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Everything posted by BlossomCulp

  1. Howard didn't really deny that he started things though. I am not defending Sheldon but his comments about Howard are pretty par for the course in terms of how he thinks about and treats everyone. Howard though targeted Sheldon in a spiteful and pretty malicious way that impacted on how he did his job and also meant he received things in the mail that he found distasteful - to say the least. I think Howard really did realize that he'd taken things too far at the start of their friendship and regretted it. I liked that episode because it had Sheldon acknowledge that he was jealous of Howard getting to go to space. Finally admit it!
  2. Agreed. I'm really pretty sure I heard my Dad say that as far back as the 70s/80s.
  3. One of my best friends was gifted with a mobile home when she got married. It meant she and her husband started off life in a very nice house that was pretty damn luxurious especially compared to the apartments the rest of us were living in at the time! And it meant that she built up some equity over a few years and moved on to another house with a substantial downpayment while the rest of us were still trying to save up for the first house. And all this while living in a very nice development that did not look ANYTHING like the kinds of "trailer parks" you generally see on TV.
  4. I don't think I've ever seen a character on a TV show move to or live in a really nice mobile home. It would be nice if the show goes there but usually living in a mobile home is another way of showing someone eking out a life at the bottom of the barrel.
  5. Yep. To me Sheldon and Howard handled the whole thing well. Sheldon was hurt initially, which I think surprised Howard, I think Howard was trying to get a rise out of Sheldon but he didn't really think he was going to hurt his feelings the way he did. Sheldon got back at Howard and Howard accepted that it was only fair and was happy to move on. It came down to Bernadette being oversensitive and instead of Sheldon being able to dish it out but not be able to take it was her, "the wookie".
  6. That came before we find out Bernadette's Dad was a police officer. I wonder how he felt about that illegal daycare!
  7. I don't know why now but when I think of the episode CherryAmes is referencing I'm almost positive Bernadette says she's the oldest. Anyway I think that episode is one the writers have conveniently forgotten as Bernadette became a bigger player on the show, I don't always care when they change things up with a character's back story and with Bernadette I can give it a pass. I save my ire for the way they mess around with Penny!
  8. Which as someone noted above is pretty in character for both Amy and Bernadette. There have been a few episodes where they've gotten very protective of their respective guys and it has almost literally come to blows. Both have said some regrettable things and both have done some regrettable things! The costume scenario doesn't even come close to what happened in the parking spot spat.
  9. Or how hurt Roseanne is in the episode where the girls are only being nice to her so they can go to a concert. One of Roseanne Barr's best performances was in this episode IMO.
  10. His character on YS reminds me so much of our music teacher back in high school. Very much giving the impression that he missed fame and fortune by "this much" and overacting all over the place. I'm guessing the writers on this show (or one of them anyway) had a similar teacher back in the day.
  11. I will never understand this. It happens way too often and I get that some of it has to be editing and the desire of the producers to have conflict etc. But do these people watch the finished product and not see how badly they come off? If they really aren't like that in "real life" you'd think they be pretty embarrassed!
  12. This is family to me. There are inside jokes that often only the family members really get. Of course since this is a sitcom and we're inside the family dynamic we're getting the jokes too.
  13. Like a few others posting here this was my biggest concern, It wouldn't matter how good the acting was if the writing wasn't good. And because of the tortured recent baggage attached to this show we all knew it wasn't going to have to just be good it was going to have to be great. I think they're managing!
  14. There is no way Sheldon was going to California to live on his own at 12. Did Not Happen. They do mess with the timeline a lot but I think it is very clear that Sheldon was going to Caltech to get his second PHd not to begin his graduate work. In a recent episode Sheldon explains why he knocks 3 times and it's because at 13 he came home from college and discovered his father in bed with another woman. This strongly suggests to me that while Sheldon possibly was not living at home he also wasn't living very far from home. At 13 he was not going to be booking flights and coming home from California. Not living full-time at home does not equate to living on his own in California!
  15. Not sure if you're being serious here or not but if you are you might want to give "The Kids are Alright" a try. Big Catholic family and nary a terrorist in sight. Fair warning, some of the brothers did throw a few punches.
  16. Well that was never my experience - I made decent money waitressing but I made a lot more when I finished school and got that first "office" job! All I can say is at my age right now if I had to work as a waitress it would be a lot harder than it was when I was 20! Even if the money was the same (and IME it isn't) I'd take the office job over waitressing any day of the week!
  17. Same here and I will add that when I worked as a waitress the older women who worked with me were the first ones urging me to stay in school! Anyway success is a relative thing of course - working hard to support yourself and your family is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of but to be in your 40s and still doing work you could have been doing right out of high school, making the same money you would have been making straight out of high school well I think most of us would trade that in for an office job that let us sit down a lot of the time (just me?).
  18. It's not really a question of success but of being able to live comfortably. If the office job was a permanent 9-5 with a steady salary and benefits it would be a real step up from the precariousness of the waitress jobs they both seem to have right now. Waitress on this show has always seemed to be another way of saying "just getting by" and that's not always true of course, but in the context of The Conners and it's earlier incarnations I think that's what it was meant to be.
  19. I just saw this in a commercial for YS that was on a show I had PVR'd - it looked to me like this was meant to be an aside - a comment that the audience hears but the people on stage don't. No one reacted to it which made me think not that they didn't care what he said but that they didn't hear it.
  20. I think a lot of the outrage would have happened no matter what the content of the show. A lot of people had decided they weren't going to like this show without Roseanne and by god they aren't going to like it! Which is fine. But it's a little maddening that they spend so much time pretending that they were ever remotely about to give this show a fair chance.
  21. Sheldon did not cop to mansplaining himself - he accused President Siebert of doing that.
  22. I'm glad they didn't drag him along. Nothing would have made me angrier or more resentful then having to give up my Saturdays when there was no benefit to me in it at all.
  23. I take it you mean there are differences between last years show and The Conners? Because to me The Conners picked up where original recipe Roseanne left off. I'd be interested in what you think The Conners didn't say in it's single episode so far that you felt was being said in the reboot.
  24. One pretty big repercussion is he knows how angry Amy is with him. I'm not really sure what you'd expect to happen to Sheldon at this point as punishment. He's not going to get fired, Amy isn't going to leave him. What else could happen at this point that would be adequate penance?
  25. My recollection is that Sheldon definitely gave the impression that this was a mutual decision and he was speaking on Amy's behalf as part of a team. Siebert did express some reservations about making a change but I think it ends up that he will do almost anything to get Sheldon out of his office.
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