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Everything posted by Chicklet

  1. Her shirt is on inside out isn't it? Fab sense of style.
  2. Oh NOW mom wants to watch sugar and carbs? Kinda like shooting the cow after the barn burns down.
  3. Carboncat sorry to hear! I keep wishing this virus away, it can't go fast enough.
  4. Do you have day time pajamas or just keep the same ones? I alternate to make things exciting.
  5. Now I can only see Peter Griffin with long hair and whining.
  6. Mom wasn't around, yep, sisters were mean-thats a new one, oh wait, the DIVORCE!
  7. IS she going to take out a glasses display? Oh I hope! Jinx Callaphera!
  8. I had cereal and yogurt and fruit. But not oranges or grapes so I'm safe. Trying to not gain the Covid 19.
  9. Butt in the front- check! IS that on the bingo card?
  10. Robin's face is going to stay like that one day.
  11. Robyn is either pregnant or has the "World's Largest Fibroids Ever" and that will be a special episodes I'm sure if true. Either way actually.
  12. Well when one member of that family becomes critically ill, she might change her tune. And beg for a ventilator because evidently God doesn't supply or manufacture those.
  13. Well you know that when you are as christian as Boob, you have to pick other like-minded numbskulls because Jesus or some reason. It guarantees success!
  14. I guess they are like the pastor from Virginia who swore the lort was going to protect him from this virus. He promptly died after he caught it. Guess he got surprised there.
  15. You would think that Boob had some intelligence and could pick a decent lawyer, but nooo he seems to have the same taste in legal representation as Rep. Nunes. And yes it was dipwad but you know Daddy picked out the lawyer. I'm kinda glad all these people can't find good representation, makes it more entertaining for us.
  16. That's IT! Thanks Did he quit because of the conflict of interest or did someone with brains, aka the judge maybe, toss him out on his butt?
  17. Evidently they were in a deposition yesterday or the day before and then somehow they lost their lawyer (who seems every so slightly shady, shocker I know!). I read it somewhere online and now I can't find it but it seems like Anna and dickwad might be in more trouble
  18. Wait what? She doesn't know what day it is due to being quarantined? How is her week any different than last week?
  19. I'm a heartless wench, as some of my family tell me, but I can't do this one tonight, see you guys next week!
  20. My snark might just get backed up now, can't let it out so much with these two.
  21. Oh really cameraperson did we need to see that butt in the front of his pants in the shot? I'm trying to puzzle that out (looking sideways)
  22. All that food for both of them? Holy everloving shit.
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