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Everything posted by Arkay

  1. Complete speculation on my part. Mrs. Reber does appear to be Asian, and I’m wondering if perhaps she is Filipina? Unless Maria is an Anglicization of an Asian name, a Latin name like Maria suggests a Philippine heritage. The Philippine culture is very community and hospitality oriented. For Mrs. Raber to have expressed reluctance in court, she must so deeply not wish this burden to be thrust upon her. Again, mere speculation on my part and irrelevant anyway, since she is stuck having to accept this role regardless of her heritage. I feel terrible for her, having her own life in upheaval now due to Josh’s actions. Everyone pays the price but him.
  2. I’ll bet he enrolls in a community college now. Just to escape more frequently. What a burden he is on everyone in his orbit.
  3. The thread is moving too quickly for me, so this has probably already been asked and answered: this unlimited access to his kids while Anna is present——does that take place at the Reavers’ home only? It can’t possibly be at his house as long as Anna is there, right? What would happen when Anna needs the bathroom, or to escort a toddler to the bathroom? Someone with better eyes than mine, pls inform me.
  4. I need a much stronger Primetimer emoji than the “sad” one.
  5. My cousin is a Federal agent and my brother-in-law is a NYPD captain. They have guns, and that’s the extent of my knowledge of any firearms that have been in my vicinity. I do understand that in other regions of the country, legal guns are more common. Therefore I don’t know what to say about the Reavers having guns in a closet, but it certainly seems like if Josh spins out he can harm them or himself. Just lock him up, Judge. Please.
  6. I bristle at the idea that anyone at all should have to forfeit their time, freedom to come and go, their means of earning a living, all to be a guardian for this jerk. Although I’d prefer family friends to do it rather than forcing Jana into the role, my deep preference is for them to march Josh into jail as of now and forever. Oh, yeah, the Constitution. Okay he can appear in court for trial but not bailed out at all.
  7. I'm baffled by so much of this. How can one individual be savvy enough to divide internet stuff so that it’s hidden from someone who is supposed to be overseeing him, and yet use his birth year as a password? On not just his disgusting stuff but his bank accounts? If in any universe, the Feds showed up at my house with a warrant to search my IPhone and my ancient IPad (my only devices), I would literally not know what to think. I certainly wouldn’t say “oh hey, howdy, officers, are you here to ask about child sexual abuse on my computer?” That absolutely seems to be a preemptive strike, gearing up for an excuse when they find it.
  8. Thanks to everyone who is explaining what Tor is about. I didn’t know either and really didn’t want to Google it. I was going to ask why it’s allowed to exist, but several of you have answered that it was meant to give assistance to those in repressive regimes. I feel the same sick that we all feel and I don’t know how much more I even want to know. I’ve got three grandkids and spent 25 years teaching 8th grade English in Coney Island. When Bloomberg became the mayor in 2002, we weren’t supposed to deviate at all from the scripted curriculum. I did always insert some life lessons when I felt I could, and one thing I ALWAYS said was that If anyone touched you inappropriately, etc., they should tell their parents or teachers etc. These were 13 and 14 year old kids, and some gruesome things did happen. I was thankful that they came to me to tell me and I could tell the appropriate personnel. That Josh will have seven children, the first six of whom love him and are being taught to respect him, is highly damaging to their sense of safety and to the worldview that parents take care of them. The older ones will need honest and helpful counseling for years.
  9. So this is so sickening and also stupid! I don’t do anything illegal or horrifying, online or IRL, and even I know that no one uses an easily deciphered password. Josh’s heart is missing and so is his brain.
  10. I’m happy that AJ’s mother is a candidate for targeted therapy, and I hope that goes right. I know I’m supposed to care about Rose, and I don’t know why she annoys me, but she does. Maybe because she’s a plotline for the business plan for the hospital. I’m also getting annoyed by Conrad and Nic lately, and I also don’t know why.
  11. He may be a celebrity of sorts in NW Arkansas. If he drove over to NYC and I passed him on the sidewalk, I wouldn’t recognize him even though I’ve watched the show. With a mask on, he’d be even more anonymous. I think if I asked all my family and friends if they knew who Josh Duggar was, the answers would range from “Who”? to “ is that the family with like a lot of kids?”
  12. Again, collateral damage. Poor Jana has spent a lifetime raising all her younger siblings, and now would have to supervise her one older sibling. All because of choices she did not make. She may finally be in an actual courtship and I’d hate this to ruin her happiness. Jed also is living more independently. They likely are the best choices to harbor Josh, but why should monitoring him be their lives now? So unfair.
