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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Sounds like a jerk move to me! Someone is going to be on the unemployment line and doesn't know it yet; of course, these jerks laugh about it because the way they find out is funny!! As my late father used to say, "About as funny as a rubber crutch!"
  2. Why not another round of blinds for Spring? From Entertainment Lawyer: Ick. I'm guessing Hank Azaria. He's best know for his Simpson voices and occasional appearances on "Mad About You". A music related blind: and finally:
  3. Even back in the day this annoyed the hell out of me! I didn't bother to watch past that premise!! As for Buffy, I don't mind if they go with a past slayer (in the show proper, there was a black slayer in the 70s who was killed by Spike and he took her long leather coat to add to his wardrobe and in the 30s, the slayer was Korean). It would make it easier to deal with non aging vamps by having a different slayer who encounters some of the same demons. If they go with a future slayer, it should be a few decades in the future.
  4. This is awesome! Sometimes I wonder if those two would want to do a live broadcast of "The Odd Couple" play with Macchio as Felix and Zabka as Oscar. They really do work together well even beyond CK. On another front, here's an interview with Sean Kanen. He's being interviewed by William Christopher Ford, who played Dennis (the henchman who took care of Mike's training, while Snake handled everything else!).
  5. Well I had a mixed bag today: I ran into a fellow a while back (retired military) who told me his HOA was giving him grief because he and his wife wanted to put up wrought iron bars (combo security and beauty) on their home. They have a neighbor who has exactly what they want on their windows and they are allowed by the HOA standards. I offered him the number of the news desk and offered him tips on how to sell it (Marine veteran being messed with by obnoxious HOA - no one has a love for those here!). He thanked me and I wished him luck. I met up with him again recently and he said he told the HOA that he was planning to expose them on TV and they suddenly gave in! Yay! Then there's today: I found out a former pioneering rock star, Sandy Nelson lives in Boulder City. Just type his name in YT and you'll get a slew of awesome drum music he made back in the late 50s and 60s. He was an influence on at least 3 generations of rock drummers! Anyway, while checking in on a fan blog, I learned his home burned down due to an electrical fire and he needed to raise about 50K to repair it and make more accessible (he had a foot amputated due to a motorcycle accident many years ago, but it doesn't prevent him from still playing from time to time). I suggested we do the story, so that he could get a bit more attention to his plight (there is a gofundme page for him too) . One of our reporters got back to me and told me it was an awesome story idea and they'd love to do it except.... Sandy has apparently refused to be interviewed. It's his call, and we'll respect his wishes, but I really wish I could do more than just throw a few bucks in the kitty.
  6. My Dad suffered a heart attack at 45 and was a smoker himself until then. When he woke up in the CCU, he was asking the nurses for a smoke. They had to remind him of the no smoking rule - all that oxygen around!
  7. OK, I have a bit of speculation here about Season 3: I'm almost certain Terry Silver will appear. Why? Because as I was rethinking the events of the season, there was something that bugged me when Kreese took CK away from Johnny. Then I rewatched a few key scenes and came up with my theory: Kreese appeared to Johnny claiming to be down and out. Kreese claimed an old friend of his [Silver] offered him a job but pride caused him to refuse it. Later, Johnny decides to follow Kreese to where he is staying. Kreese was an expert in covering his tracks due to military training so as Johnny was following him, I kept wondering if Kreese didn't let him follow him to the halfway house! He wanted Johnny to feel sorry for him and take him back into his life. Then later, the landlord tries to raise the rent on Johnny, since business has been good and they had a handshake deal due to Johnny's poor credit. Johnny of course refuses. By the end, Kreese tells Johnny he made a new deal with the landlord (on paper apparently) and that CK was his. How would Kreese have the money/credit to pull that off if he'd been living on the streets or halfway houses? He couldn't. Terry had to be his financial backer to make this work. Terry Silver and he concocted this scheme (shades of KK3!) to get CK away from Johnny and likely mess with Daniel a bit a well. Johnny did the hard work of setting up the dojo, getting CK reinstated for the All Valley Tournament, creating karate champions, and Kreese puts the cherry on top by further corrupting the students and taking control of everything. Barnes could also show up, but I think he might show up as an ally rather than a villain this time. After all, he got jipped when Daniel beat him in the '85 tournament so he might want to settle up with Silver years later. I had a fantasy that if the character returned and we find out he worked out all his anger issues and became a stand up comedian (which Sean Kanan has done IRL), which would blow Daniel's mind! Additional speculation: Chad McQueen could still do a one off for Dutch if scheduling permits. Perhaps Johnny (and maybe Tommy too) take Hawk and maybe some other Cobra Kai Kids for a field trip to Lompoc to see where untamed aggression will ultimately lead. Julie (Hilary Swank) could show up to continue teaching Miyagi Do since Daniel is unable to. It's possible TPTB could bring in a new character who has Miyagi Do roots, but since KK4 is canon and they admitted Daniel knows Julie (having met at Miyagi's funeral), this would make the most sense. Ali might appear (I'm certain it will be related to helping Miguel with his injuries), but I wouldn't be surprised if they chose to brng her in for the end of Season 3 as a cliffhanger and having her presence in Johnny's life the focus of Season 4. Of course the producers admitted Season 3 would have themes of rebuilding so it's possible Johnny will rebuild his relationship with either Ali (whom he never got over), or rebuilt it with Carmen (who's pissed at him due to what happened to Miguel). Plus there's rebuilding is relationship with Robby and how he's going to make a living without the CK dojo. Daniel will need to rebuild his family and business since he was stretching himself too thin with the dojo. Hopefully he'll also rebuild his inner self as he behaved in ways Miyagi would never have approved of. We still have no idea who Miguel's father is either - is he Chekov's dad or just a red herring?
