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Everything posted by Summerday

  1. I really don't know what to think about Tyler. On the one hand, I think maybe he's asking to be evicted to repair his image, but he was AFP...so his image didn't really need to be repaired. Maybe one of his goals coming on the show was that he wanted everyone to know that he and Bay aren't enemies and that they've both moved on from what happened on their season. Maybe he saw himself villifying her and heading down that same path that made everything seem so mean and personal during their first season and he didn't want to go there again? So he thought that he could fix everything by asking to be evicted knowing that Season's Greetings would never go for it... But the way that they kept cutting the feeds whenever Tyler was talking about wanting to quit makes me think that the whole thing was a plot cooked up by production to spice up the game since everyone everywhere is complaining about how boring this season has been. I think that Angela brings out/emphasizes the quiet side of Tyler's personality because she's so quiet. One story I remember Tyler telling on the feeds during his season was that when he was in college, he deliberately avoided his friends for like 3 weeks straight and literally did not speak for the entire 3 weeks and that he liked it. So, it's possible that he really does enjoy his silent home with Angela...I just wonder if he's going to regret spending his early 20's living like he's 45 when he actually is 45.
  2. I wish Da'vonne had replied all happy and smiley with, "hi, spray tan!" or "hey, bleach bottle blonde!" or "how's it going extensions?" I didn't watch Big Brother when Janelle and Kaysar were on so they're new to me, but I'm officially rooting for them even though I think that Tyler is the predetermined winner this season.
  3. It sounds like the plan the entire time was to bring Vallee back in after filming and let him take over. Basically reducing Arnold to a videographer to allow him to put his vision on the second season. It sounds like they completely misled Arnold from the very beginning. I just can't believe that they planned it out that way, it just seems so unnecessarily cruel and hurtful. Maybe she wouldn't have signed on if they had told her, but why hire someone if you want to use post production to rework everything they created? If they like her work enough to hire her, then why did they come up with this plan to replace her before work even began? Why not just hire Vallee to do the whole thing or hire someone whose vision/style you like? I have no idea who Arnold is or anything about her previous work, but I feel really bad for her that they did this to her.
  4. It feels like this entire season was made of the same episode 7 times. Pretty sure every episode started the same way with flashbacks of the night Perry died. Every episode contained flashbacks of Perry and Celeste having sex. It just felt like the writer couldn't come up with enough story to fill the 7 episodes of the season. All of Celeste's flashbacks of her life with Perry felt less like her grieving his death and more like TPTB wanted to keep Alexander Skarsgard employed. My biggest pet peeve with this show is that Bonnie is rarely allowed to speak. I bet she's said less than 500 words over the course of the two seasons. In her scenes she has to listen while people talk at her and she barely gets to speak back even when people (like Madeline) are extremely rude to her. I think that the only time Bonnie has been allowed to speak more than one sentence at a time is when she confessed to her comatose mother. It really takes me out of the story when the kids who are supposed to be second graders say things that are way beyond their years. I can tell you want to be with him? I can see your face light up when you're with him? (Paraphrasing) Come on, so unrealistic. I guess the drama behind the scenes really killed the show because they had plenty of material to fill the episodes. They could have shown us a more genuine reaction to Renata's husband bankrupting them. Frozen accounts, downsizing to an apartment and finding a way to pay for that apartment, attempting to pay for a lawyer...might've been interesting if she had had to ask Celeste to represent her for free because she couldn't afford anyone else. Madeline's affair could've been dealt with more thoroughly...when people have affairs sometimes they can't stop cold turkey even after they're caught and they go back and forth. It could've been interesting to see that part of it explored on the show. Bonnie's story was really mishandled. Her mom being into voodoo was just cringe worthy and kind of made me a little uncomfortable that it might be kind of a stereotype thing. Then the visions of drowning that went nowhere...what was the point? Her entire story line was poorly done...watching her stare into space looking depressed was boring as hell. Are Reese and Nicole producers of the show in name only? If they have any real power at all, I don't understand why they would let this happen to their show. Maybe they got outvoted, idk, but it came across like no one was willing to get into the trenches and do the hard work to ensure that the story/plot was halfway decent.
  5. Agree completely which is why even though I never really liked Scottie, I did appreciate him putting Brent up against Winston.
