speak in an American accent. I had the same thing happen with what's his name who plays Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead.
  5. Alrighty then. He's just proven that his date had reason to be scared of him, even though he probably would not hurt her.
  6. I loved the filing cabinet flying out to hit that guy in the hallway, just before Matt walked out. How he anticipated their next moves, but yes: he was also tired and in pain, and not wanting to scare the boy any more than he already was.
  7. I'm going to have to watch this again, on the large television, rather than my kindle. I'm not a huge fan of comic books, and have never seen Daredevil before, nor did I watch The Avengers. I really liked this, though. I wish that I'd known that it premiered yesterday - I would have watched it in the afternoon, when I was more awake.
  8. I liked the episode. Am I going to be ducking virtual tomatoes now? I liked that moment with April and her mother-in-law, liked Stephanie and the laugh she had with Jo. I liked Maggie, and Alex being nice to her (although he's now happy, shiny Meredith, from several years back - doing fine personally and professionally, so he's now a prop for the others). I liked Amelia telling Owen that he shouldn't have backed her up. What I don't like is the idea of them dragging Meredith down again, if Patrick still needs time off. Just let them be happy, for goodness sake!!! I didn't watch the pilot episode, because I wasn't in the mood to be reminded of how old I am. I have a big birthday coming up next week, and someone mentioned them looking like babies. I looked like a baby when the show premiered.
  9. I think so. I've put it on again tonight, and he's pointedly watching what's his name - Ben.
  10. Did Zinaida plant something in the bathroom? Was that Stan's doing, or is she really a spy? I watched it last week, but it was overshadowed by the big reveal with Paige.
  11. "Do you want to know what I would do, if it were my son?" "NO!!!" Heh. I've stopped expecting anything good from this show. I thought the fling looked nervous. I thought her father just showed up, unexpectedly.
  12. I'm watching it again. Boon reminds me of Joel Osteen with a gun.
  13. I want Raylan to be with his daughter. I haven't liked Boyd, this season, and don't see how he'd end up alive when the credits roll. Although he's made it this far.
  14. As soon as I saw Bob, I was afraid that Boyd would kill him. I loved his warning Ava off trying to seduce him, and then trying to offer some small amount of comfort with the mocha latte air freshener. I really hope that he doesn't die. "How am I supposed to take that?" "As me, aiming to kill you." I can't believe next week is the last episode. :( It'll air on my birthday, so I'll probably watch it on Wednesday morning.
  15. That's what I thought, as well.
  16. Anela

    S05.E16: Conquer

    Norman Reedus said that it was really cold, when they were filming. There have been comments on her more revealing tops in the past, so maybe they tried to tone it down a bit.
  17. I loved the part with Raylan and the dirty cop. I'm really going to miss this show.
  18. I cried when Mikey was dying, and still fighting Katherine - and then with Wynn trying to help him, and holding him. Damn.
  19. For some reason, I thought they said they would have four guests this week. Did I get that wrong?
  20. I'm English, and prefer their American accents. :) It is odd, hearing him speak with his own accent, but I end up feeling a bit homesick. I wish they'd had Andrew Lincoln there, as well.
  21. I wasn't expecting him to die, though. We've seen him fight off a walker when he was tied to a chair.
  22. Anela

    S05.E16: Conquer

    Oh, and I loved it when Morgan handed the map to Daryl! Did Rick mention Morgan to the others? He must have, right? Michonne and Carl were with him.
  23. Anela

    S05.E16: Conquer

    I didn't think about the kids. I assumed they were safe. Hopefully Pete was just set on Rick, and didn't know they were up there. I wondered about that, as well. Sending him into a rage just before the meeting. I was sad to see Reg die, but he was peaceful and a lot nicer than his wife (in recent episodes), so of course he had to go. I don't like that rule, but I'm glad that none of our main characters died. Loved the "whoops" moment with Rosita, Eugene and Abraham. I laughed when the zombies all turned towards the music. I was slightly underwhelmed, because I'd read things that were apparently from the actors, that sounded bad. I also saw a comment on facebook, someone saying, "I don.t want Daryl to die!" and I assumed that they were talking about a cliffhanger - very glad to be wrong.
  24. So, were the actors just winding people up, with their comments? "People are going to be pissed," and that it was chilling.
  25. Haha!! I don't always know what's going on, so I just gave up for a while. I just meant talk in general, but I'm laughing here, because I can relate. "47 people correct you." Yeah, I've dealt with that elsewhere. I'm going to see if I can get HBO for a few months. I've wanted to. I'm glad that the thread doesn't have to stop, until the show is back on. I sometimes lose track of the conversation, but I feel like this is my "home" on Previously.tv, because I spend the most time here.
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