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  1. Came here to say exactly this. The medical scenarios are crap, the hybrid OR is stupid, and the histronics over every little detail are just boring. Why am I watching this show?
  2. All of these people have had their time in the sun. Are the shows really having that hard of a time finding interesting people to apply?
  3. Maybe the Doc is sick of her, too.
  4. Desiree seems like a strong player, both physically and mentally. I don't understand why she's not getting more visibility. The other players don't really seem to be noticing her either.
  5. To clarify, I think the character on display prior to the suicide video was sufficent to rule him out as a guest judge on the show. Maybe I thought Top Chef was a classier production than it really is; certainly the discussion about an earlier season with Seth indicates that's not the case.
  6. Deconstructed green bean casserole!
  7. I'd never heard of Logan Paul until this episode; and now he's garbaging up my news feed with his exploitation of a suicide. Did Top Chef producers really have no idea of the quality of this guy's character when they recruited him as a guest judge? Are they really getting so desperate that they have to resort to stunt casting such as this?
  8. With the haircut, he looks like Randolph Mantooth in his prime - most famous for playing a paramedic in a 1970's show called "Emergency!". Even his demeanor is the same. We need a reboot of the show -- I'd show up just to watch Devon.
  9. She did seem invested in it, but I took that as reflecting her experience as a teacher and having dealt with all kinds of BS stories to rationalize cheating.
  10. I thought this was supposed to be a show about a fire station. They drag out all these trucks and equipment, present us with a difficult extrication and multi-trauma....and all we get is some saws and a c-collar and then a cut to the patient magically on a stretcher being loaded into the ambulance. That could have been a really interesting and emotionally engaging scene that shows us how that's done. Instead, we get boring alderman blather and union rep weirdness. Same with septic tongue guy. It's like these calls are just annoying interruptions.
  11. Have you ever seen Probst leave anything alone? He'll feel the need to moralize, just in case we didn't figure it out on our own.
  12. Sara looks like she's afraid of him (rightfully so.) The show set this stranger scenario up and it looks like it could backfire badly on her. Are the teams required to share rooms? re scrotum-gate: Many ambulance crews carry an extraction device called a KED that consists of a harness setup to stabilize the spine while in a seated position. In training, we practiced placing it on people of all shapes and sizes. (EMS is not for the shy.) For men and women alike, getting that crotch strap properly placed takes some care. You attach the strap loosely further down the thigh and then use the back of your hand to slide it up into the crotch. The idea is to avoid pinching any scrotal tissue (or the labia, if it's a woman) underneath the strap. Once you lift, the body weight is going to settle on those straps. If you didn't tighten the straps down sufficently before taking weight, they're going to shift -- that may be what happened to him. Doesn't excuse the subsequent behavior, though.
  13. For those of you who were wondering about the phrase used in the opening scene..... affe geschlect translates as monkey sex. That is all.
  14. Shirin may indeed have valuable insights to offer to Tyler. What she fails to realize, however, is that you have to first be in a position of mutual respect and trust in order to deliver such insights effectively. Constant haranguing is not an effective means of building a good relationship with others.
  15. If you can keep your head when all others about you are losing their's.....
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