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Everything posted by kimbrchick

  1. What happened to the podcast? I was enjoying it. I totally cried during Margaret and Hawk's last conversation and then when he told everyone. Jeffries is a huge machine thing! So weird. I love it. Soot men creep me out.
  2. I saw FWWM in the theater as well and I'm almost 40. I saw it with my friend who is now David Lynch's wife. She owned the TP box set and I watched the whole series with her. Yep, it's strange lol. I think I need to rewatch the movie. I've seen it again since, but's it's been a long time. I didn't get the possible rape implication either but that does make sense and would be horrific. Laura Dern's acting was superb. I really need normal Cooper to return soon. Like now.
  3. I like this show but I know that I'm not going to get anywhere trying to figure it out. I'm sure there are biblical references that I don't get and if there is anything that was brought up in an earlier season I definitely won't remember since it was 2-3 years ago. It was an episode full of weird imagery and encounters. Was that guy really God? Is Matt healed and just doesn't believe it yet? Why did no one care that a man went overboard? Why must HBO force me to watch orgy's? Will something in this episode be important and relevant within the last 3 episodes? Matt is an interesting character. Religious but also very flawed. As a Matt episode goes, I enjoyed it.
  4. I just finished this. I told my husband that it felt like a really long awful heartbreaking after school special. The only reason I didn't burst into tears during this episode was booze. I just knew we would see her suicide in full detail but it was so much worse than I thought it would be. I recently learned that my 17 year old niece is watching it too and I can't imagine her watching these super mature scenes. I was sad to hear it was Alex that was the gunshot victim and that it was self inflicted. I am glad that we did not have to see it happen though. Too many rapes go unreported and this is part of the reason for that. So sad. So was Bryce tape 12 and was he supposed to hand over the tapes to Mr. Porter after listening to them? I'm sorry if this was obvious or already brought up but that confused me a little. I hope there isn't a season 2. Not that I didn't like the show, I just don't think it's needed.
  5. I really enjoyed this. I had no idea what it was about when my husband said this new show just came out on Netflix. We got sucked right in and binge watched it in a few days. I'd never heard of this actress and was surprised to find out she wrote it as well. I liked the characters. I liked how the group of random people with very little in common ended up totally having each others backs by the end. They shared something. The believed OA and committed to learning those movements. The end was so scary and moving. BBA going back in for "her boys". Was all of that a product of her mental illness? She did have premonition dreams and nosebleeds. I don't plan on dissecting this show. The characters and their relationships is what touches me more.
  6. I finally finished this a couple days ago. I left work early feeling sick and went home, laid down on the couch, and watched the last 3 episodes straight. There was some stuff I liked and some stuff I didn't like. First off, it was so nice seeing the show again. All the quirkiness and magic took me back to the time in my life when I first got hooked on the show. It's silly, absurd, etc, but I love it. I mean a secret pop up bar that folds up and shuts down as a suspicious Taylor strolls by then pops back out when it's clear. Perfect. What I didn't love. The town musical that went on for days. I don't know if they had some extra time that needed filling or what but man. I was ready for it to end. Plus all the advisory meeting stuff. The Life and Death Brigade stuff was weird at first because It's been so long since I watched the show that it wasn't fresh in my memory. I had to look it up and remind myself who those guys were. Then it was kind of fun and weird and whatever. I also love the whole bed and breakfast, New England in autumn, wealthy, scotch drinking stuff because it's a world I don't know and am intrigued by. I wish Rory and Logan weren't a thing. I never was a big fan of his. I'm a Jess girl. I think they had more chemistry. I still love Paris and Doyle.
  7. I saw the Luke Perry AARP thing and wanted to bring it up too. The tagline was something like "Luke Perry is on the cover of AARP and 90210 fans now feel old". My first thought was "He could have been on the cover of AARP while 90210 was still on". Ha ha.
  8. Let whoever wants Dylan's soul so bad have it already! This episode was sooo repetitive. "Are you there God? It's me Keg House" made my morning drive.
  9. I was surprised by Penny's brother as well. I expected a tweaker in torn jeans and long hair or something. I think now though that it makes sense because Penny and her family would want him to look presentable. I'm tired of Bernadette's yelling at people shtick.
  10. Guess what's been stuck in my head for two days straight (and gay)? I totally remember that episode. Hearing the clips was weird. During the first 4 or 5 seasons of the Real World, I remember MtV would replay them during marathon weekends all the time. I would always tune in because it was really interesting TV for back then. Then it got really dumb and I tuned out. Anyway, great submission!
