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Everything posted by BlossomCulp

  1. In this specific instance though Sheldon did seem to genuinely believe he was doing something Amy wanted. Yes he was wrong - and he did realize it once Amy told him, and, for Sheldon, accepted her reasons very quickly - but anyway in fairness to Sheldon he wasn't completely motivated by his own selfish desires. Sheldon screwed up but President Siebert was the one who should have told him "no this isn't how things work, go away you annoying little man". I'm just hoping they fix this by next week,
  2. Missy's comments may have made the scientist uncomfortable but she didn't really have a lot of choice in how to respond. She isn't Missy's teacher or sitter and had no right to tell Missy to be quiet. She encouraged her to focus on the task at hand but that's about as much as she could do. She had no way of knowing George was in it for the money (loved that little cash register ring at one point!!) for all she knew if she spoke sharply to Missy that would be the end of the research study. I thought the way they wrote those scenes was totally believable. And I loved that while we didn't suddenly see Missy as being average (again loved Sheldon's comment "that's generous") or even scholastically smart we did she that she's s sweet, caring little girl and Sheldon, ah Sheldon. little Mr Smarty Pants showing off his brains and inadvertently showing off his shortcomings at the same time.
  3. I recently learned that my grandmother who died before I was born died of breast cancer. Even her own son (my dad) was told it was stomach cancer. The only reason I can think of why the real reason she died was kept secret all those years was because nice people didn't talk about breasts. This was in the mid 1960s so not so very long ago in one sense but a million years ago in another.
  4. I sure hope Sheldon and Amy move out before the kiddies come along. Cannot even begin to imagine lugging strollers etc up all those stairs!
  5. Agreed! I've been watching this show going on 11 years now and that's my excuse for why I didn't know how many flights of stairs they went up - and they show them going up those stairs fairly often!
  6. Oh Raj, scared of "showing up at a costume party that turns out to be a regular party" I so identified! And Dr Siebert's "I must say, I do not enjoy our talks." Laughed out loud. There may have been lots of issues with this episode but I thought there were some excellent lines!
  7. Absolutely agree. And aside from all else I am getting really tired of people behaving badly and their defenders thinking that their 5 minutes in the corner should be more than enough punishment and we should all move on. No. If Barr can clean up her mouth and the cesspool that seems to be passing for her brain and actually make some positive changes that's great and in the long term maybe she can get herself another acting gig somewhere but I for one am glad they didn't write this episode in anyway that leaves a door open for her to come back. To use an old fashioned expression she blotted her copybook and that's it. Game over.
  8. You're the first person to comment on my user name since I started posting here! Definitely one of my favourite kidlit characters :).
  9. They've circled around to the first season of Voyager and I'm surprised at how many of the episodes they've aired so far that I really like, and remember liking back in the day! IF you had asked me I'd have said I didn't particularly like the first couple of years all that much - and it's true that I think it got stronger and better as the series progressed - but wow some of these early episodes were very, very good!
  10. I gathered that this was a gambling casino kind of place (again perhaps I have that part wrong) but even if it's gambling on the horses and drinking at the bar I can certainly see why Mary would not have wanted her teenage son going there. Because it's the kind of thing Mary would not want her teenage son doing! And Meemaw needed to respect that. Since she was sneaky about it I think we can all agree that Meemaw knew taking Georgie there was problematic. And I agree with CherryAmes here if we're going to get all bent out of shape over Meemaw then George is just as bad, even worse, for knowing about it and not doing anything about it (at least as far as we're told). I like George but in this episode alone he put Sheldon in a very difficult position - and knew how hard it was affecting Sheldon, and he knew and more or less condoned his teenage son going to watch Meemaw bet the horses and drive without license. Not such good parenting going on! But IMO very believable. I like that they're not afraid to show imperfect adults in a show centred around kids. Pretty refreshing really.
  11. This reminds me so much of women of an earlier generation who literally would rather die then go see a doctor about a lump in their breast or pain in their "woman's place". It's just so sad but totally believable to me that while women may feel more open to getting help now in some areas both men and women will still keep secrets around their health issues even if it means putting their lives at risk.