  13. Maybe that’s why Josh has kept Anna pregnant all the time. He knew what filth he was involved in and thinks her pregnancy is a hedge against staying in jail. So Anna always pregnant = no jail for Josh whenever the hammer came down. kidding/not kidding
  14. I know, it was very revealing that she took that guy’s sarcastic comment as a compliment and thought that Nick was jealous. He certainly did overdo it with the flirting, but Rosanna is just not ready for the English world. Even if this date was just for Nick to get on camera, I doubt he’ll be pleased when he sees how Rosanna called him “creepy”‘ten times on TV. Yech to Maureen and her first time with Danny. Ugh. ETA: I agree that Jeremiah didn’t resemble his cousin but very much looked like his father. That family history is tragic all around, and we will never know the truth about why his aunt murdered him. It would be so much better if Jeremiah could look forward now to having bio relatives and even meeting his grandma, rather than agonizing that his birth caused his father’s death. If I were Carmella I’d be mighty tired of hearing Jeremiah say that no one is ever there for him, when she’s the one who researched and arranged for him to meet his family. Now go see your own kids, Jeremiah, or do you really want them to feel the way you’ve always felt?
  15. I can’t think of anything right now that would lead to a thread title. My mind keeps going to songs but they wouldn’t include Anna. “Bad to the Bone.” “Josh Fought the Law, But the Law Won.” I’ll leave this to the people who are more clever than I am. The original title was good, but sadly it’s way beyond “unfortunate” now.
  16. I appreciate your take on it. I don’t think I even knew there was a thread for JB & M. I never really came to this particular forum until the latest Josh atrocity.
  17. Maybe it’s because I just can’t fathom it, but none of us knew of them before they became the Kardashians of Gothardism. I know M did say that about not having a heart for children. I agree she loves Josh and she certainly put all her attention on Josie when she was a fragile preemie. I know everyone will say that it was to keep her number up, trying to get to 20 kids, but IMO she did seem to have true love and concern for Josie back then. My minor grievance with Michelle (omitting for now all the obvious issues) is another small thing that to me is telling, like JB and hairspray. It’s the many, many times she has displayed that bikini lawn picture of which she’s allegedly so ashamed. Needless to say, if you feel shame about that picture, you don’t periodically show it on TV to say how ashamed you are.
  18. He’s a wannabe king who created a kingdom so he could rule. From the very beginning, with the excessive hairspray, we knew he was all about JB and JB alone. Vanity is wrong but he could spend a can of hairspray at a time so he looked what he deemed handsome? UO I know, but I think Michelle had it in her, somewhere, to be a loving and engaged mother. Maybe 30 years and 16 kids ago. She probably had true Christian leanings but ran into a husband who was haughty instead of humble. Now the Crown Prince will take the whole kingdom down.
  19. I’m wondering about some of the female in-laws who married into this family. I think of Kendra, who seems to me a real innocent. Or Abbie, who strikes me as someone who would find this appropriately sickening. Then Lauren, who figured marrying Josiah would put her on that gravy train. I can’t imagine Kendra or Abbie being willing to have Josh not only near their kids but being part of the family in any way, shape or form. Their husbands, Joe and JD, seemed truly anguished at the first round of Josh revelations and I think would want absolutely nothing to do with him now. Lauren, I think, would feel she got the bait-and-switch. Obviously these are just my TV impressions and I could be really off base. But giggly little Kendra, especially, I just can’t see her ever accepting this. And I hope the parents of the in-laws step in to help support those women. I’m sure I’m leaving somebody out and I don’t know anything about the latest wives.
  20. What is wrong with me???? How did I neglect to mention the AWFUL writing???? 🤦‍♀️ Thank you for fixing that for me! I didn’t mind the Walt! Walt! Walt! because if I recall it was just that one time With the boat and just with the father. But this AWFUL writing has many characters doing this all show long.
  21. That’s cute. Awhile back I think someone commented that the name should be “Martyr,” which I think is apropos. Personally I think she should name the baby “MyTubesAreTied.”
  22. I truly hope Jana gets to continue her courtship, if that’s what she wants, and doesn’t lose her chance due to Josh. I don’t care if it’s on TV or not; I would like for her to have her own happiness. She may choose to stay at the TTH house instead so she can be there for her suffering younger siblings, and then she’d be collateral damage due to Josh.
  23. Yes, and the hatch as well when Grace etc. went into the “headquarters.” I did enjoy Lost, but mostly for the flashbacks which I found interesting. This show, I don’t know, I think I’m done. It’s too stupid, without the qualities about Lost that I found redeemable. One of which was that it was well-acted. IMO the acting on Manifest is mostly atrocious. Over-dramatic, silly dialogue, nonsensical plot lines. All the screeching to each other—- Zeke!!!! Mick!!!! Cal!!!! Grace!!!!! Pete!!!!! Jace!!!!! The “I’ll wait for you forever” love story between two people who didn’t know each other like a day ago or something. The determination for greasy, stringy hair as a signifier of evil. Of course I didn’t expect a show based on the original premise to be realistic, but it’s the atrocious acting that really makes it hard for me to watch. I did like the janitor lady; she was the only one there with a real New York City accent.
  24. This is Gothard stuff????? Didn’t Jesus say that anyone who offends children, it would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck and be drowned, rather than harm a child?
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