  11. I totally want the Beastie Boys doing songs for The Inbetweeners. That sounds awesome.
  12. My sister graduated in 1993 and I graduated 3 years later. I still have a little box of jewelry from her room from that era. It contains an ankh necklace, a choker, and a rose quartz crystal necklace.
  13. I'm annoyed only because I totally avoid spoilers and I feel that I'm somehow going to be spoiled now. I really thought Eugene wouldn't live through the night (it's still possible that he won't) but I thought for sure that after he stood up to do something heroic that we would be saying goodbye to him. Even if they wanted to keep the victim unknown until next season, I think it would have been more of an impact to at least see one or two others react to seeing it.
  14. This is the first time I've ever laughed so hard while driving I considered pulling over so I could get it together. I had a shitty day at work and David T. Cole's Benedict Cumberbatch bit was just what I needed. It was the first time I heard it and it had me crying I was laughing so hard. Thanks for that.
  15. Great canon submission! I just have to talk about Six Feet Under for a minute. So my husband and I have been married for 11 years but when SFU started we were just boyfriend and girlfriend and newly living together. We both decided that it looked interesting and we watched the whole season faithfully each week. It did have it's weaker story lines for sure but overall it was great and thought provoking and we had never seen TV like this. That series finale killed me. When the episode ended I was trying to keep it in and not look like a fool in front of my husband so I went to the kitchen to get something and just started bawling. Like ugly cry. I had never been moved to tears like that because of TV. Teary and choked up sure, but not like this. It was a good episode and that montage was brilliant. I remember being especially choked up when we see Keith and David getting married. For a week or so I would put on that Sia song because I liked it after hearing it on the show but it would just make me cry all over again. I actually got teary in the car on my way to work this morning hearing those clips. I haven't watched a single bit of SFU since it ended 10 years ago.
  16. This! When the episode was over and I saw CT on the "this season on the Challenge" footage I had to watch it again. I started to google Johnny Bananas backp... and up popped the youtube viedo. It always makes me laugh. I didn't watch last season of the Challenge. Too much stuff going on in my life to keep up but I'm going to tune in to this one when I can. I'm definitely too old for this but it's my guilty pleasure. It's a bummer that so many of the vets aren't on anymore. For me, not for them, lol. Soon it will be all people I don't know and I'll stop watching. I miss Paula.
  17. I don't remember this episode. Probably because nothing real notable stood out from it. I find the Twin Peaks references amusing because my friend who I watched 90210 with also watched Twin Peaks and got me into it even though we were 13 and TP wasn't exactly a show for our age. Even weirder is that she's currently married to David Lynch.
  18. I don't get why Brenda has slowed way down on the sex with Dylan thing. Wasn't she expecting to do him on her first date a few episodes ago?
  19. I totally cracked up when Dave mentioned the workers coming from the pan flute factory. The music was so silly. Brandon was so annoying about Karla working at the party. He made it sound like she was prostituting herself. Shut up Brandon. Anyway, thanks for making me laugh out loud at work.
  20. I vaguely remember this episode. I never realized how after school special season 1 is.
  21. Great episode. I loved all the submissions. Game time was fun. While listening I thought of my own "I'm not a crackpot" theory. I hate it when it's so completely obvious that a character is going to die because all of a sudden they are perfectly happy and content. It's like the show is spoiling itself. Whenever a character gets good news, falls in love, has an epiphany, etc. I get the feeling they are not long for this world.
  22. This was awesome. I totally remember that episode. My friend and I used to watch the show and then talk on the phone about it immediately after it ended. We did the same thing for My So-Called Life. I can't wait until we get to some episodes that stand out in my memory. keep it up!
  23. I can't believe I remembered that song! I was shouting, "Even Stevens!" I loved that show. I still love Shia.
  24. I feel like it's way too soon for Crash to be showing up. He's still way too clean cut for this bad boy always in trouble with the law type. Why the hell is Taylor breaking up with Max? It just seems so out of character especially right after they got back together. He needs support and understanding right now and she's being so judgmental. How did Carter and Bird reconcile their relationship? I thought they were still on the outs. That's all I got for right now.
  25. I've also been rewatching Buffy. When I originally watched Buffy I was much younger and more naive (who wasn't?) But I remember the attempted rape scene and also remember not thinking much of it. Watching it again I felt horrified and almost ill. How on earth can Buffy rationalize that away with the fact that he didn't succeed in his attempt to rape her? Oh yeah, because they still want to use Spike. This show gives us characters doing horrible things to up the ante and shock us but then isn't ready for them to not be a part of the gang. Seeing Buffy trying to kill Anya one episode but then have lighthearted funny dialog with her in the next one is weird.
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