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Everything posted by kimbrchick

  1. I didn't know most of the answers on game time but every now and then I would shout Airwolf since it and it's awesome intro theme music totally remind me of 80s TV action. Then when it was actually Airwolf I missed it. And I even knew Ernest Borgnine was in that. Then I went to youtube and listened to the Airwolf theme.
  2. Ahh, that's what happens when you do homework while watching Survivor. I missed that. I don't get why Will would think his chances are better other there though.
  3. Such a lame tribe name. My husband and I were rolling our eyes big time. Am I the only one who thinks there might have been some shenanigans with regards to Will's vote for Hali? I almost think he was told to vote for Hali (from TPTB?) because it wasn't going to make a difference either way and it created the fake out that Hali was targeted instead of Jenn. It was just too perfect that it worked that way. I may be wrong.
  4. Wow. It's been a while since I watched a True Life. I'm home sick and started watching this one. Omg Della's so called friends are such douches. I'm so glad she cut them off.
  5. I didn't notice the sentence in there but I too thought it was sad that Claire obviously wasn't reading her essay. If she had calmed down and been smart about it she could have save a whole bunch of time and been able to give Alex some attention. I have an older sister who always got the attention when we were younger for being more rebellious so I can identify with Alex. Claire is one of my least favorite characters on the show.
  6. I kind of regret not watching Justified from the beginning. Catching up to season 6 seems like too much work. Is TPTDP "get a grip"?
  7. This game time was so much fun! My sister and I used to crack up over that weird sound in the What's Happening theme song. Lol. Is TPTDP "It's gonna be a Neil Patrick Harris"?
  8. I choose True Blood. I could re watch season one and then stop.
  9. I'm not sure I'll be watching this season. The Challenge has been my guilty pleasure show for years but I just can't with these new people that aren't even from RW or RR. I didn't know about Diem and Knight until I watch this tonight and it was a shock. I just think I'll skip it.
  10. This the third season I've watched of Ink Master so I knew what to expect of the live finale...which I watched a few days later. I fast forwarded through all the extra nonsense like all the dramatic pauses that seriously feel like a whole minute, the "live" tattoo, more inktestant fights, etc. Oliver really doesn't do live TV very well. I kept thinking of Cindy Brady, lol. I wish they focused more on the tattoo critiques and even went back and summarized how the final two did all season, pointing out their best work. Often after critiques I still don't really understand why they like or don't like a tattoo. It seems really subjective most of the time.
  11. All this giving up rewards stuff just tells me that they are getting too many rewards. I remember back in the day when those rewards were more rare and special. So glad to see Jon go home. It was really dumb not to play the idol so late in the game, yet it got the result I wanted so, eh.
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