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Everything posted by BlossomCulp

  1. I hear you, I don't know why I watch the flipper shows when I know that every single one will do exactly the same things - open concept, intricate backsplash in the kitchen, double sinks in the master bath with some cool variation that involves anything but using sinks and taps in anyway most of us would recognize,,,, With regard to that last point a bunch of flipper shows I saw this weekend did this and I have to say that they kept saying how they needed to change up things because the house looked "so 90s". Well what do they think people are going to be saying about your glass bowls and gold spigots in a few years? I can guarantee it's not going to be "Ah so classic".
  2. I don't know if this is more HHI or Pet Peeves but since I only see it on HHI I'll put it here - the participants with the long list of demands and who go through angst and drah-ma "choosing" their place and then you google them and find they lived in their chosen abode for 6 months! This happens a lot and it's just so stupid. "Hey I wanna be on HHI I know I'm only going to be in International Country for a few months but what the hey, I'll get to be on TV!!"
  3. Well I'm all in for Murphy. I liked this episode and agree that while it would have been awesome if everyone had stood up at the press conference and marched out it wouldn't have been realistic. I loved the ending with the apology. They've really hit on the best way to play off Avery and Murphy. There were so many directions they could have gone in and when I first heard he was working for "Wolf" I figured he was going to be Alex P, Keaton and be a Trump supporter. So glad I was wrong. The way they're going is much better.
  4. I loved the secretary thing too! Like others I think my favourite was Marcia Wallace portraying Carol from the Bob Newhart Show but there were so many good ones! I think especially Robert the secretary from Hell!
  5. I think every child should grow up with a "fun aunt". I sure did and it was awesome to have a grown up spoil me and be happy to hang out with me and take me places, just us girls! If Bernie and Amy really think about it having someone in their lives willing to dote on their children is going to be of way more value to them then yet another friend wrapped up in parenting her own children!
  6. And still beautiful IMO. I love her and Jamie Lee Curtis for showing us that even in Hollywood some women are prepared to look their age - gorgeously so - but still their age.
  7. I really liked the way Howard and Bernadette interacted in this episode. Lots of good moments, the best being the way they clutched each other when the mood music started coming out of Stuart's room, but overall you could tell they were a happily married couple who "get" each other.
  8. I liked her interactions with Raj (even liked her fingers crossed comment about her smoker boss) what I didn't like was the way she spoke to the server in the restaurant. My Dad always used to say you can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat the people who can't answer back and if the message BBT is giving us is that Anu treats "the help" shabbily then that's not a good thing. At all!
  9. I could buy this incarnation of Amy, what drove me crazy was the creepy less than subtle gay vibe.
  10. This has been a constant criticism of Penny and Leonard since the show began, to the point where they even joke about it on the show. And to be honest I just don't get what the problem is. I think Penny does love Leonard and there have been numerous times when they've shown that. As to her thinking his hobbies are childish this is something all 3 of the women have said about the guys hobbies time and time again, it's not unique to Penny by any means. But even so Penny has taken the time to learn about many of Leonard's interests and has purchased things for him that reflect his hobbies. What more can she do? My husband is into stuff I have ZERO interest in and I am somewhat like Penny in that I tolerate them but I sure as hell don't share them! Further he's an engineer who is that guy, you all know the one, he read a book in high school that one time. I'm a librarian. I guess when people go on about "what do they talk about" I find it funny, and a little annoying. We share very few common interests on one level and yet we always manage to find something to talk about!
  11. Just to add that I love when this show demonstrates that Penny loves and understands Leonard. Her arranging for him to drive the Batmobile reminded me of the episode where she had sold the car he bought her and had taken a picture of it and put it in a frame because she knew that was something he'd really like to have.
  12. I really liked this episode. The scene with Bernadette and Howard sitting on the couch holding hands horrified at the music coming from Stuart's room particularly cracked me up. Count me in as another who liked that Penny and Leonard are not always on the same page and this episode certainly highlighted that but somehow they still work together. And I am sorry Leonard but you've been with Penny one way or another for 11 years now and only NOW are you saying you expect them to have kids? What were you waiting for? You are pushing 40. When did you expect to have this conversation? When Penny was 40 and you were pushing 50?? Made perfect sense to me that the longer they went without kids the less likely it was going to be something that was going to happen.
