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Everything posted by filmfan2480

  1. Enjoyed the first show. Love the first flush of excitement of a first episode and there ARE sooo many girls. Loving Vanjie and Nina West. I'm finding the whole Davenport/O'Hara/Montrese thing to be confusing. Wish some of the queens would stick to one name or pick a fun last name. But I understand the significance within the culture. I don't dislike anyone yet, not even Silky (though, she is MUCH). I agree with the winner, this week -- great job. All that said, I really wish Soju would've stayed another week. I actually thought Kahanna and Mercedes should have been bottom 2 with Mercedes going home -- her outfit and make-up was not good and she doesn't do it for me in her talking heads; even her mini-challenge was rough.
  2. While they can annoy me, I really do love LVDP, Kyle, and their friendship. Having said that - and even though we haven't heard both sides of the story yet - if you go and read both Kyle and Teddi's blogs that were put up ... they do seem VERY convincing. I believe what they wrote. I believe the texts that are provided. And I think LVDP has a lotttttt of explaining to do. :/
  3. WHY would they show the tied for 3rd place people in the final 2 minutes only to have them OBVIOUSLY be the 3rd and 4th place anyway. Like. Duh???????????????? What was that all about? Does this show think we are morons? Also, while I love singers and love a lot of them on this show, we've got American Idol and The Voice for that. All these singers getting through is ridiculous.
  4. All of this. My personal fave 3 this season thus far would be Manila, Trinity and Monique. I don't mind the turned back and walk down the catwalk during a section of the song when there's no lyrics, but yeah, agree.
  5. For me, Manila was best, followed very closely by Monet. Monique was a distant third for me. I'd have Trinity in 4th despite the disastrous roast because she slayyyyyed the runway. That would leave Valentina in 5th (bad roast, no eye make-up, delusional) in 5th and Naomi Smalls in 6th because ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Interesting to see how things move forward.
  6. I've watched that "This is Me" video so many times over the last few months. Inspirational, indeed. It's just so raw and real.
  7. -I feel like I'm in La La Land regarding Kelly. To me, Kelly is a lunatic. Sure, she has her better moments. But overall, she's nuts. She was NUTS going off on Shane. -Meanwhile - though she has her own issues - I find Emily to be one of the saner, calmer, more intelligent women of the bunch and am right along with her with just about every observation she makes. Sure, she should't have said what she said to Kelly ....... but do you blame her based on all the insane crap Kelly was spewing at her and her husband? To me, it's night and day as to who was in the wrong in that whole debacle. -Shannon's a mess. But I find her endearing ... most of the time. -Vicky is in full-on "I'm gonna appear sane, I'm gonna appear sane, I'M GONNA APPEAR SANE" mode to save face. -Tamra will always be a pot-stirrer and love drama. But while I don't always agree with how she handled her Shannon issues, I understood her frustrations, too. -And Gina. Obnoxious beyond! And yet. AND YET. I also think she said a lot of truths about Shannon and some of the other women throughout the season. -My early prediction for next season is that Shannon becomes BFFs with Gina, but can't find a way with Emily and either consciously or unconsciously messes up the Gina/Emily friendship dynamic.
  8. I also am in the camp that believes that the pressure is getting/got to Reagan. She got slammed last week online for smiling through her serious song. She fixed the smiling this week (so she was cognizant of it), didn't sing all that well, and got slammed this week online for not sounding great. She didn't sound sick to me on Monday night. And yet, last night, she couldn't perform because she was sick. Sure, she might have been sick. It happens to everyone. It happened to Kelly; who still sang last night and slayed the best she could. But I think Reagan could've been sickened by online hate and worked herself up into not being "well". I think she is too young to withstand sudden online negativity. Poor girl. As for Adam, yes, I think he's ruined Reagan's chances now, anyway. Not a cool move to do what he did. I thought it was royally messed-up when he did it. I loved that Kelly said what she said. And I thought that might've tipped the vote in DeAndre's favor after that -- must've been super close. Glad to have jumped on here and social media to see that most everybody also thought it was as messed-up as it is. In any case, I don't blame DeAndre one bit for looking upset and, Adam deserved the cold shoulder, big time.
  9. MaKenzie is frustrating me because, while I LOVE her voice ... her renditions/arrangements of the songs she's performing are not killing it. They should be home runs. She sings great. But I'm always left afterwards going: oooooh, why did I think that would be even better than it was!? :/
  10. After blinds, battles and knock-outs, I basically check-out. Everything LIVE (Top 12 onward) grates on me. I still DVR and sorta kiiiiinda watch and FF a lot until the whole thing is over. I think The Voice needs to change things up moving forward because I'm finding A LOT of people saying the same exact thing.