  6. No apology needed! I love your posts, you've got a great sense of humor! Definitely a crossed wires situation.
  7. I didn't say that you said that that it made it right; that's my response to your statement. My opinion is that just because it's par for the course for BB and almost all reality tv, doesn't make it right. I took the Tyler gif as directed to Kemi and anyone who would have a problem with production asking her to wag her finger and say that. I took your post as handwaving away any complaint about production's request. That's how it came across to me, but maybe I took it the wrong way. I agree with you that everyone should know by now what they're getting into when they try out for BB, but at the same time, I think it's valid to point out the issues and problems that production seems to deliberately create. I get that it's their job to try to create drama, but can't they come up with something new? And if it can't be new, can it at least be funny? Nuh uh girlfriend? Really? That's supposed to be funny? I feel like I'm in a time warp watching In Living Color circa 1992. I agree with you that stereotype casting isn't going anywhere anytime soon and especially not on BB, and I'm probably preaching to the choir here, so I'll stop talking now. 🙂
  8. So what? Doesn't make it right. If we can complain about randos on Twitter calling the b-day wreath made of cotton racist, we can complain about production trying to force Kemi to behave in a stereotypical way. Production will probably do anything right now to keep Kemi in the game because David, Ovi and Kemi in Camp POC is not a good look. Same. Don't ask me to explain the workings of Jackson's warped mind! Lol.
  9. So, on Twitter, this account, @SlopParty, says that Kemi said that when she was in the DR they wanted her to wag her finger and say something like, "nuh uh girlfriend," but she refused to. They cut the feeds right after she said that. Same acct says that Christie said that she knows someone who used to work in casting for BB and that's how she met and Facetimed Johnny mac. They cut the feeds right after she said that. Jackson asks if, guido, is offensive and when he's told no, he starts calling David, "guido." Also: Sam didn't know what a sublet is. Holly dated someone who was on the Bachelor. Jackson thinks that the only way David could have figured out what's going on in the house is if he's getting tips from production because he's America's Player.
  10. Does he mean by production? Or he meant getting voted out?
  11. I wonder how the ratings are doing so far. I watched the first episode and instantly didn't like any of the contestants. Add in the racism and I haven't felt motivated to watch any episode since. Everyone on Twitter seems to hate them and they're not too popular here either. Usually I watch BBAD and last year was the first year I watched the feeds (BB 18 was the 1st season I watched)... this year I haven't watched either because I hate these people. The fact that production has more than once told the Jack asses to watch what they say and the fact that they discouraged the first HOH from backdooring Kemi makes me think that their overt racism has tanked the ratings of the show and caused the number of people watching the feeds to decrease as well. I really want to know if the final decision with casting is Robyn's or Groedner's. Either way, I hope they bring in someone new for casting and that Robyn gets the boot.
  12. Hmm maybe they do want to be on ex on the beach. But, if it is a real break up, I'm not surprised. They just didn't seem like a match to me, Haleigh had way more chemistry with Tyler than with Fessy imo.
  13. Question: Has there ever been an old woman on this show? I'm kind of tired of the old man thing. If not, I wonder if it's because old women aren't allowed on TV (unless they're Housewives on Bravo) or if it's because it would seem kind of mean to do all the things that they do (ex: eject paint in their face) to someone who reminds all of us of our grandma.
  14. I like the tattoo, the only thing I would change would be to use shading like on the controller buttons instead of opaque black to fill in the background. But other than that...looks nice to me. I also love the digital Casio watch she's got on. lol I guess she really does like vintage although I don't appreciate things from my childhood being considered vintage! lol
  15. Bayleigh and her family were on Family Feud and won the $25,000 prize. It was recorded before she went on BB.
  16. I disagree. It’s trivially easy to set up automatic payments with the bank so it would have been very simple to make rent payments via automatic payments when she was gone, probably even easier than her parents paying it from South Carolina. So, I think when she said they help her with the rent she meant they pay a portion of it. The rent on that place has to be sky high so it’s not at all surprising that she would need their help. But that's all in the past now that they’re both doing ads on Instagram...pretty soon they’ll have enough to rent a house and it probably won’t be too long before they can buy one. Interesting info about the Amazing Race, thx. If there’s only one season of TAR airing in 2019, does it even make sense to have Tyler and Angela on for the 2020 season? Hardly anyone will even remember them 2 yrs from now...I mean, I maaaybe might barely sorta kinda remember Tyler two years from now, but I for sure won’t remember anything at all about Angela especially if they break up. The first season of BB I ever watched was BB18 and I have to really think to remember anyone on that season besides Nicole, Paul and Victor. I remember Paul because he was on the show two seasons in a row and I remember Victor and Nicole only because just he proposed to her on the show. But, actually, during their season I really wanted him to win and was rooting for him. So I can’t imagine enough people remembering Tyler and Angela two years from now where it would make sense to put them on TAR airing in 2020.
