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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Regina King... she makes me wish we had one more season of The Watchmen.
  2. Are they sure there's no host/s this year? Steve and Chris seem kinda host-y to me....
  3. Ah... if only Prince were still here to enjoy this tribute. Hope he's smiling from the great beyond.
  4. So.. uh, what genre of music was that last performance supposed to be? I was good with the Boys to Men and Charlie Wilson part but then it turned into Night of a Thousand blond wigs and I got scared confused.
  5. I'm up late (early?) due to bingeing this show. I watched the first 2 episodes a day after they aired, On Demand. I liked and wanted to see more, but last week's (eps 3 & 4) seemed to never get loaded in. So, after watching the Making It finale tonight, I figured I'd check and see if any more eps were in, and finally, all 6 were there. Well, my final verdict, after watching 2 weeks of the lovefest that is Making It, Wrap Battle is a total letdown. I never thought there would be more unnecessary drama about wrapping gifts, (spitting out too sweet cocoa?) than there was about decorating and crafting skill dominance. However, as a person who does the neat and pretty, but not too elaborate, gift wrapping in her family, I will watch the next season. If there is another season.
  6. Well, thanks for the heads up. I haven't applied for tickets yet. I have been considering for a while, though, because when she mentions how far some travel to attend the show and I am right near there, I think why not go and see how it all happens. I feel the same way about attending The View too.
  7. Maybe... they also just show an audience members' reactions, not to be embarrassing. I could live with that. Couldn't you?
  8. Oh, I hope not. I've been wanting to attend a taping for a while now, but to be seated somewhere that doesn't draw attention. The upper rows is just where I'd like to be.
  9. Finally, something I feel like paying attention too! I still love GOT.
  10. Not sure if Elizabeth is an emotional wreck or not, (or maybe I'm just jaded) but I don't quite get all the tears she shed over a nearly empty lot. Jamie didn't look like he sympathized all that much either but then he said the right comforting and reassuring words to her. Maybe that's what is scary about him...he says the most accurate things, that can help at times, but usually to hurt.
  11. I definitely caught that! You have poor Dani (or was it Chelsea) trying to remember which fork to use from her service lessons to look proper, and here's the new girl over there licking her fingers. Smh
  12. When she said that, I think she means good for Arizona. Today when they were discussing where Trump should deliver the State of the Union address, she said he should do something at the Arizona border. Other states border Mexico, why only at the state she hails from?
  13. I've been bingeing these latest episodes today. So far three "I'm sooo in love with a celebrity!!" episodes?? Seriously? But I have to give to Shakinah, she kept up hope that it was actually Chris Brown- until the girl walked out into the yard. No matter what Nev or Kamie said to the contrary, she still was hoping it was him that she'd been talking to all that time. Almost as bad as that guy who probably still believes he's dating Katy Perry...
  14. Angela and Jesse are a better match than she and Michael!!
  15. I don't know if Darcy threw that shoe at him or not, but I don't blame her now if she did.
  16. I don't think Ricky can really afford to divorce his "ex," with that 30,000 he owes her for her help with that first ex-wife....
  17. That's because your 12 year old has more sense than you do, Ricky.
  18. Whew! You fall down laughing at all the commentary and by the time you get up you've missed 70 posts! ?
  19. Oh lord, we gotta have a recap of everything we've been watching for the last two months.
  20. ? How did you know?? Sso weird... Oh right, we all watch this crazy, weird show.
  21. After seeing Dean's interview on the live show, I know each time he see's Hazel's name he put the word "witch" in front of it.
  22. But she's not giving Stacey much time to answer them. It feels like Michelle thinks she's still on The View and has to fight to get her words in.
  23. Too late Darcy. You two are nothing but drama and turmoil.
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