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Everything posted by gonecrackers

  1. I do hope anyone even considering this show has at least watched it & are not naive enough to think they won't be edited however way works for the show, & that they will have contracts & gag orders etc. I'm surprised they didn't realize this going into it, or maybe didn't realize how bad it could get for them, & their families who've they've involved as well.
  2. Haven't seen this epi yet but loving Sheila for bucking the gag order. Hopefully she will have no issues & others will follow suit, but doubtful. I agree unfortunately there will probably be tighter restrictions in place for future participants.
  3. I wonder how many chickens, lambs, & who knows what else lost their lives in preparation for that horror show 'wedding' affair for mrs dracula.
  4. Auj has a pretty high level of immodesty that I find quite off putting given she spouts off Bible verses all the time, mostly as a means to her own end it seems. I agree on the keeping the clothes on; why do we need to see a bunch of big naked bellies? I never did this, nor did I wear skin tight clothes but somehow people knew I was pregnant. Everyone acts like they're the only ones to ever carry a baby anymore & have to get as much attention as possible for an age old human function.
  5. She is breastfeeding from what I read, & I also wondered why she'd think they'd need bottles, or diapers for that matter. The hospital does provide that sort of thing, & even some formula if not breastfeeding. I would think someone at her ob/gyn would prepare them for packing & what would or would not be provided for them, or they could ask to know what they actually need. There's also tons of info online & in books.
  6. Good for Sheila - yes, about time someone spoke up! And of course the show deleted it; predictable. We can't possibly know their 'secrets'. We might even find out the 'experts' are not actually 'experts'. They seem to underestimate many people who are watching.
  7. I don't know why Jer would want everyone to see the house, inside & out, & everything about it. I know the reality show people show their houses all the time, but it doesn't seem secure to me to do so. I also feel sorry for their neighbors.
  8. Beautiful & tasteful! I love that you're adding sleeves; I miss them on dresses as it adds so much. Congrats to you both - what a great story! I agree on the budget busters they bring along - horrible people. If they're gonna do that they need to open their own wallets to chip in, or better yet stay home.
  9. But then she'd lose her ticket to reality TV paychecks... maybe she'll find a new foreign boy-toy. I doubt she'll learn from this experience, especially because she is rewarded by being allowed to continue to play off it to the point of absurdity.
  10. I think weddings are sometimes area dependent on how they are presented. I also think it depends a lot on culture, etc. I come from a culture/area where the big show is preferred, yet married someone who's family was into the 'big sandwich' wedding. Both gets the job done, & I've seen marriages from both types of weddings fail.
  11. Congrats on your upcoming wedding Mrs. Hanson! I'm a very low-key person, so what you have planned sounds lovely to me.
  12. Yeah I was impressed with chicken fingers bride for being upfront about her own issues, & not being snooty about food. I thought it was funny when she ordered the children's dish at the one wedding; she was so happy LOL. And everyone at her wedding had wedding food; she had the chicken fingers & fries - & the 'fun fetti' cake, which the brides thought was not so great. I've seen some other ones though who just tore the wedding food apart; they had no right to do that being self admitted 'picky eaters'. I don't know what they expect honestly. I only remember one gluten free bride, so far... can't recall what the name of the episode was though. The theme things is silly, but I'm wondering if it's part of this show to have a theme. It seems so because the other brides really watch for them 'keeping to the theme' & will drop points if it's not done well enough (eye roll). Super religious Julie had a huge make out session with her groom for the 'first kiss'. It was very cringe worthy. I don't know how she thought she had a chance of winning by making everyone sick with all that sugary crap at her 'reception'. The brides ordered pizza & ate outside. I couldn't even watch the one with dracula bride & didn't DVR it. I saw a tiny bit of it quite a while ago & had trouble with it - she was horrid!
  13. Since we have lots of food allergies etc here I understand the gluten free/dairy free brides, & vegans/vegs all have their preferences. To me the issue is, they've gone on a show to rate people's weddings, & of course food is front & center. Personally I don't think it's fair to the other weddings for them to do a show like this, because one can't truly rate the food fairly. It's probably easiest for vegetarians, since they're not as limited, although I have seen some vegs diss a wedding without enough non meat choices. But the more one doesn't eat, the more difficult it is to rate the food fairly. But that goes for those picky eater brides as well - & I've noticed those are the kinds that tend to like fast food & junk, so they shouldn't be rating food either.
  14. Oh wow; so many bitchy brides on those shows. I'm not sure they got the memo that they would be on TV saying nasty things about someone's wedding. I hope they'll run them again as it would be great snark material here.
  15. You wouldn't believe how many dresses didn't fit right in the Canadian ones. Too short, too long, too tight, too loose; even a veil that didn't match (white veil/ivory gown) - I was really surprised how often it happened - & those were the weddings trying to win a competition!
  16. I recall BLAN bride but don't recall which episode it was... I think the one where they order pizza & sit outside to eat it is on this week.
  17. He could fund so many other things if he was so concerned about the mess he could've funded housekeeping services for her. But then again, that's true, it would take away his bitch points.
  18. I had looked back at Danielle's post before the show started, & she was obviously concerned about judgement. She did say that going on a TV show & doing what she did will encourage judgement from others, & that she will be on the receiving end of what she's done to others herself. I don't know why they'd both be freaking out about people calling out their disaster of a 'marriage', but it is what it is & people see it & are saying it. So regardless of whether she's receiving true judgement, yet, or not (& she doesn't seem to know what that really is but might soon enough), she knew she had to be ready for the court of public opinion. I think her post was in hopes of tempering some of that but Danielle isn't special. Danielle goes on reality show to marry stranger, Danielle gets treated like everyone else - but Danielle can't accept that, which is Danielle's problem. I think the show eats this stuff up because it just increases interest & ratings for them, which is maybe why we see so much immaturity being chosen; it's good TV.
  19. Yes, she's not been very zen with the 'judgemental' people on SM. What a glowing advertisement she will be for her self improvement services. ETA: Especially from the person who on her blog admitted to being judgemental herself. hmmmm - karma, maybe?
  20. It seems like now, I think besides the kids being out & less mess, they probably can both afford housekeeping services.
  21. He's adorable & yes, it looks like he's 'thinking real hard'.
  22. Wow; how pathetic. Maybe they deserved each other. They definitely both brought on their own judgement. If she didn't want to be judged she shouldn't have married a stranger when chemistry, & not being judged, are so important to her. She can just go meditate on that.
  23. Agreed. There's no point in her dumping all her crap out there on everyone except for attention. She needs to move on with her life - privately.
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