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Everything posted by Summerday

  1. Well, I guess I'm the only one who's sad to see Zoila go. Not sad for her, because I couldn't work in that toxic environment either and the fact that she did for 17 years is a miracle. But sad because Jeff's attachment to Zoila was the only thing that convinced me that he's able to form emotional attachments at all. I just don't see any affection/caring between him and Gage or even him and Monroe. I can see that he loves his pets, that he loves organization, and that he loves mocking his employees, but besides that he just seems cold and empty. I think Jeff was shocked and sad when she didn't agree to only work the weekends and I think he's going to miss her. I hope she does come visit the baby and Jeff. Has Jeff's mother ever been mentioned on the show? I know his parents are divorced, but why did he need Zoila as a surrogate mother?
  2. Wow! That was so good!! I'm so glad Paul didn't win, and Julie calling him a bridesmaid was pure gold! Honestly, I think where Paul went wrong was screwing over production. He's said over and over again that they're making a TV show and I think that he did a lot to try to be an interesting character on the show...wearing the pool floaty, making the muffins last year, and him shouting, "friendship, gumpy, boys, and never cared," were all a part of him playing up to the camera and I think that's why production loved him and why he was invited back in the first place. But this year he made a huge mistake by going against production and getting everyone to throw competitions and not letting anyone use the tree of temptation etc...by doing that he basically shut down the show and prevented the game from being played. We never found out what those lockboxes in the HOH room were for because production knew that Paul wouldn't allow anyone to use them and who knows what else they had planned that they had to scrap because Paul would have prevented anyone from participating. He screwed over production and made the show less fun for the viewer to watch...an epic mistake on his part. If Paul had won the game, everyone coming on the show from now on would be plotting to throw comps and production would probably have to add a $5,000 prize for the winner of every comp just to get people to play. To prevent that, they had to make throwing comps and convincing houseguests not to compete a losing strategy, so Paul had to lose the game. Too bad, so sad Paul. Take your 50K, go home, and don't ever appear on my TV screen again.
  3. Meh, I don't think throwing hot sauce and pickle juice in someone's face and then getting mad when they retaliate with ketchup and mayo is all that nice. IMO, he's more of a doofus than anything. Also, he gave his advantage from the tree of temptation to Paul...just another minion as far as I'm concerned. I'm willing to bet that he votes for Paul to win too, unless Elena convinces him not to.
  4. I'm voting for Jess because I don't like Cody, he's too robotic for me. Although, I don't think my votes count because it lets me vote an unlimited amount. I threw a couple votes to Ramses too because I just hate the way Kevin made him the scapegoat for all of his actions. (The hinky vote, winning the 25K, etc.) Were the feeds down before the HOH comp? Because it really looked like Ground hog Day and Kevin threw it. Stupid. Her crush on Paul is so cringe worthy, I'd be embarrassed for her if she weren't such a soulless shell of a human being. Welp, this horrible season is almost done, thank goodness. I hope they bring in some good celebrities for the next one. I'm expecting Youtube stars and Bravolebrities.
  5. ITA. Josh has got to be real savvy between now and eviction night. He's got to work Alex for her jury vote and let her know that this is all Paul's doing without blowing up his own game. And based on the fact that Alex has always told Paul everything, this could easily blow up in his face. Right now, Josh is guaranteed second place, but if he tries too hard to get the jury votes for first, he could end up in fourth place. Is Alex still crying in the have not room? Have they stopped attacking Josh? Thanks to everyone with the feeds reporting what's going on in the house. :)
  6. Wow, I'm loving this. Maybe she does have more than one brain cell...hopefully she was in shock earlier and she'll get angrier and angrier before eviction night. Hopefully Josh can pull it together and tell her in front of Paul that he'll keep her if it's a tie. Then she'll know when there's no tie that it was all Paul.
  7. What the hell? I honestly don't understand this. Why vote for Paul? She already acknowledges that she was an idiot for following Paul's orders the entire season, so why continue to be his lap dog now? She just got seriously burned for doing anything and everything for Paul and now she's going to turn around and do the exact same thing again. I don't get it...
