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Everything posted by gonecrackers

  1. I think Danielle's been mostly intentionally dressed down almost from the get go. She has no interest in him sexually so at least she's not putting it all out there for an already frustrated Cody. Then it could really get haaaaard for him.
  2. I understand. But if she knows for sure he's the dad then why not do the test, prove it, & get everything going officially. It would be a big in-your-face & screw him for whatever he called her. So she should go ahead, then, prove he's wrong & that he's a royal ass for treating her that way.
  3. I tend to question everything, but that kind of adds to how I get into these shows. I know I'll never know the real truth about most people on reality shows. They're like a different kind of soap opera LOL.
  4. Given the weird 'sister' interaction & all that is happening do we know Chantel & Pedro are even married? Or are they both trying to be 'actors' & make a few bucks? Anfisa is a nut job & Jorge is a liar but he still seems to want her right? If he does then he's got what he wants. If not he could easily send her back at this point but that's not what's happening.
  5. If she's so damn sure he's the father why is a paternity test such an issue? Maybe it's just contrived drama for this season. I feel so sad for Mars & Doug's baby girl with the way they act. They need to either get it together as a couple or split & co-parent peacefully somehow. Yes Lilacly, you're right on the Season 1 info. I think the daycare couple mom decided to leave her job to be a stay-at-home mom & they were either preg or trying for #2 when the season ended. Her husband was accepting a position at an established company. Given they were committed to their business & she was so very career focused it was a strange, quick turn for both, & maybe production driven.
  6. I agree there shouldn't be bitching about no alcohol; they should be able to handle that well enough. However, a nice, decent meal should be expected; in other words, not pizza & not an all dessert sugar fest.
  7. I haven't seen this yet but I'm not one to feel we have to eat everything offered to us (I get nauseous easily & we're an allergy family), but we can be polite about it. That said as a host I would check with my guests ahead to make something acceptable to everyone, as I'd want everyone to feel comfortable, but maybe that's just me. It sounds like the chosen meal was served to increase the tension with everyone. Most likely it was a production driven stunt; I just wonder if Family Chantel were let in on it ahead of time, or not, for more dramatic effect.
  8. The quad parents annoy me. They're basically whining the whole time, on cue, as per script... we need, we need, we need... but we can't afford, says poor hubby... but we neeeeeeeeed, & neeeeeed now says poor wifey. They've bugged me since season 1 & I was bummed they're back. First season always acting like they never have any help- so hard, so tired, yet wife has more than enough time to have perfect hair & overdone horrid black eye makeup... seems quite disingenuous to me.
  9. That was a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen with the boobs, & I was hoping she would ask them to specially raise it up for her. I saw that done in NY once, I think, where she had a dipping sweetheart neckline, & lots of boobs. But she did ask them to custom raise the front for her. When it was done there wasn't even much, if any, cleavage; just dress in front, & it wasn't up to her neck either. As I recall they did a great job & she ended up looking much nicer for it. She also looked comfortable & like she could move & dance without concerns. I also agree that most people won't remember the dress, but they might just remember whether the bride looked tacky, oversexed, or elegant & classy. It's all in the impression they want to make, & too often they're choosing to make the wrong impression at the wrong time.
  10. Were Danielle & Cody the only ones recruited for this season? Where were they recruited from? I'm really curious how they get these folks. So did Anthony agree to apply with his fiance, Ashley, for a free wedding & a success for the show? Just kidding... sorta.
  11. I had forgotten this episode until you mentioned the kids' table - yeah wow. How did she ever expect to win doing something like that? I think her wedding was on a Monday too, or some other day during the week, which is tough on people due to work. There are some brides who enter these competitions & I have to wonder how they ever thought they had a chance of winning, although it's definitely interesting seeing the huge differences in affairs.