  8. Thanks to Mary Mouser, you too can make Bananarama Pancakes!
  9. Speaking of, I find it odd that he went from working his job at he hardware store to applying for a security job at the local HS. Sure, he had more confidence than ever before but it would seem an odd choice. Could it be Kreese sent him to apply for the position? Perhaps to keep an eye on the kids, etc. . I do agree that he was funny for a moment but it was a joke that stretched a bit thin - although I thought his winning of the headband contest (hiding in the leaves) was pretty awesome! Does Robby know to look for Kreese? I don't know if he knows him well enough to go to him. I also want to know why he didn't accept Miguel's act of mercy by kicking him after Miguel let up on him. That's not something Daniel would have taught him. Or was he thinking vengeance for what happened at the tournament? I also think Johnny still loves Robby (I do wish they had spent more of the season working on their bonds) and I'd like to think that he (and maybe Daniel) will go looking for him. After yet another rewartch, I came to the realization that while the season was good and I can't wait for Season 3, I enjoyed it overall a bit less than Season 1. I thought the first season was perfect and set everything up well. This review seems to nail a few flaws from this season. Found this interview with the creators of the show. They do give a hint for how things will go next season: So I can definitely see things getting better for both sides; hopefully Johnny and Daniel can tone down the rivalry and straighten themselves out.
  10. Ralph Macchio and Billy Zabka chat about making The Karate Kid: Part 1: Part 2:
  11. Well, KK3 didn't do much of a time skip between it and KK2 (Daniel and Miyagi had just arrived at LAX as Kreese was on his way to Tahiti). Either it picks up where they left off like Season 2 did or maybe a short skip, like a few days or weeks. I'm curious about this also. It's possible (and we could have scenes in which he's in recovery and/or PT). I just know that Ali will be the doctor involved in his life saving surgery.
  12. If she had confessed about the night Yasmine hit Johnny's car, most of the events of Season 1 would never have happened! She did say in the hospital that the events that day were her fault (and she feels guilty), so I hope she does bring that up to her parents. If so, perhaps Daniel will go out to look for him. Those two are yin and yang, but they should put this rivalry to bed. Actually, Daniel is more at fault at this point than Johnny, thanks to the latter taking Carmen's advice about putting himself above it all. Everything with Daniel was about taking CK down and it was upsetting his world in more ways than one. Amanda was right. I do expect that they will mend fences by season 3. It's long overdue. Agreed. I can relate to him perhaps doing things the old fashioned way, being dismissive of PC culture or waxing nostalgic about his younger days (his Whitesnake inspired dream was hilarious!), but there's no way he could be that ignorant about the internet ("What's a Facebook?). I think the fight went on a bit too long and far too many kids chose to participate. I'd have been fine if it were kept between Sam & Tory. In some schools, I can see teachers choosing not to get involved since some students are armed and are truly dangerous if you try to break up their fights. I was interested in seeing Johnny's oldest student, Stingray interview for a security job and do pretty well in trying to break it up. It is since he was the one who didn't pick up on Miguel's act of mercy and chose to give him a final kick which sent him over the rail.