  12. I may have missed something but my understanding was that George knew about Georgie going to the track on multiple occasions with Meemaw as well, of course, as the time that he had to bail her out. People are quick to point that Meemaw is acting pretty terribly here by taking Georgie to the track (and I'm not defending this) but if George knew about it did they ever say if Georgie had any consequences for hitting the track before Mary blew up at the three of them? Because I don't think he did and that makes George as bad or even worse than Meemaw IMO.
  13. George wasn't protecting Meemaw, he didn't want Mary to know what he did. He'd have thrown Meemaw under the bus if she hadn't had something on him.
  14. I think this is foreshadowing what we know is going to come soon in the Cooper household. Actually there have been hints in many of the episodes that George, despite appearances, is not really father of the year material.
  15. Well for that matter it was because of her that Roseanne Barr had her chance to get back on TV. From what I've read it was Gilbert who was behind the reboot - so if anyone should be pissed off about being stabbed in the back here it's Sara Gilbert not Roseanne Barr! Unless they can pull it off (and I'm rooting for them but not holding my breath here) The Conners won't last long.
  16. I wonder if it was also because Sheldon is a boy? It was not so very many years ago that girls were taught to defer to boys. Read almost any book aimed at teenage or tweenage girls written before 1990 and the message is strong and clear - don't ever let a boy know you're smarter than he is or a better athlete or musician or whatever. I don't know if YS writers intended to show that this was the message girls were being given but even if they didn't mean to do it they succeeded in showing it!
  17. Finally saw this episode and did I miss a reference to Penny's sister? I know we've discussed before whether Wyatt and Susan actually have any grandchildren as there have been mentions in earlier episodes that definitely make it clear there that Penny has at least one nephew but other episodes make it seem like Wyatt is still waiting for a grandchild. Anyway did they say in this episode if the writers still think Penny even has a sister?
  18. Absolutely - but even with health issues I think Candice Bergen is beautiful and if I can look that good at 72 I will be a very happy senior. That said I think she looks at least somewhat realistically her age which is a good thing IMO. I totally get why actors try to retain their youth even longer than the average person does but IMO anyway a point gets reached where you end up getting way more crap for looking too young. Of course this proves the old rule that you just can't win with your looks especially if you're a woman. Someone's going to comment on your appearance no matter how you look.
  19. I don't think so. We know he went to CalTech but we also know he got most of his other degrees while he was still in his teens. I can't see the Coopers letting Sheldon live that far from home as a teenager. Maybe along with some of the other questions this last season or two has answered for us they'll also finally put to rest the question of where did Sheldon get his other degrees!
  20. I'm really not sure what you mean about not aging well. She's 72. What do you consider aging well because I work with a lot of older people and most of them do not look anything like Candice Bergen!
  21. I adore this about Sheldon! My mother had a very difficult relationship with her own mother - and from what I've been told her mother was borderline abusive when she was growing up but I never saw this in my "meemaw", To me she was my Nanny and I loved her unconditionally. It's sometimes hard now as an adult to reconcile these two versions of my grandmother and I can see that Sheldon doesn't even try with his!
  22. My sympathy is limited. If I had a friend who was interested in a Raj I'd want people to tell her that all may not be as it seems.
  23. I am assuming the people who like this, or at least don't care, just don't say anything. Forums like this are where we come to vent about stuff we dislike. The producers must think we're the vocal minority (if they are even aware that there is criticism).
  24. Rose gold? That must be what I was seeing too. I thought it looked really cheap as well - and to me, very dated although I'm not sure from when! At any rate they didn't look modern and trendy to me at all but since I kept seeing it I guess it actually is.
  25. That's the thing. Even if they're there longer than a few months the angst and agonizing over a temporary abode is goofy - but I can see why they need to do it for the sake of the show. But still when I look these people up and find that they only lived in that country (who knows if they ever really lived in the apartment) for 6 months or so it just makes me roll my eyes so hard they hurt!
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