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Everything posted by Awfarmington

  1. Very well said! Virtue signaling is at an all time high. But ironically, they’re not even virtuous. People like Kody and Robin (to keep this on topic) are selfish, and judgmental. They don’t care about those who have to do what’s best for them and their families needs. I will put what’s best for my children and immediate family before some immune compromised stranger who may have breathed the same air as me. Message to Kody- If you are terrified of risks in life, stay home, in your bubble, forever. The world is a better place without you.
  2. As a mom to teens I totally agree! It’s like the risk to the small fraction of the population who might die of Covid supersedes everything else. The mental health of those isolated, losing your small business, the economy, our freedom to choose, increased suicide, domestic violence, etc, etc. Kody lives in a bubble, and is completely selfish to the emotional well being of his bio kids. Good for Christine and Janelle to finally start standing up for their kids and realizing the importance of human connection! As with you, when I caught Covid, it wasn’t from my teens who’ve been living their life. It was from my fully vaxxed husband who uses hand sanitizer and masks religiously.
  3. Why is Robin acting like she has no idea how to behave as a monogamous wife. Is her ex husband now erased completely from her mind? This whole act of having to navigate a monogamous marriage is so phony. She was a monogamous wife in her first marriage and essentially has been with Kody. While I’m picking apart Robin- “Kody used to come over just once or twice a week”…hogwash. She is implying she is tired of him being there all the time and misses her alone time? Also hogwash. Robin needs Kody around to give the nanny instructions, while she is sleeping all day. Gabe isn’t holding back. It’s nice to see him stand up to Kody and his BS Covid double standards. I suspect he is fully aware his dad is at Robin’s full time because she is the only wife that matters.
  4. After I wrote that, I realized I should have clarified my thoughts on it. Christine’s love for Janelle’s (and Kody’s) kids is definitely more pure than Kody’s love for anyone other than himself. But I also think that Kody’s feelings for Robin’s children (bio or not) seem to be stronger than his love for any of his other children. Even the ones that don’t challenge him. I just find it ironic that a wife who is not bio mom has a stronger bond than the bio father, yet he’s so bonded with kids from Robin’s previous marriage. Basically, I wasn’t trying to give Kody credit for anything or suggest his feelings for any of the kids are comparable to Christine. But it did come off that way.
  5. She caved and has as much blame as Kody, IMO. Knowing Kody is an idiot who won’t put his kids first (unless they’re born to Robin), Janelle needed to be an advocate for Gabe.
  6. Christine loves Janelle’s kids like Kody loves Robin’s kids. It’s so messed up.
  7. Gabe it totally over Kody. I believe the other kids from Janelle are as well, but he is definitely the most vocal. He’s got more of a bond with Christine than his actual sperm donor, which I find sad yet endearing. I love how she loves her bonus kids so much.
  8. Maybe one of her kids will break free and write a Mommie Dearest book. Or better yet, start a weekly podcast, answering all our questions.
  9. There was another episode where one of Janelle’s boys sternly corrected Sol when he (Sol) tried to hit someone. It wasn’t well received but I took that as another sign that her boys, in particular, weren’t thrilled with Robin. Not to mention, the camping episode where Robin was making everyone wait on her while she applied her make up.
  10. I believe those two will continue to have a bond well after the show is done. Christine not only loves Janelle’s children, and help raised them, but it doesn’t appear they ever had a real competition for Kody’s affection (🤮) .There was an episode early on, where they showed Janelle affectionately holding Truly as a baby. I don’t recall the other wives giving Truly the time of day. Meri and Robin, IMO, have never been about the family.
  11. Yes! My weird feet and toes do best with supportive thongs (flips flops). I don’t love the aesthetics of crocs, as they’re not anything you can wear with a cute outfit. But I’m at the age where my feet are more important than fashion, and Crocs Kadee Flip Flops provide the most comfort. I have about 4 pair I alternate. Also, I throw them in the washing machine with warm water and they hold up great!
  12. You’re spot on and your grandchild is lucky to have supportive extended family ❤️. I have 5 children. We did a combination of public, homeschool, and private. In the end, private school was the best fit for our family dynamics. Each one has advantages and disadvantages, but in hindsight, we would have done private school for every child if we had a do over. That being said, I think there is a stigma attached to homeschooling. There are definitely lazy families who make the rest look bad. Example- We knew a family where there son could hardly read and write…he was in 3rd grade at that time and no known learning disabilities. Another example. I worked for a women who left her career to stay home and homeschool her 3 children. They were learning Latin before they were old enough to enter kindergarten. She also valued Bible class, teaching her children basic life skills that public schools lack. They traveled frequently, and had unschooling days in the form of field trips. They’re now all grown, functional, successful adults. In my experience, there are as many examples of successes and failures with traditionally schooled children.
