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Season 3 Live Feeds Discussion
surreysmum replied to Lady Calypso's topic in Celebrity Big Brother (US)
The sad thing is that Todrick is actually quite a talented singer, when he's not making a total caricature (and ass) of himself. -
Went over to look at Twitter, & Todrick (@ todrick) is taking a real shellacking. Wouldn't be surprised to see his account go down. Can they see their socials while they're in the house?
Season 3 Live Feeds Discussion
surreysmum replied to Lady Calypso's topic in Celebrity Big Brother (US)
I'm guessing Todrick doesn't care about screwing most people over, based only on what I've seen (as a fan, but a fairly attentive one) of civil but clear public statements by the folks in Pentatonix (esp. Scott Hoying) that they'll never work with him again after some of the outrageous things he's said, on socials, about Scott. And they have *everything* in common with him - common origins in the same arts high school in Texas (just one year apart), fighting their way up using youtube, strong LGBTQ+ representation in their work, etc. etc. I know there are personas in play on BB, but damn, the Todrick I'm seeing here pretty much matches the impression I'd already formed - that he's the kind that charms people until they're no longer useful, then throws them away. Every last word of this JMHO, of course. -
Re: Art Fleming's Jeopardy. Saith youtube, "Ask and ye shall receive." :)
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Announcement today: this is the second major figure skating event in China this year that has been cancelled: https://www.isu.org/media-centre/press-releases/2021-2/26132-isu-four-continents-figure-skating-championships-2022-tianjin-china-cancellation-relocation/file?fbclid=IwAR3UhYS4dEMJ7XWAJdZMOLSF8CXcUzf8KWLVUdc70GtRvOaBfLy5bzyLI1A It'll be interesting to see if any other country picks it up.
James & Radford's first competitive outing:
S04.E11: A Pager, a Club and a Cranky Bag of Wrinkles
surreysmum replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
There was an animated made-for-TV movie in 1977, by Arthur Rankin (of Rankin and Bass) - in fact, there were various animated versions of the Tolkien works in the late 1970s, capitalizing on the fandom that was in full swing at that time. There's a pretty good summary on Tor.com: https://www.tor.com/2019/04/24/middle-earths-weirdest-movie-rankin-bass-animated-the-return-of-the-king/ and an article specifically about the animated Hobbit: https://www.tor.com/2018/09/17/1977s-the-hobbit-showed-us-the-future-of-pop-culture/ I first read the Rings trilogy (and subsequently The Hobbit) in the 70s, but I have no conscious memory of seeing any of the animated TV versions (some unkind critics might suggest I blocked them out). I do remember the ubiquitous paperback versions of the Rings trilogy, though -absolutely everybody was carrying them around! I was about 12 or 13 when I first tackled Tolkien - it wouldn't surprise me at all if Sheldon read the whole lot in his cradle! -
And this, in a nutshell, is why I mostly read/review authors who are dead, or old/mature enough not to give a rat's ass about Goodreads. I do try to review everything I read, and my standard star rating is 3, which means "no, I don't regret the time I spent.". If I really liked it, it's a 4. A 5 for me is a book that actually changed my life, and I think I've used it three times out of 1100+. So I'm a hard marker. Boo-hoo. But if some author were to take issue with me or my reviews, I'd give them exactly the amount of attention they deserve - none. Revenge 1-star reviews are also childish as hell. But I'm perfectly willing to admit I may not be a totally typical Goodreads user. For me, it's basically convenient cloud storage for my reading diary. If other people read my conversation with myself about a book, I don't care. Don't care whether they smile, or hit "like", or storm off in a huff. Comments and notifications are disabled. Reading is better than drama. :)
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Social media is a mistake, that's all I'm saying. They're entitled to have their emotions, but they need to take the drama offline, for their own sakes. They'll all get over it quicker, and they'll frustrate the know-it-all trolls who think they know every detail of what everyone must have known, thought and done. Have some dignity, children.😒
They retired together, after winning one world gold medal (or was it two? can't remember), and three Olympic medals (counting the team ones). Meaghan is angry because she has been deprived of the opportunity to skate professionally for a few years, and make some money to offset the expenses of amateur years, basically. It was a reasonable expectation, and I don't blame her for being pissed off, especially if it wasn't discussed with her well in advance.
Well, I'm sorry that Meaghan's hurting, but I think this is good news for Canadian skating in general. Both Eric Radford and Vanessa James still look as though they have a couple of years of good skating in them, and if they can mesh their techniques in time, I'd call them a reasonable bet for top 5 at the Olympics, possibly even a medal. On the other hand, having them there is very good motivation for M/M and the younger teams to up their game and try to beat them at Canadians.
He has the support - including a short video summarizing Burton's accomplishments - of his Star Trek compadre George Takei, who has a large social media following (about 3.2 million on Twitter, in addition to Burton's 2 million). I'm not sure whether recognizability falls in the "pro" or the "con" column for the Jeopardy job, though. Probably a bit of both. In any case, I'm sure the producers will be monitoring the online "conversation". My own personal preference remains Ken Jennings, though the last few months have reassured me that Jeopardy could survive just about any host except, perhaps, Steve Harvey.
"Dr Oz a ratings flop" https://windsorstar.com/entertainment/television/dr-oz-a-ratings-flop-as-jeopardy-host/wcm/bf99b41b-efdf-4f36-ad34-0a565debd7a3?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3WDFKve3uTQk5E0LlMOCQTZ11iE6SF77w7nVU4lUJ7ajI8KArkI2xvREg#Echobox=1618253280
S04.E13: The Geezer Bus and a New Model for Education
surreysmum replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
Not by any means unheard of. I found this on Wikipedia. One of the names it cites is Diane Natalicio, who was President of the University of Texas at El Paso from 1988 to 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women_presidents_or_chancellors_of_co-ed_colleges_and_universities But of course the list gets dramatically longer once you hit the 21st century. On the other hand, I find it highly unlikely that a professor would have his arm twisted to deliver remote lectures by phone to a single student, no matter how "special." Provide faxed or mailed notes and phone coaching, maybe. Call me naive. -
It's blacked out in my country, and you didn't say which program. Could you specify so I can check it out? Thanks