  8. Hmmm interesting. I remember someone saying on BBAD that they could hear what Paul (IIRC) was saying in the DR. Soooo, does that mean that on eviction night when they're all sitting in the living room that they can hear how everyone votes? Kinda seems like it. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so happy that it's looking like Paul won't use the veto on Alex. It's just so perfect that it's Paul who has the veto and could save her but won't. And if it turns out that she could've won it herself but threw it to him instead? OMG, I will die of happiness. It seems like Josh is having an awakening and is trying to figure out some way to get rid of Paul. I can't think of anything more delicious than Paul getting to F2 again and losing again. If Josh can figure this out somehow and make that happen... he would be the greatest player of all time in my book. (This is the second season I've ever watched, so it's a small book. But it still would be epic. Lol)
  9. Idk, maybe you're giving her too much credit. Based on that convo you posted it really seems like she doesn't get it. But maybe she does, and is angling to be invited back as a vet. I can totally see that being her goal. Lol! Why should one of the most vile people be named after most people's favorite holiday? She's forgettable and lame...just like Arbor Day! Lmao.
  10. Arbor Day is such a brain dead idiot...I just can't believe someone can be that dumb. Even if she couldn't figure it out for herself (which is stupid in and of itself) the fact that Josh is explaining it and she still can't see it...it's just mind-blowingly stupid. If she really can't see that Paul is protecting himself by forcing a tie and making her break the tie, nothing can help her. I wish Josh could somehow figure out it's a double elimination this week and go rogue and vote so that there's no tie...that would at least help him get one or two jury votes so that Paul doesn't win unanimously.
  11. The people that run this show really need to put more effort into getting contestants and celebrities who are halfway decent at the game. It's not fun to watch people who are awful! It seems like anyone can be a contestant regardless of ability...TPTB should do whatever the guys who run Jeopardy or Who Wants to be a Millionaire do to find contestants who are good at the game. I understand it's harder to find celebs who can play well, but the focus really needs to be celebs who are good instead of star power because I really don't think most people are tuning in for the celebs.
  12. Same...the Amazing Race maybe? Maybe she'll get AFP. Fingers crossed!
  13. I don't know which is worse, the fact that Paul will get 500K, that Josh will get 50K, or that there's a high chance that Xmas will be the one invited back next year. ? I can't wait to see the look on Alex's face when Paul gets her out before the final 3 because she can win comps and is therefore a threat. Even though she literally does everything he tells her to, he'll still want her out. It's now a competition to see who kisses Paul's ass the best, and I think it's starting to occur to Jason and Kevin that Matt and Raven do a better job than they do. So once Mark, Elena, and Cody are out...Jason and Kevin are next on the chopping block. And by that time there won't be a single thing they can do about it. Elena's finally realizing that all of her rubbing and stroking on Paul accomplished nothing, she's still out .
  14. I think Landon did her fake cry hoping that Thomas would hand her a handkerchief and that that would piss Kathryn off. Not sure why Landon doesn't understand how juvenile, pathetic, stalkerish, etc. she sounds admitting that she screenshots Kathryn's 4 AM Instagram posts. That's so embarrassing. Is she just sitting up late at night constantly refreshing Kathryn's social media pages so that she can screenshot something? What a loser. If she had a life and was busy dedicating her life to something worthwhile (her crappy website doesn't count), she wouldn't have the time or interest in screenshotting anything Kathryn posted at 4 AM. She sounds like a creepy stalker.
  15. Wow, Shep is an asshole. What exactly is his problem with Craig? I'm not buying that he's pissed that Craig lied about passing the bar. No one gets that upset about a friend lying about their own career. And he can not possibly be that upset about losing the bachelor auction to Craig. If he is...that's just pathetic. Can Shep really not understand that Craig not wanting to jump into bed with any and everyone is not a bad thing? Sounds like Craig prefers to have an emotional connection instead of one night stands...what exactly is so horrible about that? Shep sounded like a 7th grader when he was trying to mock Craig for not sleeping with Kathryn. I was lol-ing when Thomas was like, yeah, the bars close at 11, but they're open all day long. Shep needs to get it together.
  16. How is the curse of having to put yourself on the block anywhere close to equal to having to wear a toad costume? Ramses got screwed, that just seems really unfair. I didn't like Cody from the second I saw him, but damn if I'm not rooting for him and Jess over Paul. I can not stand Paul. His beard just looks gross and dirty, sorry but it does. And every time I see him all I can think about is him wearing that stupid duck pool float all last year, shouting friendship all day long, and him kissing Nicole and Corey's ass constantly. Ugh. It's obvious that he's our predesignated winner. Everyone except for Jess, Alex, and Cody are complete sheep.
