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  1. Wow, how did I miss that article? I don’t always read those apartment choice articles, TBH. The apartment they are describing is on the other side of the building. I know the layout of the one with the long hallway.
  2. If anyone can stand one more crazy NY real estate story: I am suddenly reminded of one bizarre flaw of the cheapo tenement kitchen: the hot and cold water were reversed in the sink because they were drawing the plumbing from the same lines of the bathroom of the apartment next door, which was right behind my kitchen. So they were mirrored. I lived with that for nine years. I haven’t thought about it for years. @shapeshifter we did not have avocado or gold appliances but we did have dark copper stove and refrigerator in that kitchen.
  3. This is a fascinating little search for me. There are a number of listings for this building as if they were selling the apartments, but I'm sure they are not. They all say "off market," and there is no way those apartments would sell for those prices. When I moved out in 1985 my rent was $375. This apartment is in the same line I had. You can see the exact layout. I had the living room with the round turret, but in those days we had curved glass windows! (with sash cords). They have long been replaced by modern windows, so they ruin the line with flat glass. Sad. Since I still live nearby I do walk by frequently, so I have seen it from the outside. It looks like they reglazed some of the pink bathrooms with white, because that's the same kind of tiny sink we had. In others they left the pink sink and tub and changed the tiles and toilet to white. We also had that very small kitchen in the living room. We did not have that island, so we struggled with no counter space. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/300-W-106th-St-APT-47-New-York-NY-10025/2083102002_zpid/
  4. That's like my extended family. My aunts and uncles lived nearby. One also rented in the same apartment development, one set lived in a small house nearby. Here's a picture of my tenement building. Take note of the round turrets. I had an apartment with one of the round turret rooms. https://www.propertyshark.com/mason/Property/32712/300-W-106-St-New-York-NY-10025/ This is the worst building on one of the nicest blocks in the city. It's a two way street off Riverside Park and has all nice prewar buildings and some nice brownstones. The large mansion on the Riverside Corner has been owned by the Bronfmans.
  5. It makes a huge difference that you had parking inside the building. That’s an advantage of many postwar buildings.
  6. Very interesting that was a particular type of postwar construction. Very common. That building is certainly in the middle of nowhere. When I lived in my tenement apartment we also has a pink bathroom! The building was probably built in 1915 or so, but the landlord did a crappy renovation in the late sixties. He must have gotten a steal on pink fixtures and tiles because every apartment had them.
  7. Anybody know anything about The Hills of California?
  8. They face east in the NYC street grid, but I guess that's not true east.
  9. We just pack our own bags. We bring IKEA bags. The checker pushes everything down the conveyor belt and we pack ourselves. Bonus it takes much less time.
  10. Just a reminder, if you didn't know, you can add extra fingerprints to your phone. It doesn't have to be just one.
  11. Unlikely, of course, there would always be three shifts in a large city. Oh, well.
  12. That's an Epstein--not just a Weinstein . . . These freakouts sound horrifying. His lawyer is defending it as consensual activity--"it's not trafficking--everyone wanted to be there."
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