  17. She said her parents were helping her pay for it and that she was probably not going to renew the lease so that she could travel. I think she said that before the showmance officially began…so maybe she plans to stay there now that they’re living together. Tyler did say over and over that he wanted to move here. Does anyone know when they film the Amazing Race? I thought for sure that Tyler and Angela were a lock to be on the show, but they announced that they’re doing a meet and greet in Oct and Nov. I’m pretty sure Jess said that she and Cody had to leave for the Amazing Race like a week after BB ended so I wonder if Tyler and Angela weren’t invited on the show.
  18. Hmm, I wonder if Jess and Cody got to go back for a second TAR, that would be cool. I haven’t been checking their social media so idk if they’ve been MIA for about a month. I just can’t agree, for me she only really seems to light up when she’s being bitchy. That’s the only time I really see any spark of emotion from her camera or no camera. And her monotone is constantly there no matter what she's talking about. She always sounds like she just got off a 17 hour shift and is ready to fall into bed. I think he looks much older now, it's hard to believe that he's 23. He looks 29 or 30 now, whereas in the first episode he looked his age. That wide eyed look makes me laugh so hard! He did it in one of the backyard interviews when the reporter asked him about Swaggy's proposal and if he would be proposing to Angela any time soon. I died. Yeah, I hear you, but being diplomatic really isn't that interesting to watch. I can get diplomacy at work, if I'm going to watch a Youtube video from former BB houseguests, I want to be entertained and see/hear something interesting. Hiding any bitterness or resentment and pretending that it's all water under the bridge isn't going to bring in the views IMO. I'm not saying that they have to drag other houseguests through the mud, but you know, maybe mention the post and roll their eyes and give a quick response...something like that. Personally, I love it when people have melt downs on TAR. It’s one of the best parts of the show for me, so I’d love to see Sam on there refusing to walk any further, and accusing Tyler of lying and demanding to hold the clue, etc. I think the people who calmly and methodically work through each leg while saying, ”you can do it babe,” are a complete snoozefest. If I wanted to see thoughtful and considerate people being thoughtful and considerate to each other, I’d…go where they all hang out. Lol. ~~~~~~~~ Another funny thing about Tyler and Angela’s Instagram live is that Tyler mentioned the curse of entering the house first and said he deliberately didn’t go in the house first. I wonder if he’s heard about the OTEV curse. It came true for him, he won OTEV, but didn’t win the game. Makes me wonder if he knew about the curse and tried to throw that comp but Rockstar ruined it by telling him the correct answer. Lolololol that would so funny if true.
  19. Did anyone watch Tyler and Angela’s Instagram live? I still don’t see any chemistry or emotion between them, but…it’s hard to explain, like even though I don’t see any emotion, they do seem bonded. You can see a connection between them. I thought they were going to break up immediately, but now I can see them staying together for a while…like 2 yrs, maybe even married? Who knows? They said that they’ll be very busy soon which kind of makes me wonder if they’re going on the Amazing Race. Tyler said something about he refuses to go if he can’t go with Angela which makes me think that they pitched him going with JC or Kaycee. Honestly, I kind of detest JC, but I’d rather see Tyler on the Amazing Race with JC than Angela. She’s just so boring. Honestly, I‘d prefer Brett and Winston on TAR or Tyler and Kaycee or even Tyler and Sam over Tyler and Angela…but it’ll probably be Tyler and Angela because we can’t have nice things. They were watching the first episode and Tyler commented that he aged 10 yrs in the house. It’s totally true, he’s looks way older than he did on the first episode, but probably everyone does after a weekend in Vegas and 3 months in the BB house…well except Kaycee, and Brett, and Haleigh. Idk why that house aged Tyler so fast... They made a point of saying that they love everyone in the house blah blah blah. I mean, why even bother if they’re not going to give us the behind the scenes details. They could at least say there is/was some tension with this person but we did/will talk it out. Angela said something about being slightly peeved about a post Rockstar made, but they quickly changed the subject. I would totally watch Youtube videos of them watching each episode and commenting on what really happened, but not if they’re all sunshine and rainbows about everything. If they told us the nitty gritty about the house meeting episode and everything that led up to it and it’s aftermath, I’d definitely watch. ETA: Thanks to Random Watcher for posting the video.
