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  1. Don't you know Jackson is the only one that matters? Not Murphy, not Lilah. Which is very sad because Lilah and Murphy both seem to be so gentle and loving. Also, did anyone else hear Caryn say she was happy to come to the birthday party to see Jackson? Wtf? She didn't even mention Lilah!
  2. Yeah, I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal about the distance either. Growing up, my grandparents lived about 45 mins - 1 hr away and we saw them often.
  3. This. Just like when Matt was visiting, Tori came in and plopped her on the kitchen counter and ignored her. She didn't even face her towards everyone else, she plopped her down with her back to everyone! No wonder the kid can't talk and cries when anyone comes near her. I won't be surprised if she ends off with serious social issues due to Zack and Tori's neglect.
  4. I think Max is a douchebag. The breakup was probably more about the fight they had afterward and the things he said to Moriah then about him kissing the other girl (which he took no responsibility for, and blamed the other girl). I see him as controlling. I remember him saying some derogatory things about Moriah's clothing last season. He doesn't want Moriah showing any skin. Meanwhile, he's 'acting as a wingman' and flirting with another girl 🙄 Run, Moriah. Definite 🚩 there. Also, Lydia WTF?? There is definitely something off about that girl.
  5. And Kody's ugly as a woman
  6. I felt so bad for Ysabel when she was crying because she realized her dad didn't care enough to be there for her. All because he wasn't willing to be away from Robyn for a few weeks :(
  7. And file for child support!
  8. Oh FFS ... yes, she has some boxes in the garage, but you people are acting like she belongs on Hoarders! I think her house looks pretty good overall, much better than the farmhouse did. What about all of Matt's buildings full of stuff? But, OMG, Amy has a few boxes in her garage and she belongs on Hoarders! Lmmfao
  9. When Jen told Will to give her the hatchet, Bill says "he can hold it". Way to undermine your wife Bill! No wonder Will doesn't listen to her.
  10. The "parents" on this show refuse to actually parent. And, therein lies the problem. Poor kids. I can't help but feel bad for them. They are products of their environment.
  11. The stupidity of everyone in this episode. I. just. can't. even. Alex asking Tyra what's wrong. Wtf do you think is wrong?? Tell your mom and grandma to shut the hell up. And why would Grandma ban Tyra from spending the night AFTER she got pregnant? Makes no sense. I wouldn't even bring my kid over there if I was Tyra. Max is in so much denial it isn't funny. The best thing his dad can do is get him off tv and get him into residential treatment asap. And Chloe is so naive to not see how troubled he really is. She thinks everything will be perfect when they get their own place. She is in for a rude awakening. Matthew is such a scumbag. He always looks nasty af but he thinks he's so hot. He had some nerve trying to blame Hailey for their fight. I wish she'd wake up and kick his weasly butt to the curb. He is definitely not worth crying over! Anthony may be the dumbest of them all. He really thinks he can tell he's the father by an ultrasound image? Really? That boy is dumber than a box of rocks. And Rilah's mom let him live there for 2 yrs then kicked him out when he turned 18? And now is letting him move back in? Wtf is wrong with all these parents? Is it any wonder these girls end off pregnant? At least no whiny ass, spoiled Mckayla on this episode. Although, it looks like she'll be back annoyingly as ever next week. Can't wait.
  12. There is no way I'd let that whore get the farm after she stole her husband. I'd force a sale first. Amy is a way better person than I am lol.
  13. Agreed. He wants to buy Amy out, take total control of the farm, sell it when HE'S ready and keep all the money for himself.
  14. Forgive me, but this all seems so weird.
  15. Oh, I'm not excusing Whitney for her unhealthy decisions which absolutely make her PCOS worse. I just don't think you can lump everybody with PCOS together in one category. For example, some women with PCOS can have children, some cannot. There are a lot of symptoms of PCOS besides weight gain. Hair loss, excess facial hair, adult acne, which those women don't exhibit, but of course I can't know the details of their diagnoses. My apologies for being presumptuous.
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