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coffee drinker

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Everything posted by coffee drinker

  1. So you're saying Sam is incapable of multi-tasking of dialing a phone and looking for the boy that didn't like her? Yeah, her pea brain does only function one task at time. I grant you that.
  2. Oh I don't know why that's confusing. Because when Lucky did it to Elizabeth he was lauded for laying some "truths" on Elizabeth. Wasn't Lucky seen as some paragon by the show as well when that loser JJ was in the role? How is this any different? Lucky is and was a dick as well, imo. He's always been a prick and Guza poured it on Elizabeth so that Lucky could be the victim during the niz crap. *snorting* at the real reason for the difference, imo. Elizabeth had it coming while Sonny is a bad guy for doing it to Carly.
  3. Wasn't her place to confront him at all. She needed to defer to the parents. Once he ran, her first thought should have been to call his folks, but nope. And Elizabeth lost her home because of the bint's decision. All this was avoidable if Jason had simply made good on his threat and offed her back in 2007.
  4. Except she has. Remember her convo with Jake, alone, last year? The one where the bint ended up crawling around on a basement floor and ultimately contributed to Elizabeth's house blowing up. How come the bint didn't bother to pick up a phone call the boy's parents instead of trying to deal with it herself at that time?
  5. Hudson West continues to be mis-cast in the role of Jake. Not his fault, but eeesh, that moppet look is so wrong for the character's history, imo.
  6. Yup. RLS is plying his acting craft on the regular (according IMDB) while Burton peddles whey protein products on twitter and thinks he's a singer in a dreadful cover band. :P
  7. I'm okay with hand waving away the crap Guza penned in 2011 to get rid of little Jake and fire Elizabeth/BH. This all could have been avoided if Guza had simply written Elizabeth to leave town with her sons. But no, she and Jake had be to fodder, yet again, for Burton, Jackson and Geary to get all the undeserved story out of it. I don't like that FV/Jelly are pinning this on Jax now, but I'm willing to hand wave this stupid re-write as well. Ingo was what got me started watching GH back in 1996.
  8. Ingo and Ehiku have moved back to LA on a permanent (for the moment) basis. He's been working on a cable show in addition to these GH appearances.
  9. Thank Guza/Frons for that. When Burton returned in 2002 full-time it appeared the writers were ready to press ahead with them. But that wasn't the case at all according to Guza. Guza instead derailed Liason for the likes of Jason/DockHo (Corky). Sonny's blond half sister. Frons was all over making Willis a lead actress and Guza wanted the "angst" of Jason porking Sonny's sissy behind his back (for awhile). Jason was a real dirtbag porking DockHo in his brother AJ's marriage bed with no qualms. Elizabeth got left in the dust as the jealous harpy. It was the beginning of the flab four (S&C and Jourtney). On every single day for months on end. Involved in every single storyline. Then when Frons brought over his pet KMo, Willis was banished (in her mind) to working with Jax and Nik. Guza had no use for the character and killed her off when he had the chance. Burton offered to help out the floundering Sam character and it went from there. For what it's worth, Frons said, in print, that he never understood the appeal of Elizabeth/BH.
  10. Too bad Jason didn't finsh off Sam with a bullet to the head. Had no use for her since 2003. Shrug.
  11. Sure. Because the almighty J/S have zero else to do for a storyline, so let's drag Elizabeth back for another round of being the loser third wheel? What does that say about the almighty J/S? Not much. They never, ever have anything for storyline where the heavy lifting isn't born on the back of another character.
  12. Meh, NLG gobbled up the sex aspect of julexis with a passion. Thirsty she is/was. So I don't think it was only RC that was "happy" with the sex crime angle. I really can't stand her or the character of Alexis. And I used to really like NLG back on Santa Barbara a lifetime ago.
  13. Mercy. No. No need to waste VI on the dregs that is Alexis/NLG. *shudder* Maybe 1990's Alexis, but present day Alexis/NLG? No.
  14. It was always about Carly and some brat (be it Michael or Josslyn) she birthed ahead of Jake. He was always an asshole doing that to Elizabeth. More than once. Hated Guza and SB (yes, I meant the actor) by the time 2011 rolled around.
  15. It wasn't just Jason's "pain." Suckwad JJ/schmucky and TG got gobs of knob slobbing scenes out of the story courtesy of Guza/JFP as well. BH was supposed to leaving the show at the time the storyline was playing out.
  16. To show her son Jake a picture of his new half sister? Just a thought. Me either.
  17. Here's a link to a show thread from Soapzone. Maybe that'll work in a pinch? http://soapzone.com/boards/read.php/gh/main/13392917
  18. Guza actually did Sam a service by writing her baby maker off with a bullet. But then he decided to off Jake so the bint could get her baby maker miracle cure and Jason totes okay again with bringing kids into his life. His life didn't cause Jake's demise, that was all Elizabeth's fault (Jason just never said it out loud that she was to blame.) Jason should have finished Sam off with the death threat, since he was such a champion of "kids." Except that didn't fit the J/S narrative. So it was simply foreplay talk. Disgusting.
  19. But this is nothing new for J/S. They have been selfish bints about bringing kids into their lifestyle going back to Jason taking Sonny's pregnant sloppy seconds off Sonny's hands to protect Sonny/Carly. Jason and the pregnant sloppy were totes okay with making a "fahmily" all the way back in 2004. I read countless posts where Sam accepts everything Jason is and was totally okay with bringing children into it. If Jason needs to retire to think of Sam and the "kids" now? Then why did some bitch about Jason and Elizabeth being together with kids?
  20. I don't have a problem with RoHo's attire as that's totally his vibe, imo. It isn't a network event (like an Upfront with network brass) so I get why he's low key. I love Becky and her look, but to me she looks overdressed for the event. She nailed a polished look, it just seemed a little too formal for the occasion. She definitely stood out, which is a good thing for her.
  21. Not trying to pick an argument. But the same sort of "connection" nonsense happened in 2007 when Elizabeth saved Jason's life after he'd been shot. At the time Liason fans saw it has harkening back to when Jason was shot in the snow and Elizabeth nursed him back to health. I gather that many non Liason fans didn't see it that way and there was history on the characters side then too. Jason being this hero to the women he's been sexually involved with will always cause the perception of scenes like the J&R one to be viewed with a different perspective than other viewers. Blame Guza and SB for starting that trend years ago.
  22. I doubt the writers "hate" Willy Miller. The final script sign off happens from one Lizzie Korte, the remaining hold over who knows all about the "phoenix" garbage. It was on her watch during the previous regime. It was totally an ode to the J/S fanbase, imo. May well have been inserted by Lizzie. Korte was a pro-J/S writer going all the way back to Guza. *Shrug*.
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