  13. I wasn't sure, it had a slow start and I thought much as I wanted to watch Murphy Brown again could I stand to see Trump being featured, even negatively. Happily I stuck with it because it got so, so good! I'm in for this season that's for sure. hashtag; Dan Quayle. Oh my god. Thank you Murphy I needed that!!! A timely reminder that all things pass.
  14. This is a Chuck Lorre show, that wouldn't surprise me at all. Probably true but the point is that on this specific show with these specific characters it is the absolute rare occasion where a woman does not have the upper hand. I don't know why that is - and agree that in real life it's rarely true - but on Chuck Lorre shows men are almost invariably presented as being the weaker partner and the woman dominates. If we were commenting on real life situations or a different TV show you'd probably find a different perspective. As things stand here there is no reason at all to think that Stuart would - or could - use his role as boss to threaten Denise in any way. It will be a refreshing change if they are presented as being equal. I'll take that any day over yet another variation on the tough woman/weak man scenario!
  15. Depends on the circumstances. Grandparents are going to want to see grandchildren even if they don't mind not seeing you! Friends though, totally agree, you can't reasonably expect a constant parade of visitors - certainly not the same people visiting over and over again anyway. Anyway this is HHI the need for room for guests is probably way more producer driven than it is a reflection of the participants real wants when they rented.
  16. To be honest I do think an employer asking out an employee can be super problematic of course but in this specific situation it's just not an issue. Well, unless the writers really go wildly off course from the way things have been presented up to this point.
  17. Sure but it's really not if you are in a position to consider international, or even domestic, travel. For a flight to Europe from anywhere in North America that's cheap. Sign me up! Does HHI make it seem like hordes of family and friends will be showing up on your doorstep? Yep. And that's not true (mostly) but it's certainly true that some will come - especially if you are living someplace cool. Well I guess everyone has their own definition of that of course!
  18. Also, and this rarely gets stressed on HHI, you are going to want to see them! HHI usually puts forth an, IMO false narrative, that you're going to have tons of friends right away and IME that's just not true. If you're fortunate you will meet people eventually, and if you're super gregarious maybe you really will have a large social circle two minutes after your plane set down. But mostly you are going to be a little lonely at first for sure. Especially if you are the stay at home spouse. Looking forward to visits from parents other family members or friends can definitely help make those first few months in a new place a lot easier to handle. Hordes of visitors though? No not so much!
  19. I loved that Penny and Leonard knew exactly how Sheldon and Amy would react. Of course they didn't count on them getting the result they did which made the whole thing all the funnier. Good job, writers! This one really reflected the characters well and there were lots of good lines.
  20. Not having seen this episode but I wonder if he works for some sort of religious organization that would not hire someone who is gay so getting married "proves" he's not? And she's going along with it for reasons of her own? Too Dr Phil?
  21. Last year was a good, strong year IMO. For the most part well handled and with episodes I know I will happily watch again (and with eternal reruns again and again). Some have commented that perhaps this episode couldn't help but be a letdown after the perfection of last season's finale and I'm sure that could be part of it. For me though it's also a letdown after the whole of last season where I felt things had really clicked again. I am going to give the show another chance -probably more than one chance- but I admit I'm very disappointed.
  22. I always think of the "whore from Omaha" episode where the girl comes and stays at Penny's until she latches onto Howard. Penny was nothing but nice to that girl and there was absolutely nothing in it for her. A Mean Girl would not have had any difficulty at all throwing that girl out or not giving her house room in the first place. Not to mention the episode where Sheldon is sick and Penny loses a days pay taking him home and looking after him. Mean Girls don't do things like that.
  23. Yep. Agreed. Which is why this whole thing is just so, so stupid. Never, not once, ever to that point did we ever see any example of bullying behavior on Penny's part. Bullies, even oblivious go along with the crowd bullies don't usually grow up as nice as Penny appeared to be. Sigh. Clearly we all have given this way more thought than the writers ever did.
  24. It would be funny though I have to admit if they had some scenes with Sheldon and Georgie trying to share a room. They might decide to go that route eventually just to have some good stories. Sheldon eternally cleaning and Georgie taking advantage of that even as it drives him crazy.
  25. It really depends on the episode but generally this was the impression I formed as well. I think, at least initially, it was not meant to be a "Penny was a bully" thing so much as it was a "Oh god here's another example of how stupid Penny is she doesn't even get that what she once did was bullying". Pause for laughter. Ugh.
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