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coffee drinker

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Everything posted by coffee drinker

  1. RE: Rule 34 (before clicking on the link to learn what it meant) : my first thought was it must be a reference to one of Gibbs "rules" from NCIS, lol. D'oh! I guess not, lol.
  2. Scott Reeves posted a picture on his IG of his two grandbabies. I saw a picture on Missy's IG page of Emily's baby shower which indicated she was having a boy. Did Lawrence's wife also have a son? Anyone know when the kids were born? Names?
  3. Grandpops and his grandbaby are the only ones I like. She is adorbs!
  4. I missed the episode except for the very end. Did Destinie show up in time for her court appearance? I saw dirt bag Shawn hugging her momma, sister and the she-beast outside the courthouse? I get so irked at this guy being so gung-ho for the she-beast. If it weren't for the six kids he's responsible for I'd wish him to get every single bit of grief the she-beast is going to dole out to him. I feel for the kids having a father that cares so little for their welfare that he allows himself to be duped by she-beast.
  5. Yep, Miley Grace lives with what would be her great-grandma, Lindsey's grandmother. Lindsey's own mother dumped Lindsey on her mother to raise, if I remember it correctly back to the beginning episodes. The grandmother/great-grandmother has been tasked with raising both her own daughter's (Lindsey's mom's kid aka Lindsey) and now Lindsey's own daughter, Miley Grace. No wonder the woman is ready to be done being a parent. I guess Miley Grace's father's family isn't involved her life at this point.
  6. Has WE always done this split season business between "Life" and "Love" After Lockup? I feel like they don't have enough material to run a full season of either show so they keep going back and forth between the two shows to string things out.
  7. Thanks for the update. How in the world does he have money to travel all over like he does with his other wimmen? TX, FL, wifey in NY? And he's from MI.
  8. Sarah just irks me, lol. She so wants her "hubby" to fight her new boyfriend over her. Turrible.
  9. Goodness, actions have consequences there Sarah girl. You chose very unwisely sleeping with the guy. I just can't whip up any empathy for her. She'd sleep with him again if he crooked a finger in her direction.
  10. How many kids do Sarah and Michael have together? How did she ever convince him to marry her?
  11. She shouldn't be surprised they're leaning on her given all her previous parole violations. She hasn't proven herself yet, imo.
  12. Okay whoever mentioned that Jessica is the female Jeff Daniels, I'm thinking that every time I see her. Heh.
  13. I wonder if the older men Lindsey was involved with before were married? And with Scott spending all this money on her she thought, hey I snagged one without the marriage roadblock? Only to find out he's short and not as put together as her other men were?
  14. Yeah, that was a strange revelation. The house doesn't have two bedrooms at least? Turning the garage into Miley's room?
  15. Ironing the one pink shirt he owns. While shirtless.
  16. So I guess Scott didn't get an Air B&B type house for the show like it appears Jessica and Shawn did in Vegas? Oh boy, Scott is in for a real tussle with his lady.
  17. I wondered about the timelines for filming the various couples. Based on the weather, it appears some of this was filmed like last summer. The IL and KC couples, and Scott in MS are much more recent, imo.
  18. Thanks for that information. 🙂 I had no clue what these shows pay the folks.
  19. Has anyone ever learned what WE is paying these people to participate in the show? In Shawn's case, it's not nearly enough compared to what he's shelling out the bimbo. Scott's another one that's opened his wallet for his bimbo thinking she's on the up and up with him. Oy.
  20. So the authorities were okay with her actions until after she left her visit with her Mom. Wonder if she'd told them she'd be going back the halfway house right afterwards.
  21. Maurice is so cute looking. Looks so young too, then I remember he's only 26.
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