  13. I hope you’re right…with a twist. Once Janelle comes out on top, she kicks Kody to the curb.
  14. I was just using that as an example of Kody being Kody. I’m sure you’re right about the timeline, it sounds like his Covid was more recent. My point is really just that if we know Kody, and I think we do, he’ll have no idea where he caught it but will pin in on someone in the family he’s unhappy with. What I’m most interested in, is how they handled it at the castle. Did Robin force him to bunk with Janelle in her camper for 10 days? Did he sleep in one of their 17 rented U-Hauls? Or did Robin stay at the Hyatt by herself and Kody stayed home to help the nanny care for the children?
  15. That especially true today. Since Covid, I’ve seen more virtual signaling, judgemental, divisive asses than ever before. There’s another saying I think is fitting. What's right isn't always popular, what's popular isn't always right.
  16. The problem is Kody lies. He’ll say he caught it from Christine when she didn’t social distance for those 1.5 seconds in the papers signing scene. The answer will be whatever fits his or Robin’s) narrative. When the truth is more likely the gym or mall.
  17. Make that two. There was a guy in FL who died in a motorcycle crash and marked as Covid death.
  18. Unfortunately, those figures are strongly suspected to be overinflated. There was dying from Covid vs dying with Covid, and being lumped together. Secondly, even if we can prove there were 800k deaths, all percentages I’ve read (they vary slightly by source and also age group) are 97%- 99% survival rate is pretty close to 100%. YMMV of course. Another factor we need to think about. What percent of people contracted Covid, had mild symptoms and recovered fine but never tested or reported they might of had Covid. None of those survivals would be counted since it wasn’t officially confirmed. So that 97-99 is probably even higher than we know.
  19. My husband who is fully vaxxed got covid and gave it to the rest of us in the house. He had the worst case. Even though I caught it, and the kids did, we had minor symptoms. I’m also O- blood type, he is not. There was a study I believe in 2020 where those with my blood type were more resistant. It wasn’t by a huge margin but I do wonder if that’s a factor. There are so many other variables of course, like weight, immune health, etc etc.
  20. Why are you amazed when people make choices for their own bodies that are different than yours? Especially when it comes to experimental treatment for a virus with a nearly 100% survival rate. Not to mention those who vaccinated are still catching and spreading the virus.
  21. But if he caught it from a family member who wasn’t taking precautions, wouldn’t that mean he wasn’t taking precautions as well? If he was following Robin’s his own rules of masking up, social distancing and wearing a hazmat suit, he would be safe. My bet is the nanny and her husband (who he hasn’t excommunicated) exposed him. Or maybe from one of his trips to Victoria’s Secret.
  22. I’m glad someone else noticed that. Robin says they’re Kody’s rules and Kody says they’re his doctors rules. First of all, no one in this family has insurance, so him actually having a doctor to give him a set of rules is suspect. That aside, I don’t think any family doctor would make out that list of OTT rules to hand out. It’s very obvious Robin made these rules up. Look at Kody as a person and his track record. He lets his toddler get so dehydrated she nearly dies. And most recently forced his kid in a giant pit. Is this the type of guy who is going to wipe down his mail with alcohol to keep his family safe? Those two are the biggest phonies and this whole Covid protocol has been a farce. It’s all an act so he can be with the only family he cares about. Robin is going to milk this as long as she can and Kody will follow without question.
  23. I have to wonder if Janelle has a grand plan of adding fish to the ‘pond’ since fishing seems to be her only hobby. I know it’s totally unrealistic since it doesn’t stay filled but maybe she thinks she can truck in water. With no fishing as an option, I just can’t figure out her obsession.
  24. Add me to the list of people who don’t get the appeal of the run off ‘pond’. We have a business behind our property that has a large run off pond that looks like a real pond. We get enough rain here that most of them stay filled, grow cattails and ducks and other wildlife use them. Still gross to think about all the run off water that helps to keep them full, and I’d never consider it anything other than utilitarian, but it’s much more attractive than the mud pit the Brown’s have.
  25. I didn’t see this mentioned yet, forgive me if it was. Meri’s talking head about the other family members using her section as a hallway stood out for a couple reasons. She strongly implied that since her bedroom was right there, she and Kody would be intimately involved (assuming it’s her night) and it’s awkward having the other wives strolling by. If she is at work while most of the cutting through is happening, it won’t affect her private time. And with a child, it’s typical to wait until they’re in bed sleeping before parents would go to bed. By that time, I really doubt anyone else would need to use part of the house to get to the other side. My feeling is she was just reminiscing her glory days when Kody had her in the rotation and/or felt the need to remind everyone (including Kody) that they used to have sex, which he had tried to forget. If she is home, and trying to relax, I do think it’s fair that she isn’t comfortable with the extra traffic, especially with that many kids. But, if she is gone and they would like to cut through (assuming they’re not stealing her bananas or breaking things), I believe this is standard selfish Meri for not allowing it. As other posters have said, they chose to live as a polygamous unit which means they operate by different rules than most of us. Part of that is sharing of funds (most being Janelle and Kody’s) which Meri was totally fine with taking more than her fair share. But walking through her part of the house that mostly Janelle paid for…unacceptable! I don’t know why (okay, I do know why) there couldn’t be a compromise? During daytime hours while Meri is not home, it’s okay for the family to access that shortcut and when she is home, she can lock the door and enjoy her quiet time.
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