  12. I kind of wish she had as well; it would've probably been special for them to do that. Maybe they went back or somewhere else off camera & agreed. Those two had quite a story & I hope their vow renewal went well. I thought they were adorable together. I remember the grandmother in the wheelchair but can't recall the dress the bride chose there; I think I was tuning out a lot. I do recall a heavier set bride who chose a tighter dress with a dipping sweetheart neckline which was totally inappropriate for her. She had enormous boobs & cleavage everywhere; it's like most of her boobs were out of the dress & not in where they should have been. And of course she & everyone thought she looked awesome when really it was hideous & tacky. All anyone is going to see when they look at her on her wedding day, is boobs. Awful. I do agree on a well fitting mermaid, but unfortunately most of them that I see are way too butt hugging. That's actually what they're looking for - to show off the bum. Really, why?? So while everyone looks up front to the bride & groom to witness their special moment it will be all eyes on - the bride's ass. Again, tacky.
  13. where is she peddling her business? I haven't seen that. I thought she worked in a hospital (she's a dietitian). I responded on the SM thread if interested.
  14. Responding from the other thread since it's SM - reg. Danielle - she was posting on show related SM to direct people to her blog where she was advertising several self improvement packages that are quite expensive, given I know professionals who offer these services for less who have more qualifications. I guess she feels having been on TV merits the high rates; not sure it will work.
  15. The 39 yo who has never been in love, except with her career, who put IVF on hold to do this, is just looking for her 'stud' aka young, healthy, breeder boy.
  16. With the way she's used this to peddle her business I'm going for the latter.
  17. The thing that irks me in the UK version is they are constantly pulling dresses, or allowing dresses to go on brides that are over their budget. Then they even justify it, as in, they are really trying to find her the 'perfect' dress. The 'perfect' dress is one within her budget, I would say, but maybe that's just me. I would not be happy at all if someone put an over budget dress on me after I set the limit; it's rude & sales-slimy. They're also pulling the same damn dresses, again, & most are very underwhelming if not completely unflattering. I'm also seeing too many Pnina's & we have enough of that crap here. This version started out well enough to get my attention but is quickly sinking.
  18. I haven't seen this yet but I don't like Russ blaming the photographer for Pao taking her top off. Pao does what Pao wants to do without any thought to Russ' feelings. She wasn't forced & seemed to enjoy every bit of the attention, so he should give blame where blame is due; it sits on Pao alone.
  19. I agree with everything in the post except above because I don't think she really wants him. The fire scene seems production driven to me. She's really not given out any signals of being truly interested in Cody sexually, & in fact, has said she feels no 'chemistry' or 'spark' with him, & she can't go further until she does. That 'spark' isn't coming & I believe she knows it. I think she's doing what she can until the 8 weeks are up, possibly holding out some hope for something to change but most likely not counting on it. I agree with all who have observed how stiff & uncomfortable they look together, mostly. The only time they look somewhat relaxed are when they are having an activity together without any romantic intentions - as just friends. With Danielle I keep mentally tripping on something she said early on in the 'experiment' - she said when she - first saw Cody she thought oh he's good looking I can try this ... I keep tripping over that because since then I've questioned her intentions going into this 'marriage'. "I can try this" is not a statement of commitment, at all. Then Cody ended up being, Cody, so that was it for her. She's been pretty much been checked out ever since & just paying lip service to the experiment by saying she's 'trying', which is probably just what production wants her to do. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt in that they most likely have good qualities off camera, but participating in this 'experiment' & playing along with production has made them both look stupid.
  20. Derek needs to find something else to do besides stoned Twittering.
  21. Russ and Paola: Not OK in Miami Russ and Paolo: It's a Not So Model Life
  22. From the beginning Danielle has said he's a 'good looking guy', but that doesn't mean there's any chemistry, as she continually mentions is very important to her. At the risk of sounding like a broken record myself I've said chemistry between people can't be determined on paper, & why did she not realize this? I'm over Cody & his immature BS, but she should've known this wasn't a good chance for her to take.
  23. He wants us to have a visual on his sad state of affairs...?
  24. Ashley just has to give Anthony a break on the multitasking- next time spell it out for him. 'Let's take a 5m break to order food... okay now back to the application; I'll get the door when the food comes'. Peace & food for both.
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