  13. Well, is it time to bring on the speculations and predictions for Season 3? First, some questions: What happened to Robby after the fight? Did he go to his dad's place or someplace we have yet to know about? Come to think of it, where did Johnny go since he left his car behind? What will he do now that Kreese has stolen his Dojo from him? Is Tory really Ali's daughter? I have my doubts due to her psychotic attitude and claiming she grew up without monetary support from her dad. I saw this YT vid which had an interview with members of the cast including Peyton List. The super beneath it was "Tory Schwarber" (at 3:41). Either this was a presumption on the part of the interviewers or they let the cat out of the bag too soon. If we go with the premise that the character's last name is Schwarber, I suspect that Tory is the product of an affair Ali's husband had 17 years ago and Ali may have found out about it. This could lead to my next speculation: This could mean Ali is single (separated or divorced from her husband) and has left Denver to continue her practice in S. California. Since she is a pediatric surgeon, it's highly likely she will end up performing a procedure to save Miguel's life and/or get him mobile again. I had suspected one of the kids would end up being severely injured and it would make sense for Ali to reappear in this capacity. Will Johnny and Ali renew their old love affair? Or will it be closure on that chapter of his life so he could move forward with someone else? If Elizabeth Shue is willing to put in the appearances as a love interest, I'd love to see them try again. Will Carmen calm down and forgive Johnny? It wasn't his fault what happened to Miguel, but since it was due to Robby's actions..... Will Johnny and Carmen renew their burgeoning romance or was it over before it really began? I personally wasn't crazy about the idea of them having an affair since I thought it was be too easy and too obvious. I know other viewers have different opinions on this. Will Daniel still have marital strife? I hope not too much, as I truly think he and Amanda are a great couple! Watching them make that 10 car sales quota showed just the kind of team they are together! Amanda was right about Daniel's obsession with his CK rivalry getting out of hand, but I'd hate it if this were what caused them to separate. Samantha is feeling guilty over what happened to Miguel (some of it deserved). Could this lead to something else down the road? Daniel is forced to close Miyagi Do, due to being stretched too thin between work and family responsibilities. What now? Now for additional speculation: Season 2 had call backs to the second film (and a few from KK1 & KK3). The death of a loved one (but no one suspected it would be Tommy!), second chances (Kreese getting it from Johnny only for Johnny to get burned), and Okinawan references of one sort or other. That means KK3 will feature a bit more prominently in Season 3. Mike Barnes didn't show up in Season 2 despite all the hoopla propagated by Sean Kanen. Perhaps they're saving him for that. Terry Silver could also show up now that Kreese took back Cobra Kai just to say hi. We still don't know what he's been up to over the past 30 years. If he offered Kreese a job when he was down and out, he might still be in business somehow. Johnny has to find a job and find Robby. Perhaps Robby will come across Johnny's car and phone and go looking for him. They just started working things out and I really want to see that continue. Daniel has to get back to running the dealership, but what of his students, new and old? This leads me to: Will Daniel end up going down a darker path and Johnny oddly enough helps him? I definitely predict they will finally bury the hatchet on the rivalry and focus on helping their kids and each other. Under hits & misses: I had predicted Johnny's mom died before the events of the first KK film but according to that conversation with Miguel, she died shortly before Robby was born (2001-2002). She was the only positive presence in Johnny's early life (except for her marriage to Sid) so I'm surprised she couldn't be more of an influence before Johnny's life went into free fall. I also thought Johnny would check into AA and get help for his drinking - nope. What I didn't expect was Robby's mom hitting rock bottom and resolving to get sober after her trip to Mexico. I had thought Robby and Johnny would have worked on their relationship sooner in the season. I also thought they would have moved in together only for him to move into Daniel's place. At least I called it when Robby's former partners in crime came for revenge and some of his dishonest actions came back to haunt him at the beach club. I hope this doesn't mean he's going to fall into, "Well, I'm a no good kid, I nearly killed someone, and people still look at me with suspicion. I might as well go back to what people think I am" mode.
  14. That's what bugs me! I'm a bit younger than the character but I've had internet access for 20 years (hooked up at home via a phone modem and before that I used to visit the computer lab on my college campus). I know Johnny isn't the most tech savvy guy out there (I know I'm not the most tech savvy woman!), but the internet shouldn't be so foreign to him!
