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Everything posted by Summerday

  1. Where are you guys reading this? Does anyone have a screen grab? Sorry this is my first season of BB and it's shocking to me how they edit the show into something completely different than what happened. I've been watching BBAD and I remember that Natalie and James convo where they're sitting on the floor playing dominoes and it didn't go anything like what we saw on the show. And then the veto comp, Corey obviously was told to go for the pipes. He entered and went straight for them, didn't even look at the manhole first. So rigged.
  2. Wait, did this happen after the bullhorn/screaming? So, they were outside, James/Nat/Vic/Paul all heard it, James and Nat got in an argument over it, and then James tries to play it off to everyone else like he dumped Nat? If that's how it happened, I know it's wrong that someone outside the game influenced how it went down...but honestly I'm glad they did it because I can't stand James and his refusal to play the game. At least Natalie knows the truth and maybe Paul and Vic will keep her and not get screwed over by Nicole and Corey like they for sure would've if the screaming never happened.
  3. What I want to happen: Vic wins, Paul comes in second, Nicole and Corey....can they just disappear? What I think will probably end up happening: Corey wins, Nicole comes in second, Paul third and Vic fourth. Ugh.
  4. I'll forever love Michelle for saying (paraphrasing) that Nicole slept her way to the end of the game. It's true, without her showmance she would've never made it so far. Also glad she took Pablo even though Paul hasn't been wearing it lately. (Probably because once he didn't recieve a care package, he realized his antics may not be as popular as he thought.)
  5. Probably the drugs...does anyone really believe that Scott is clean now? I don't.
  6. I can't stand Nicole and Corey, but they've put themselves in a good position by forming a final four agreement with Natalie and James and also Vic and Paul. They also broke up James, Nat, Paul, and Vic by getting Nat to go after Paul and Vic during her co-HOH. So no matter how things go next week, they should be OK...which annoys the heck out of me. James and Nat...there are no words, they're just so dumb. When Nicole didn't backdoor Vic that should have been a huge flashing sign, but I think they still don't get it.
  7. Meh, I can't see how Bridgettte's personality can be described as any more dynamic than Zakiyah's. (Unless Bridgette's toddler act is supposed to be interesting to watch.) The way they ignored Zakiyah all season and continue to do so unless she's fighting with or being played by Paulie is weird.
  8. My guess is that they're going to back door Victor. That's the only way nominating Michelle makes any sense to me. Soooooooo disappointing that Nicole won; the only good part was Nicole's makeup smeared all over her face because I know she hated that.
  9. Please please please, don't let Paulie back in the house. I don't really want Zakiyah or Da'Vonne to come back in because I don't think they can do anything with the people left in the house, they'll just get voted right back out. That leaves me hoping Victor wins because Bridgette would make Natalie and James stronger and I don't want that. Best case scenario for me would be Victor winning and putting up Corey and Nicole or Corey and James.
  10. Natalie was beyond annoying this episode. She's so easily manipulated to put Paul on the block, and then after two seconds of conversation with Paul she's crying because she realizes she was manipulated, then she wants him gone again because he fell asleep in her bed. Can she not stick to a decision for two seconds? I have no idea why James is so loyal to Corey or why Corey trusts him so much when James just flipped to get Paulie out of the house, but keeping Corey in the game would be such a bone headed decision. I seriously hope he doesn't do it. I don't really like Paul but at least he's focused on playing the game and winning and can see that Corey and Nicole are playing for Corey and Nicole and will step on anyone they have to to win. Maybe Corey didn't pay that much attention to the storm clues overnight because he knew that if he went up only James' vote would count and that James won't vote against him. If James is that dumb...ugh.
  11. Once again, I fell for BB's manipulation. I thought that that moment between Paulie and Corey where he convinced him to bake the pie was really genuine and sweet. ("Bake the shit out of those pies" made me lol though.) And I thought Paulie's speech was nice until he attacked Michelle...then it got weird. I couldn't stop laughing at the butterfly thing. The way he stopped in the middle of his sentence and watched it go by...omg, I replayed it like 5 times. And then he explained it like that would make it understandable. And then he starts crying about it. And then James' reaction...I damn near lost my life laughing, that was so amazing. It looked like Zakiyah finally started to get a clue, seeing the real pain in her eyes made me hate Paulie all over again. And I hope he doesn't come back into the game. Best case scenario IMO would be Corey/Victor evicted next and winning the buy back instead of Paulie.
