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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I made the mistake of watching the recording, the next day, and regretted it. Three months to the date, of losing my mother (which I still haven't really got used to) - I didn't need to see (or hear) that. As well as dealing with fictional grief of those living, when I had my own grieving to do. also: I know it's a violent show, but I'm really put off by the fact that over 17 million viewers tuned in to see two men get their brains bashed in, and then there was a huge drop off in the ratings. That's just gross to me. If the baby dies, that will be it for me. I almost quit when Herschel was killed, and the baby was missing.
  2. Damn. I remember having this playing in the background, but I'm just watching it properly now. I wouldn't use a hashtag like that, at all. Especially not on stupid kids, doing stupid things.
  3. My DVR didn't record this for some reason. It also wasn't scheduled to record next week. I'll have to check it out online, or on-demand. I'm sick of my cable messing up like this (or freezing up completely).
  4. You don't think Judith will have her, "dude, I'm outta here" moments? :) my sister was worse than Carl, at times. Girls sneak off, too.
  5. I get irritated watching again, for that reason: we always end up back at Rory being perfect. So many seasons of "That's not Rory." It bugs me when she's been arrested, and Lorelai goes on about how much she loves to vote, so much that she did something to retain a sticker? Come on. I don't hate her, it just bugs me. I remember having all kinds of expectations dumped on me, even though I didn't go to college, and wasn't rich. People tend to do that to the next generation, if they aren't too busy hating them for some reason. I have also been in the "perfect" bubble, just because I was quiet and extremely polite. Guess who isn't that way anymore? Why? Because I was trashed after standing up for myself, for one thing. That bubble kept me from getting out and living, in ways. so at least character Rory didn't get stuck there.
  6. I remember that one ending of an episode, where michonne tracks them down at a house. Rick looks through the peephole, laughs, and says to Carl, "it's for you". I loved that. :)
  7. I suppose I can't blame the kid for wanting to get off the show, considering how bad it is now - if it's true that he's going. He's made a lot of money, a nice cushion, and he's only eighteen. That must be a really nice feeling.
  8. As long as he doesn't start miming everything... Although that would be easier to ignore. His muting himself.
  9. Me, too. Although I might not even read that - I've just skimmed, and saw that Michonne was apparently an idiot this week, Rosita is suddenly a pacifist after being the bright spot last week. Rick spends the hour with the garbage people. I don't think these people were in the comics, from what I checked a couple of years ago. I was more interested in the community of girls and women, but Rick stole their guns, so they're probably dead now. Unless I'm forgetting something, the way Maggie forgot about Beth. Maggie has been pregnant for 2-1/2 years now. Ugh, I put this down, and forgot to post.
  10. I was waiting for Rick and michonne to hook up. Here, I'm worried that the writers might fling things that way, if michonne (Danai) is working more on other things, and isn't around. I thnk Rick is a moron for going back to her again, when she stabbed him in the back before. He's telling Carl to be careful, but then happily walking into her place, where he's faced no end of trouble, to try again. If she loses most of her people to a Negan pout, then will she end up back at Alexandria?
  11. Can't even make a phone call. :) I've had a huge wallow day. The people here make me smile. Yeah, sorry, I was more on movies there. But the OP talking about the whole ring thing, probably has happened in a TV show. Something quirky, or life-threatening, because it's TV.
  12. Or he'd be racing to the airport, to do the same thing, just as she's about to get onto a plane, and leave the State or the country. Other people would be involved in tracking her down, or getting her attention, and then they would clap as she says "yes". New life forgotten, now that she's got that ring.
  13. I wondered that, too. I didn't really want this episode to end. I'm depressed, it's a rainy afternoon, and the tone of it was just perfect. Who was he talking to in the theatre? Was it another personality, or did he think it was his dad? I was making tea, and heard someone else, too, but I didn't see which side he was on. I thought the kid was him, not trenton's brother. I really can't see his parents leaving him like that. I liked the part with Angela. I like that they have each other, and that they didn't just get up and get on with things. They're depressed, messed up, but that was sweet. So, did white rose get Elliot with that time travel/alternate universe thing, too? "Deletion isn't permanent." And those bags dropped off outside. Did he just order more parts? That was weird.
  14. Yep, heavy expectation from both of them. Emily probably would have been happy if she'd just married Logan. I wonder what they did expect of her - was she supposed to become president, at some point? Win a Nobel prize?
  15. I think I recognize him from that Sundance show... Rectify.
  16. I do like the points made about us rarely seeing anything in Jess' life, so we can't really judge how great of a person he is. I don't think that he's too good for her. One thing I liked about the revival, was that they showed that life can be disappointing, no matter how much promise or privilege you have (although that trust fund would solve a number of my problems). Her life wasn't perfect, and I don't mind messy, down-on-her-luck Rory - except for the cheating with Logan. I still think it was a huge step backwards, more so than the long-distance relationship that he didn't want to go back to, at the end of season 7. So much for his growing up. She had all kinds of expectations put on her - I don't remember Lorelai telling her that she could be a teacher, and be happy. Or her grandparents. Although Emily might have gone along with her being an event planner - I remember her taking offense when Richard suddenly got upset over Rory still not being back in school, and Emily said, "You don't want her to be ME."
  17. She helped him when his uncle died, he didn't seem to be bothered then. I don't think she was on the payroll.
  18. Twice, when Lorelai was behind the counter at Luke's, or in the store room, he talked about insurance, and how she shouldn't be there. He never seemed to have that problem with Rachel. She took over for him, and told him to sleep in, when she first got back.
  19. It is, although I love Netflix. I like the idea of tuning into something like that, with a lot of people (on this forum). :) I remember the marathons of My So-Called Life, on MTV, on thanksgiving or Christmas. Going back to the "Never what you THINK it's going to be!" I like her, "Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder?" And having put a post-it on something, so keep it nice. Also, Emily trying to take care of her, when her back was out (the night of the dance). Until they argued. It makes me miss my mum.
  20. I can't imagine them getting through the series, only to have her become pregnant - the one thing she wasn't supposed to do. The original series, I mean, obviously.
  21. I have no interest in watching it, either. I'm barely watching the main show, right now. The other one lost me quickly.
  22. Yeah. I hope he doesn't want to "release the souls" of everyone in Alexandria. I didn't think about it until someone mentioned it here, but he is doubly stupid. He tells Carl not to trust anyone, and then goes back to JADIS, and once again expects an alliance? Naive as hell Me, too. How in the hell is that Rick getting bullied by Negan? But the one guy's throat, gutted another, and then dealt with the people of terminus (with carol's help).
  23. So would I. Now Rosita needs to take that rocket launcher, and aim it at the guy who really talks too much. That scene was the only part I really liked. Condescending Murderous Guy underestimates pretty young woman, and gets blown away. At first, I thought they were around the garbage people, and was surprised to hear them talking in complete sentences. I missed what happened to Carl, because my dad stood in front of the TV. I hope he wasn't bitten, and that nothing happens to him. I don't want to see anything happen to the other kid, but we don't need a replacement Carl. Why can't they just stay where it's safe? I feel bad for Ezekiel. Not only did he lose his tiger, he lost many members of his "kingdom", because the creator of this comic sucks, and has to see the saviours stick around. He's feeling guilty and ashamed, and mourning the loss of his people. They've all lost someone, and they all grieved. They fought, but they weren't fine right away, if at all.
  24. I wondered if he'd take off to Mexico, or wherever they are, but I don't see the point of his leaving: it seems like he'd have to kill wherever he went, in this world.
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