  15. Just finished the binge! Oh my goodness that was intense!!! Where do we go from here??? Some things we predicted did come true: Kreese's takeover (although I'm surprised he took everyone but Miguel. How could they all turn on Johnny??), a reunion with Johnny's old buddies (and a body bag!), a response from Ali, Robby & Johnny beginning to mend their relationship, Robby's ex-partners in crime returning and a few nods to the first three KK films including highlights from their soundtracks! Moon - WTF???? Definitely didn't see that coming! I guess breaking up with Hawk really pushed her in a whole new direction!!! I missed Miguel's grandma, who finally appeared towards the end of the season. Wonder why? OTOH, it was nice the Lucille (Daniel's mom) returned and had an awfully sweet moment with him reminiscing about his dad. I think it was unfair for Johnny to get the blame for what happened to Miguel. It reminded me of Season 1 when his mother was pissed at him when he got beat up by Kyler. It was out of his control. I do blame him for what happened once Robby took Sam to his place. He really should have called Daniel. I do give Johnny and Robby props for looking out for Sam when she was drunk. Big surprise (not!!) - learning that Dutch is in stir in Lompoc. Interesting that the old CKs mentioned he had been in Juvie more than once in their youth. So great seeing Bobby, Jimmy and Tommy again. It was also cool to hear that same song from the soundtrack as they biked along their road trip! I could see a movie with those guys with the highlights of their trip!! Their real life friendship really comes through! Tory is NUTS. That is all. Just when it seemed things were coming together, they were not only torn apart, but ripped to shreds!!! How in the name of Miyagi is this going to be resolved??? Worse still - waiting another year!!! Kudos to all the actors - everyone was great but Billy Zabka in particular really nailed Johnny's emotional notes! He came so close to tears many times, but he managed to keep it together.
  16. Totally! Not only that, but I could count down the moment Kreese stepped out of the dojo to the moment Johnny called him back! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....
  17. Ted McGinley. I never heard the Joke coke rumor (Woodruff taking the recipe with him), but it sounds funny. I think Coke had been using corn syrup before that point however. At least since the mid 70s. The Coke that gets bottled in Mexico is the same original formula Coke that your parents and grandparents had from the 30s onward. It uses sugar. I find it in Sam's Club all the time.
  18. Even though the scandal happened long before I was born, it was still something everyone seemed to know about even into the 80s and early 90s (leading to the film version of events). I think it was because so much came from it; careers were ruined (producers and hosts) and game shows had to be reworked so behind the scenes shenanigans wouldn't happen again. Plus, it seemed to be a forerunner of "reality TV" in a way - since a drama was being introduced and playing off the story of the little guy who did good (Stempel) vs everyone until he was pitted against Van Doren who was anointed the "Golden Boy" by the show's PTB who now had to beat him and become America's new champion. Stemple didn't like being played like that or having a legit chance to win ripped out of his hands. Plus, Van Doren, for all his accomplishments apart from the show did come from an equally accomplished family, so I guess TPTB didn't think he should lose to a working class guy like Stemple. Just the same, RIP Mr. Van Doren.
  19. So sorry @hoosier80! I'd be careful though about making it seem like you're interviewing - those idiots are probably dumb enough to let you go and praise Dip for all her "accomplishments"! Then they'll hire 2-3 people to replace you at half the price to cover up Dip's screw ups! Seriously, I wonder how these managers learn stupidity like this? At my job Bitcheroo took a week off. Seems she got married (presumably to the baby daddy of her genius son - only took 4 years). She got back this week and I and another co-worker couldn't help but notice that Bitcheroo came back from what is supposed to be one of the most happiest times in her life - a wedding and a honeymoon - with a frown! Usually most brides come back from their honeymoons all dreamily happy and on a natural high for at least a few weeks. Not Bitcheroo! We noticed she never smiled the whole time since she returned! She even had the nerve to give me the stink eye when I walked past her! I was going to be polite and congratulate her, but with that attitude, I decided to remain silent. I hope she isn't plotting my downfall again. My birthday is next month and she's likely dumb enough to make it three in a row by calling me on the carpet for some imagined slight. She's kept her distance from me for the last several months so I hope that continues. I noticed her hanging outside my edit bay (ostensibly to either use the microwave or look at posted schedules on the bulletin board) but I can't help but wonder if she's up to her old spying tricks again. That's the kind of climate she created since she started this war.
  20. For a reunion of sorts check out this video from Nerdist. It features the majority of the original JL (minus Carl Lumbly as Martian Manhunter) along with host Rob Paulson as they have a chat about the life of a VA and meeting fans at cons (among other things). The video is topped off with a reading of a segment of Lord of the rings with the actors in character (about 50 minutes into the video).
  21. Did anyone attend the rerelease? How was it after all these years?
  22. Dark Shadows essentially predates them all. It debuted in 1966 (originally it was supposed to be a regular soap and somehow supernatural themes were added and it became an enormous hit) and had it all: witches werewolves, curses, Time travel, and a vampire named Barnabas Collins.
  23. Another clip released - this one with Kreese!
  24. I never knew this existed: a cover of Steam's, "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" by none other than Hugo Montenegro! I kinda like it too!
  25. So sorry to hear that! Not to mention being Helen Mirren’s cousin to boot!
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