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coffee drinker

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Everything posted by coffee drinker

  1. Yep. In real time Cameron was born in May 2004 (off screen). Both Cameron and Jake have May birthdays. Cameron's I don't recall has ever been acknowledged on screen. Becky's daughter Ella was born in April 2004.
  2. Ethan was born in 2001. That pregnancy wasn't written into the show. Ella is the "Cameron" pregnancy. She was born in 2004. Emerson is the "Aiden" pregnancy. Guza wasn't writing the show when Ethan was born. Amazing isn't it that a writer (McTavish) could ignore the actress's real life condition and resist the need to write it in.
  3. I think Burton connects better with babies/infants and toddlers up to like age 4. He's done fine in the past with the few times he held Jake as a baby and Josslyn as a baby. He did fine in that scene in the hospital when she got her transplant after Jake died. Then there was the dream Jason had with Jake showing him the motorcycle. I agree that Burton is not connecting with these young actors who are playing kids older than he's interacted with in the past.
  4. That sort of reminds me of the time the preggo former side piece of Sonny was living with Jason and packed up her little black bag and walked out while he came running to fetch her. Or when she taunted him about schutuping dumb as a stump Lucky in the hot tub. She's been doing this sort of thing since the pairing started.
  5. Meh, Jason boinked his brother AJ's bimbo bride (Corky) and they weren't divorced yet. A ring doesn't matter to that dog. It doesn't matter to the bimbo he's interacting with now either.
  6. It has occurred to me that the only reason Becky Herbst's Elizabeth isn't taking another punishing turn as the big bad foil to dirtbag and his ride/die ho is because she's needed elsewhere to prop up the abomination that is Franco at the moment. An almost as bad option. Almost.
  7. I wonder about that too. The stupidity of the writers to simply ignore all the history that has gone on with the character so that they can make Spin be dirtbag Jason and his ride/die ho Sam's bestie again. It reeks.
  8. Apparently this was originally the network promo shown to the industry folks at the TCA's back in January (minus the scenes prior to 2017). The lazy slug FV merely tacked on the old scenes and repackaged it as the anniversary promo.
  9. Technically, Scout and Jake are first cousins.
  10. Maxie's dressing down of Lesley Lu lacked the satisfaction I wanted for 3 reasons. 1. That Carly/LW was missing from the scene to stand there gobsmacked that Maxie went off on her mini-me cousin; 2. that it wasn't JMB still in the role. JMB was a bitch to the max in her portrayal and was so overdue for crap to be flung back in LesleyLu's face in a public setting and 3. that Elizabeth wasn't there to see it.
  11. Meh, the filth known as sam has flip/flopped on the "danga" angle for years. She spouted to dumbass lucky during lusam that Jason was dangerous. But was happy to jump right back into the relationship with Jason and bray about having a kid with him with a quickness. I think the filth also spouted to Patrick during the stupidity that was samtrick about being happy being away from what Jason represented. The filth has made zero positive progress choosing anything remotely "smart" about being a "mom" now. She's all about whatever penis she's riding at the moment when it comes to her view/choice on motherhood. What would be a positive choice would have been for her to purposefully choose not to breed with Jason when they got back together back in 2009. The filth will drop Drew in a heartbeat if Jason tells her he's leaving the mob/Sonny/Carly. That is the only thing holding the filth back now. That Jason hasn't declared he'd ditch mob/Sonny/Carly for her. As Heat Lifer said, she's lying to the man she supposedly loves now. Another characteristic the filth touted herself as being over the years. Honest. *snicker*.
  12. I get that but the one who really took a beating in the crap RC wrote was Elizabeth. She once again had to play the big bad to the abomination known as jasam. While you believe Stevie got crapped on (which I had zero problem with for the reason you stated) but, Becky got it even worse, imo.
  13. Wasn't it Wolf that wrote the last of the Franco storyline? Guza was gone in May 2011. Wolf wrote the wedding/honeymoon stuff didn't he? And RC took over at the end of that year into the fallout in 2012. Hard to follow what the logic really was when a new writer comes in with a different take about characters.
  14. Ugh, seeing that Elizabeth/AJ clip again. They had potential. So much more than the crap that is Franco/Friz. Sigh for what could have been.....
  15. No, the doctor on today's show is a guest star. Dude played Ethan on Passions years ago. LW's boyfriend was in the scene at the MetroCourt with Drewson a few weeks back. It was about the Aurora Media thang.
  16. I get what you're saying. The missing emotion here is empathy. Especially for Drewson. These people had a relationship with the man, regardless of how they think of him now. They all lack empathy for this guy who has no reason to believe he's not their friend. What Robin failed to say to Drewson today, imo, is that while she no longer thinks he's Jason, he is also a victim here. She should be wondering why she thought he was and how he came to think he was Jason. But nope, as long as Kimmie and Stevie get to make teary eyed j&r stans all a flutter, her writing is a-okay. I like KimMc as Robin, except in j&r. Hated it from the start. Have any of them bothered to ask about him? The writers lack focus on his situation makes every single one of them an asshole. A callous, selfish asshole, imo. And today, that included Robin.
  17. The guy thinks he's Jason. He did nothing to think otherwise at this point. The others are basically acting like he did it on purpose somehow, now he's busted, too bad so sad. Suck it up. Sucks to be you fauxJason, we've got our real guy back now. Every single character should be mystified by two men claiming to be the same person at this point. Not some stoopid reunion tour for SBu where nearly everyone believes him from the jump. Everyone should be in some sort of shock and be wondering how did this happen? Not telling the one they now believe is the fake to suck it. I am actually hoping that BMiller gets great material to play for the Drew role they're obviously pushing him toward now. Let P6 and his cadre (which includes your fave Robin) continue to be his butt kissers until doomsday.
  18. My guess is he'll be declared the "real" one soon, but it'll be wrong and won't be sorted out for months. That way Drewson/Sam get to carry on thinking she wasn't wrong in believing he was, while real Jason gets to deal with Drewson's ex Kim and the boy who's name is part of a brand of lunch meat, lol. Kim will think real Jason is Drewson solely by the face and the story goes from there. I believe Freaky Franco knows the truth, but won't spill it ever in order to keep Elizabeth. At some point the truth will come out and maybe Drewson/real Jason swap partners while Elizabeth is left alone after she ditches Franco. As an Elizabeth fan I'd be okay with that as long as it ends the abomination called Friz.
  19. It is not her call to make. Period. Who is denying it or not dealing with it? Bitch needs to stay in her lane and let the others figure it out for themselves. It does not involve her. She is a disgusting character.
  20. No, as much as it pains me to say it. Elizabeth broke up her relationship with Jake Doe with the epic stoopid lie. Thanks RC/JP. Not.
  21. Fix it for who? Certainly not for Drew. That's the point, the bitch isn't thinking about him at all. She gave lip service to how swell, nice, loving the guy is to Sam and at the same time telling Sam she has to ditch it for P6 because oops I made a mistake about Drewson being Jason. Has Carly had any conversation with Drewson to apologize for her role in this mess? Bitch needs to stay in her lane and let the others sort it out. Yes, I know, that's not Carly, but she really looked even more stupid than usual in that crap yesterday.
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