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Everything posted by missmansfield

  1. When they had that dance party with Phil they focused the camera on a really pretty blonde in a pink outfit right at the end of the song (the cake by the ocean song). Does anyone know who she is?
  2. I have been thinking about Gina's attitude. I think if any of the girls who really ARE all that (Kalyssa and Tasha) acted the way she did they would be crucified!
  3. I agree- her face is perfect! I know she has had procedures done but most people's faces don't look nearly as good as hers.
  4. I agree- given the way these girls are treated financially I am surprised they aren't taxed for the gifts.
  5. I agree- I love everything about her from her appearance to her personality. I think she deserves ROTY and I really hope she gets it.
  6. Did she really write a book on morals? She talks about sex and private parts constantly. God I can't STAND her!
  7. I have never been a fan of Jenna but I do feel for her regarding the Holly situation. If she said anything she would have been squealing on her and everyone would hate her for being a snitch. Kelli and Judy comparing the situation to being hit by a car was ridiculous. I did not know who RaeLyn was before this show and I really liked her. The scene with the spinning class was awful and seemed to go on and on.
  8. I was surprised Lexie didn't make her college squad. Does anyone know where she went to school?
  9. I know Kameron gets a lot of hate but she resembles a perfect Disney princess to me. (Don't hit me!)
  10. I agree - when my dog had some stomach upsets his breeder recommended canned pumpkin. It works great and he loved it! Oops, I just saw this has already been covered extensively. Sorry!
  11. Yep, the letter "C" definitely describes Cary in more ways than one!
  12. When asking if her husband is gay why does Cari say it is an insult to the gay community? Uh, NO ONE was insinuating anything bad, they just wanted to know if he was gay. Deflect, deflect deflect. Same thing with Tamra and Eddie.
  13. I don't get the Paris Hilton comparison with Gina AT ALL.
  14. I am not sure if this has been discussed yet but whenever the Venus shaver commercial comes on the volume on my TV seems to triple. "IMMM your venus".
  15. I absolutely despise the screechy voice singing too. I have noticed several companies using the same kind of tone in their commercial songs. Why do they think it is appealing??
  16. I agree. Instead of focusing on those things (uniform fittings and the like which I really enjoy), they are showing things like telling them how to eat things they probably would never eat. That whole scene was really stupid and unnecessary. I was surprised at the eyelash issue. I have NEVER heard of having lashes that were too long.
  17. Gina saying people are jealous made me laugh. I said it before, I think she is the least attractive of all the TCC's. Most of the girls are absolutely gorgeous AND they are all really talented dancers. You are not in a random studio Gina, these girls are all the best of the best. My guess is NO ONE is jealous of you.
  18. I am entitled to my feelings and my what some people might say is an "overreaction".
  19. I agree- I have liked her from the start. I like the way she looks but moreover I love her personality.
  20. I was disgusted by the way Judy talked about Yuko. She NEVER has anything nice to say about anyone , especially at auditions.God, she is such a hateful bitch. Can you imagine what she would she would have said about Cassie or how she would have treated her if she was not her daughter??!!! She needs to be put out to pasture.
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