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  1. I have given 4 1/2 GALLONS (72 pints) of blood over the years. I actually gave plasma. That is where you give a pint of whole blood. They spin it to separate the white cells from the red. They then put the red cells back and take another pint of red. Again they put the red cells back. They use the white cells (plasma) to make something that helps patients with hemophilia and sickle cell. My late stepson was a hemophiliac and was helped by this program. Remember you are helping many people old and young by donating!!!!!!
  2. Sure hope this wasn't a DEI win. Never thought much of him as a person. His attitude sucked. I stopped watching this season after the good chefs were eliminated. First time I have ever done that but I couldn't support the ones remaining!!!!!!
  3. GZ even eats ice cream with chopsticks!!! What an idiot!!!!!!!!!
  4. Sorry to say but this current crop of chefs have been a huge disappointment. They all seem to be way out of shape with large waist lines. I certainly would not like any of them representing my business since they make such a negative appearance. I still can't recall the names of those left. They have made such a negative influence. I really don't care who wins!!
  5. This is a strange group of "Head" chefs. Seems that most have no clue what some food items are. Not knowing what any pasta is really makes them look stupid. A head chef needs to know what food is what. How can they prepare it properly if they don't know the food? For me, there is no chef that stands out. I was expecting much more from a group of "HEAD" chefs. What a letdown!! Pick some cooks from the line that deal with simple stuff like Waffle House. Look what that chef did all on her own. She knew what she was doing!!!! Makes me look at head chefs in a different light!!!
  6. I noticed right off how out of shape most of these chefs were. They must taste test their food at a great rate. Gordon will have to pick some punishments that don't require any body quality.
  7. I fell out of the loop on the medical condition of Dr. Jeff. I did some research yesterday and learned he passed on 2/15/2024. What a blow to the care of the pets of low income people! Who is running the clinic now? I hope it is Petra. She is the most qualified and seems to work under the same standards of Jeff. I hope his work ethic continues in all the vets he has trained over the years. Sadly NatGeoWild won't work in all markets. I get my cable thru Spectrum and they dropped NatGeoWild last year from their lineup. So no NGW for me.
  8. Thank you. At least now I know I am not going crazy. He just didn't have h blue hair. He seemed to do some good cooking!!
  9. I hope someone can answer a question for me. I watched the show last night (8/20/24). The person who won was named Cody. I swear I have seen him in other competitions but I can't recall where. Is my brain fooling me???
  10. Spectrum dropped NatGeoWild several months ago. That means I have had np way to watch any of the last Doc Pol episodes. Can't even access any ondemand, what a croc of BS!!!!
  11. Spectrum dropped NatGeoWild from their line-up. They kept NatGeo. That means I can't see Dr. Pol and the other vet shows that NGW aired. The same goes for Animal Planet. That network was sold (sorry right now I can't remember the purchaser). The new owner completely demolished the lineup. They dropped all the vet shows along with Pit Bulls & Parolees. The shows they kept are just crappy and I no longer even watch AP. I learned so much about animals from the shows that are no longer available.
  12. I have to say I happy that this season is finally over. I have watched Top Chef since the first season. I was so totally underwhelmed by this crew. There wasn't one chef that inspired me in any way shape or form. I could care less about who ended up winning. Please pick a better crew for the next season!!!
  13. Manny is still there because he always manages to be in the middle, not the top and not the bottom. To be honest I wish he was gone. He has shown little to me.
  14. I know I am one lone person that does not like or eat fish. This episode did nothing for me other than make my decision to not eat fish a good one. Since a kid I never liked fish of any kind. Never liked the smell texture or mouth feel. I would rather eat raw beef than any fish. That is just me. I know there are plenty of folks who love fish. I am just not one of them. This works great for me. I fix fish for my husband and steak for me and we are both very happy!!!!
  15. I really didn't like the new format they are now using for RW. It has become a shell of what it was originally.In stead of cutting back on what is needed, try expanding it into a two episode instead of one. It has been turned into who can cook the most good dishes. Other things matter no more. I have watched every RW and have seen the quality drop. How can they call it a war when it is not a war any more??
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