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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. It's the same exact shit she tried to do when she and Corey divorced. I just watched some episodes from around that time and she just goes on and on about how wanting the truck destroyed their marriage and then when he gets the truck she mentions it again multiple times and Corey literally laughs at her for saying that is why the marriage failed. Maybe if she owned up to truth and reality she'd have less anxiety?! By the way, I went to the ER last night for an actual panic attack (I was recently diagnosed with a disease and it's been very hard because symptoms strike at any moment and are completely debilitating so I'm constantly paranoid I'm about to get extremely ill...) due to extreme anxiety I've developed in the last several months due to dealing with serious health issues. From my POV no one should feel bad joking about Leah's anxiety, it makes me laugh because she's so damn dramatic!! "Almost died" indeed. Real anxiety is no joke but it's hard to take seriously when she is using it as a crutch for everything (hey, I still went to work today!) and over dramatizing.
  2. This feels wrong to say, and I would most likely never doubt ANYONE else but I feel like most, if not all, of these DV issues with Jenelle are initiated by her or exaggerated by her. I feel like she is either the aggressor herself or an equal in the fighting. As far as I remember what you describe above is exactly what we saw her do to Keiffer, at least once. They were in her friend's car going somewhere and Keiffer was drinking which Jenelle didn't like and he refused to stop when she demanded it. They were in a parking lot and she started throwing things at him and attacking him. He kinda took her off of him and tossed her back into the car and shut the door to get her away from him. Then they show her going to press DV charges on him. I might be missing some things but I remember when I originally watched thinking that whole scene was all about Jenelle being the aggressor because he didn't do what she wanted. She's certainly no shrinking violet and while I think violence is never ok, just from what we've seen I can see how she pushes people to their breaking points. It seems she truly thinks she can do whatever the hell she wants and still be the victim, sadly it's been true more often then not in her case.
  3. Yup!!! Ridiculous. I wonder if he "has to" baby them or else MTV is afraid they won't be "open" and or do the reunion show. They were kinda begging Jenelle to come back and continue... I'm sure the contract states she has to come to the reunion but it probably can't enforce a length of time she had to stay or how much she interacts or "shares" with them. But I still give Dr Drool no credit even if it's not his choice to do it like this, he should stop famewhoring and decline doing the show. Least of all because it seems like he has never even really seen the show. He looks so foolish.As for Jenelle herself at the reunion...just when I thought I couldn't dislike her any more she takes me to new heights with my ill regard towards her.
  4. I think Kylie is going to end up with even more issues than the rest. Her future scares me. I think she's straight up doomed.
  5. I bet 'RoidJesus has wayyyy better legs than Nathan..
  6. We all don't know nothin'!!When Miranda was talking about Leah in this latest episode she said "a cheetah never changes its spots," which for a sec I thought was off because I'd always heard people use leopard not cheetah for that phrase. Then I thought maybe it was a clever dig at the fact that Leah is a serial cheater aka 'cheetah' and will never change her sloring ways. But maybe I'm giving too much credit. Either way, it fits.
  7. Yes, please, with a cherry on top!
  8. There's also the tip factor...which makes Leon a big idiot; did he think refusing to make them food, which seemed to be one of their only "demands," was going to inspire a good tip?
  9. I laughed so hard! Cheetos, you are an Internet forum treasure!
  10. People do this same thing to Kailyn ALL THE TIME.
  11. Jenelle is a real piece of shit. Entertainment value aside, get her the fuck off tv and MTV's payroll ASAP. She deserves nothing.
  12. I think Delta is stuck at age 15, just like Leah.
  13. Corey's dad has always had a bottom lip/mouth area that screamed "chewer of tobacky" to me. I just assume he is dignified enough to not be caught on camera with any in. This is part of the reason I could never find him attractive. I can't decide if I should just be happy Corey is smart enough to end with this show or kinda wishing MTV would do whatever would get them to appear, at least a bit. I would like to see how Gracie behaved after spending more time at Corey and Miranda's house regularly. And see their baby. But I understand why they want to be done.
  14. "Dylda relationship"...I died. I can't wait to do some "U4EA" with you all!
  15. It's insane how much Bello looks like Stacy Dash. He's like 5% manlier, otherwise they're twins to me and I never think people look alike.
  16. This. I know about the increased risk with an unrelated male but the phrasing was weird so I wasn't sure what was actually being said. Maybe it stands for the three "A" girlseseses? If so, dumb.
  17. One crucial fact that cannot be overlooked: what nice, normal man would ever be attracted to Jenelle?
  18. You mean his dinner, complete with a cake with a picture of him in his cap and gown, for preschool graduation? Because that wasn't his birthday and I thought it was pretty cute for preschool a graduation. I think Jo doesn't feel the need to get a job because he's still trying to have a 'music career' and rap. He should go to court and pay what they determine and if that means he has to go back to a "9-5 job" then that's what he has to do, as a father. It doesn't matter that it's not "fair" that Kail gets to live off MTV money. It doesn't matter if Kail and Javi don't "need" the money. It is Jo's obligation as a father. Most of us don't have the luxury of quitting our jobs to pursue our "dream" full time, let alone those with two kids. Strangers' babies have been more excited to see me than Kaiser was to see Jenelle. Jenelle was a different person with Barb this episode, I have noticed she generally is much nicer to Barb when she looses her loser of the month and "has no one" to turn to. Chelsea bugs the shit out of me. All her, and by extension, Aubree's, "forever" stuff scared me so it has to get to Cole if they keep it up! I understand Miranda's feelings but she should have waited outside or at least not 3 feet away, sitting that close would make it more awkward than if she'd just sat next to Corey at the table. Leah should've sucked it up and went in anyway. "Chasity" sounds like Delta, in dialect, grammar and stupidity.
  19. I can see CeCe being A now re-watching everything. I can accept all the bullshit they want me to about her intelligence, money making, etc but I will never understand why they had to involve the whole Charles DiLaurentis storyline. It is also impossible to feel sympathy for Charlotte after all that has occurred. I do like the little "crazy" yet "zany" moments she had in the 'big reveal' episode, like the comment about her calling in a bomb threat to school, etc. but I still hope she is not around in the time jump.
  20. -Still hoping Paige ain't exist when we return after the time leap. Sorry McCullerites! -I really, really want Alison back to her old near-sociopathic ways after the time jump. Like, I want this more than anything else. -I give no fucks about Charlotte after all she's done but I thought that was a popular opinion.
  21. -Paige really annoys me, I've never liked her. -Spencer is my least favorite liar, way too neurotic and I also dislike her and Toby together. -I don't know how unpopular this opinion is, but I could never stand Ezra or "Ezria" - it sound a bit like diarrhea for a reason. He's a child predator in my opinion. He should have been "A" because he's creepy. -I also don't know how unpopular this opinion is either but I feel like a fool for enjoying this show, thanks Netflix.
  22. I liked the episode a lot. I kind of hope they do it again some time and use a Shawn clip. I kept waiting for Maya to say something about Topanga's dress/whole look in either clip, but especially the blue dress, it looked like something Maya would wear herself. Crazy that the clips are from what? 1993, 1994?
  23. Yeah, I don't think that would be among the first thoughts of most 5 year olds upon hearing they were getting a sibling, other than maybe the Duggars.
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