  17. Come join me in the corner! I agree that their faces are pretty evenly matched, but otherwise not so much. She looks to be about 30-ish while he looks closer to 50, she's trim and looks like she's physically active and he...looks like he has other priorities. I'm sure he's a very nice guy and her love for him has nothing to do with the size of his bank account or his private plane. I'm totally sure of it. I'm convinced. ;-) j/k I'll leave the poor guy alone now! They're engaged and look happy, good for them.
  18. I don't like Landon at all, but her telling Thomas to shut it when he was bitching about Kathryn at breakfast was golden. I'm so sick of everyone on the show kissing his ass. She did look like Mrs. Roper in that scene though. I know I'm on an express train to hell for this...but Danni's fiance? Yikes. Are the pickings that slim in Charleston? She's cute and seems pretty smart...seems like she should be able to aim way higher. I understand I'm an evil person, I'll go stand in the corner. I didn't get Naomie's burn about the dip. Was she outing him as chewing dip or was she calling him a redneck, backwoods, dip-chewing idiot? Cameron's hair is so perfect, it gets just the right amount of curly in humidity and whoever does her highlights does an amazing job. Craig and Shep dancing with the drag queens was hilarious. They should've shown way more of that.
  19. Shep, Shep, Shep... not a good look for him tonight. Cameron's right, he does feel entitled. And the fact that he went after Naomie as well and that this seems to be a pattern for him? Yuck. Chelsea, idk, I've never warmed up to her. It's pretty obvious she doesn't really want Austin or Shep but she knows it's her storyline for the show. Craig and Naomie seem like they made a pact to bring the drama this season, but Craig wasn't expecting her to be so good at it. That pescatarian thing was just dumb. I hope it was scripted/planned, if not, he should dump her for that alone. The only thing I believe is real on this show is that Craig and Shep deep down detest each other but pretend everything is all good on the surface.
  20. This show is so boring. I never really thought of Shep, Austin and Thomas as good looking until they were around the guys on this show. Compared to them they look like models. I like Daniel, is that his name? The curly haired guy who called out the racist weirdo, he's the only one I like. I used to like Ashley too until she started defending that weirdo. And I can't look at Lyle without thinking about him getting expelled from high school for taking upskirt shots. That's so creepy and gross. It's not like selfie sticks were around back then, so how the he'll was he doing it? So gross.
  21. Shep is coming across as more and more pathetic every episode. Blowing off his appointment with Cameron, sleeping till 1:00, partying every night? Not cute for a 40 year old. There was something weird going on when Cameron came into Shep's bedroom, we can see Shep jumping back into bed just as Cameron opens the door wide enough for the camera to see inside, and Cameron was doing something weird with the covers while Shep was checking his phone for her missed calls. Looked like he was trying to hide something from the camera...wonder what it was? Shep just showing up at Chelsea's place uninvited and emptyhanded and then grubbing down on all her food was tacky af. Anyway, Craig was right about Shep when he said that Shep has money but nothing else. And the money is from his great grandfather, grandfather, and dad... nothing he's made on his own. His only success is getting himself on a reality show and selling "dad bod" t-shirts. Bleh.
  22. So, my prediction is that Corey puts up Vic with James as the pawn and Vic is evicted. Then Paul will go up with James as a pawn and Paul will be evicted. Then Nicole and Corey will be final two...and Corey wins. Unless Nicole wins lol, it's pretty clear that production wants Nicole to win so idk.... But, if Corey really does go with the executives and ditches Nicole...omg that would be the best day of my life!
  23. Maybe so, but for that to be true we'd have to believe that Corey figured out the clues quicker than anyone else. I'm not buying it.
  24. If that's true, why did James just stand there and let all the water run out of the tank? He never even found the key. "Mission control" should've given him the same "intel." But for some crazy reason they didn't, I guess they forgot. What else is Corey going to say? Production cheated and told me exactly what to do so that I could win?
  25. I completely agree, he didn't even look at the manhole or the pipes to see the shapes on the bottom, he just ran over and started unscrewing the correct one. What I don't understand is why BB didn't edit it so that it didn't look so rigged. Also, I think it was production who told him what to do, not another houseguest. But if it was a houseguest, they should've shown it to us considering there are cameras everywhere and they're mic'd every second. The fact that they didn't is sketchy. Corey's turn looked so fake, it would only make sense to show Nicole or Vic telling him what to do so that their "gameshow" doesn't look shady AF.
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