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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Since when does a police commissioner do the hiring and firing of DAs?
  2. Stanning means being an extreme fan. It comes from the Eminem song "Stan", about a super fan who winds up killing himself and his girlfriend.
  3. So Sarah rushes to tell Eric that she and Rex had a breakthrough instead of being with Will? I always wondered why will didn't work as a bartender when he came back to town, considering it was his job in Memphis and his family owns a pub. Roman's reaction was well done.
  4. My biggest tears-in-the eyes moment today? Kate telling Lucas what a good father he is.
  5. Am I going to have to take the side of telemarketers in their war with Xander?
  6. On the soap Days of Our Lives, one of my favorite scenes in the "Will Horton is struggling with being gay" story happened when Will, who was hating himself, looked in the mirror and spit on his image.
  7. Darren Criss for Taco Bell. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/onDv/taco-bell-nacho-fries-chasing-gold-featuring-darren-criss
  8. Maybe Haley's pregnant and she can stay in the country with the baby of a citizen?
  9. "Xander wouldn't lie." Oh, please, Maggie. I'm sorry, there is no proof that Haley has a US citizen parent, unless there's a birth certificate that says so. JJ needs to quit being the male defender of Haley and let her speak for herself. Why couldn't they have SHOWN Maggie telling Will and Sonny about the diary?
  10. Denise McAllister is back to posting stupid stuff today (about horny women lubing their legs to get men)(?), and somebody responded, "You were at my orgy, Denise."
  11. Weren't Brady and Maggie on their way TO a meeting when they ran into Victor? Victor and Maggie talk, and now she and Brady are going home? Sarah doth protest too much. Gee, Marlena, maybe you shouldn't discuss private business in public. Nice that they mentioned the Nicole/Abe connection. But I wonder why Kristen-as-Nicole cares about Nicole's "not upstanding" father. "I just can't stop thinking about my cousin." Uh, which one, Hope? Xander loves to keep incriminating documents lying around, huh?
  12. John Delaney is a liar. Just like certain other officials, he's saying that Medicare for All means losing your current insurance. That isn't what Medicare for All is about, at all. You can keep your current insurance, if you like it. He also said that he disagrees with the Green New Deal, which is "very vague." How can you be opposed to something if it's so vague that you don't know what it is?
  13. "I don't believe that you are heartless." Jennifer, have you met New!Jack? "The public loves you." Uh, does anybody outside of Salem even know who the former mayor of Salem is? I guess Rex is taking lessons on patient confidentiality from Kayla. Nice of Xander to think that it might be Anthony, not Andre. The only other "SD" I can think of is Shane Donovan, and he isn't dead. Is there another besides Stefano? I hope that was a voice mail Stefan was making to Mister Shinn, because he hung up without a goodbye.
  14. If we decide that Salem is in Illinois, it's still not legal for recreational use yet.
  15. It's a today picture, according to the caption.
  16. Well, she got a phone call when she was waiting on Ben and Ciara.
  17. I've seen spoilers that Stefan was leaving, but according to a picture shot today, Brandon is still filming.
  18. There's Kayla, giving out private health info again. Claire is a pretty clear example of why you shouldn't raise your child on a sail boat in the middle of the ocean. Rob Wilson sounded like he was struggling to say his lines when he said "It wasn't one of my ... most ... proud moments."
  19. I also thought that he probably would have heard her ring tone when they lived in the loft together.
  20. Has anybody seen the Circle in the Square production of Oklahoma!? It's getting a lot of hate online. The show is on the Sacramento Music Circus schedule for this summer, but I don't know if it's going to be the modern take on it that has everybody in an uproar.
  21. Carrie works because she was a surrogate mom to Will.
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