  20. I posted that she follows her a while ago, no one cared. Lol. I think it’s amazing. It has to come straight from Rihanna even if she didn’t click "follow" herself, it’s not like some employee went rogue and started liking random reality show contestants on her account, so I think it’s safe to say that Kaycee is Rihanna approved! I wonder if Kaycee has noticed yet, that must feel so surreal.
  21. Hilarious!! That would require Angela to not speak in a monotone and to be interesting, don’t think she can do it! But yeah, I can see Tyler being a full time reality tv character like CT on the Challenge. What if they hire him to host if Julie resigns, I would die. lol She already did. Last night Kaycee was at Drais Las Vegas with her two friends, brother and his fiancee and Swaggy, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Fessy, and Zakiyah. Tyler and Angela were at Zedd with his best friend and her brother. JC might’ve been there too. Seems like everyone's been partying at different clubs at night and then going to the hotel pool during the day. I don’t think Swaggy, Bayleigh, Angela and Tyler will ever be friends. It just got too personal in the house. I don’t think Kaycee has to choose between those two couples, but if she does, I don't think it's a given that she'll choose Angela over Bayleigh. She’s currently following everyone in Level 6 on Instagram except Angela. (She doesn’t follow Bayleigh or Haleigh either...maybe she couldn’t find their accounts.) Interesting tidbits: Angela follows Bayleigh and Kaycee and neither of them follow her back. Tyler’s following Bayleigh, Swaggy and Kaycee. (I think he followed everyone on the show.) Out of those 3, only Bayleigh doesn’t follow him back. Angela doesn’t follow Swaggy and he doesn’t follow her. JC only has around 60K followers (he claims it’s because he couldn’t figure how to make his account public.) Everyone else except Sam and Scottie has at least 100K. (I’m pretty sure Kaitlyn had more than 100K before her acct was hacked and I don’t know about Rockstar.) So, make of that what you will. I, however, feel the need to state that I do have a life! lol
  22. They all went to Vegas by car (like 3 or 4 separate cars) for a meet and greet at a club. Only Rockstar, Steven and Sam didn't go. Josh from last year went too. ETA: Zakiyah was there as was Wendall from Survivor. If Tyler's going on the Amazing Race, I want to see him with Kaycee even though it would kind of boring...but less boring than with Angela I guess. I still don't think Angela and Tyler will be together 6 months from now (unless they have to stay together to go on TAR or the Challenge), but we shall see. I unfortunately think Swaggy and Bayleigh will end up married...I think she has a very specific personality and Swaggy's personality is one of the few that works well with hers. I think Haleigh will end up dating Brent.
  23. Kaycee totally knows, she slept in the bed next to them. Haleigh said that she heard them from her bed in the pink room making “the same sounds as Swaggy and Bayleigh” so I’m pretty sure Kaycee could hear them in the next bed over. Also, she slept in the HOH room with JC on Angela’s last night so that Tyler and Angela could spend their last night alone together. Kaycee, Tyler and JC were cute on BBAD tonight getting all reminiscent about the summer...that cheesy tour they made them do was lame though. I guess we know what's going to be filler on the live show tomorrow. Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it. I really hope Kaycee wins, but I'm 99% sure it will be Tyler. At least she'll get 50K!
  24. Rihanna is following Kaycee on Instagram. Never thought Rihanna would watch a show like BB, but it’s pretty cool that she likes Kaycee. Why did they give them the tie-dye to do during the day? Should’ve given it to them for BBAD...I’m feeling relieved that tomorrow is the last night of BBAD; I can go to bed at a decent hour again.
  25. Well, she said she threw it in the interview someone linked because she thought that Tyler threw it once he went out right after JC. I agree with you that he would have picked Angela and that Kaycee should have picked Angela. ETA quote: Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out? Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see. I totally don’t get the joke or what it has to do with Bayleigh. You’re saying that every time you see her you think about her cooch? You’re laughing at yourself for finding her physically attractive? She was like Miss Ohio or something and competed for Miss USA so you’re not alone in thinking she’s attractive…don’t see what’s funny about that. Most people here don’t like her personality, but it’s pretty hard to deny that she’s physically attractive, most people who compete for Miss USA are.
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