  12. Well, I'll admit it, it worked on me. I felt bad for Paulie this episode. Maybe he does have the round trip ticket, but I don't see what good it will do him unless he wins HOH...and it kind of seems like he'll be so emotionally drained that he won't be able to. Can he just go to the jury house and this whole thing can be done with? Please and thank you!
  13. The entire episode was beautiful. I never really cared either way about Natalie, but now I love her for standing up to Paulie. And I'm so so so so so so happy that James backed her up. Paulie crying over Corey when he never shed a tear for Zakiyah...ugh he's so gross. The only thing that would've made this episode better was if Nicole didn't win the care package so that she could go up if one of them comes down. I really hope this is the end for Paulie, except I don't want him in the jury house dickmatizing Z. Other than that this is perfect.
  14. Interesting how Zaulie was non existent on Big Brother when things were good between them and only made it on the show when things went sour and he started playing her hard. Now almost the whole show is about Paulie screwing her over. I wonder why BB has shown us all the other showmances non-stop, but not Zaulie. I never would have even known about Zaulie until last week if I didn't read this site.
  15. I think that Scott wants to get back together with Kourtney, but if I were Kourtney I wouldn't trust that it wasn't for the money/fame from being on the show. Considering that he's been cheating on her the entire relationship and he has/had a drug or alcohol problem...I don't see any reason for her to get back together with him. But, I think she will take him back and he'll eventually cheat again and they'll break up again and then get back together again. And then he'll cheat....lather, rinse repeat.
  16. This episode was snoozeville. I'm finding it hard to care if Scott and Kourtney get back together now or a few months from now...she's obviously going to take him back so what difference does it make? Khloe meeting with Rob...why did they promote the heck out of that? Is wasn't even 30 seconds of the show and it was boring. The whole show was boring.
  17. I think that Thomas keeps fanning the flames between Kathryn and Landon because it boosts his ego to have two women who are young enough to be his daughters fighting over him.
  18. Cameron and Landon were so bitchy towards Kathryn tonight. There were some points where Landon was just staring at Kathryn with hate in her eyes at moments when she wasn't even talking. I believe that Landon absolutely slept with Thomas and believed that she would become Mrs. Ravenel, instead Thomas went back to/slept with Kathryn, and that pissed Landon off. We're supposed to believe that Thomas and Landon spent Valentine's Day together and took a trip to London together but never slept together? Sorry, not buying it.
  19. Thomas is/was a hard core drug user. That's a fact. Whether or not Thomas introduced Kathryn to it, who knows, but it isn't impossible. Thomas served time for a drug related offense, people who are in that lifestyle and getting arrested for drugs aren't really known for having high moral standards. If he was doing it and he was "dating" Kathryn at the time, it isn't that far fetched that he introduced her to it.
  20. Kathryn definitely seemed high and Thomas looked sad, almost kind of heart broken whenever she spoke. I wonder if he feels guilty. My opinion is that he lies constantly to Kathryn and she continues to fall for his bull for whatever reason. I wonder if Thomas is the one who got her started on hard drugs...we'll never know, but it'seems possible.
  21. Agree 100%. Kim is like ,"yeah I got married without telling anyone in my family, but it's different when Rob gets engaged without telling the sisters because...reasons." They kept calling his actions bizarre, what is bizarre about proposing to your girlfriend? Because he did it in front of her family...like the way Kanye proposed in front of Kim's family? I don't remember seeing any of his family there. So it's OK when Kanye does it but not when Rob does? Is it bizarre like getting married after knowing someone for 30 days like Khloe with Lamar, or bizarre like getting divorced after 72 days like Kim. Or bizarre like the way Khloe is all flirty and touchy touchy with Rob? Or bizarre like Kylie dating a 25 yr old man when she was 15 years old? And I still don't understand what they're so pissed about? He's getting engaged...what's wrong with that?
  22. I think that Rob was planning to come on the trip and he just assumed that BC was invited too...because she's his girlfriend and everyone invites their SO to the family trips all the time. I think that they told him off camera that BC wasn't allowed to come on the trip, so he was like alright, I'm not going on the trip and I'm going to propose and let you find out however you find out. Good for Rob for standing up for his relationship. He was like if you can't respect my relationship, why should I respect you? The sisters were trying to play the victim now with their, "we miss Rob so much" thing, but they're definitely the source of the drama. Kim's little story about hanging up because she "wasn't ready" when Rob tried to get her to talk to BC just shows how they're trying to make BC feel not welcome. Calling BC Tyga's baby mama was just another rude comment from the sisters about BC. How about calling Kourtney, Scott's baby mama because that's what she is. And apparently Kourtney's going to take Scott back again....seriously she is the biggest doormat ever.
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