  11. I guess I'm in the minority on Gina for this one. Do I find her somewhat annoying, at times -- YES. But I agree with her on calling out Shannon on the hypocrisy. Sure, it's nice for Shannon to defend her friend Kelly in the wake of Kelly acting horrible to her. And vice-versa. We've seen this in every single Housewives show where previous frenemies are now "friends" and they defend the other to the core now that they've "made up" (perhaps, so as not to stir up their drama from the past). But yeah ... Shannon ABSOLUTELY knows that Kelly's behavior was abhorrent and she didn't do ANYTHING about it. 2 years ago, Shannon would've been on Emily/Shane's side and called-out Kelly for acting like a LUNATIC. Shannon did not diffuse anything. She may have had good intentions. But she KNOWS how Kelly is ... and Gina knows that, too. Gina was basically saying: Come on, b*tch, you can't tell me that you couldn't have tried to diffuse the "crazy". As for Emily. I kinda like her. She's boring. But she also seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She seems real, and a good person. I also find her VERY pretty in some scenes/angles, and then not so much in others. I like looking at people like that, lol.
  12. I think her left eye got caught in the lights (white reflection/beam) making it look insane. However, I do think her left eye, in general, opens wider than the right; the lid goes higher, etc. That's all. Everyone has some "wonk" to their eye(s). It sure looked funny, though, in that zoomed-in moment.
  13. Lee-Anne or Brandi. They are who I always look to see what they're doing, what they're saying, who they're arguing with, who they're getting along with, what kind of face they're making, etc.
  14. My thoughts of each woman tonight: Dorinda: I think she's a drunk. The other women know it. Only one says it. I LOVE how Dorinda says everyone else drinks. Ummmm, yeah ... THEY DO. And not ONE of them exhibits the kind of repulsive, slurred, combative behavior that she showed regularly. And this nonsense that she "had a couple drinks". There is more drinking going on than is being said, and possibly other things. I used to love Dorinda. I think she CAN be kind and intelligent and clear-headed and fun. But oooooof. This season. Ramona: She sooo knows that Dorinda has a major drinking problem and says nothing. Weak. I love what she had to say to Bethenny that day on the street on her cell phone. But other than that moment, she's been neutral/Switzerland this season (in matters concerning Dorinda and Carole/Bethenny) and it drives me crazy. Tinsley: I like her, but this whole Scott thing is tiresome and she seems weak-willed. Sonja: She's just kind of ... there. Comes out with the occasional correct and/or funny barb. LuAnn: She DEFINITELY let her already large ego get too big. The fame/infamy got to her. And her being sued was the tipping point. Bethenny/Carole: Sorry ... I find the whole thing sad. I think they did love each other and were good friends (while also probably realizing each other's faults, but friends brush those aside and defend each other, as they have). Honestly ... I think that they both were in the wrong in their friendship implosion. Bethenny's talking heads about Carole were RUDE. And Carole's responses in her blogs were astoundingly vicious (and mostly true). Carole said things where I was like: "Yep, bang on correct. Bethenny is lying and knows it, too". And then Bethenny said things where I was like: "Yep, Carole is lying to herself right now. I'm with Bethenny on this one!" etc, etc. I'm just sad. I think Bethenny is a hoot, but she drives me insane, too. And Carole has grown on me over time. But now she's gone. And I won't be able to track if this friendship was ever going to get back on track, at all. I assume NO. But you never know.
  15. It was all kind of vague/opaque/blurred. He was def groping himself and there was some pubes, but. Maybe it was my TV or the dark scene. I think they intentionally made it kinda difficult to see too much.
  16. I don't understand. I feel like I was just in the twilight zone for 2 hours. Scary girl, Golden Buzzer couple, high school dancers, and BOTH singing acts at the end are IN ??? The sparkly outfit stunt duet, BOTH boy singers, and BOTH comedians are OUT ??? Happy for the cats(!!!) and for the group of guys who do the black-out/neon lights act ... SO SO good. But seriously? How did neither of those adorable, talented boys not get in over the high school dancers !?!? How did the sparkly outfit stunt duet not get in -- they blew me away. Scary girl didn't scare me ... she's a nothing. Didn't effect me whatsoever. And yes, the 71 yr. old female dancer is truly amazing. But Golden Buzzer??? This was one of my least favorite episodes I've ever seen of this show. Totally bummed.
  17. While I understand how frustrating a show like this can be for some ... I'm loving the hell out of it. I love murder mysteries (Dateline is my favorite show). I love character studies. And I'm a lover of great acting. I feel like we're getting stellar, nuanced acting; which I love. I'm down for the twisty turny character studies here (what a f*cked up town!!!). I'm just missing a bit of the murder mystery but, can only assume it'll kick up a notch in a few episodes. But again, for me, it's not all about the murder mystery plot. I'm admiring the acting, mood, tone, creepiness on display. As for the quick edits, maybe I sound like I'm tooting my own horn but, they don't confuse or agitate me, at all. I'm following all of them. They all make sense by the end of the episode, to me. Timelines make sense. Flashbacks make sense. I can tell the difference between the handful of young females that we get snippets of. Maybe I'm too well honed to flashback sequences/quick edits in today's day and age of film making which puts a high price on visual panache over story. I watch allllllot of TV/film and am just used to it all by now. As for the sound/noise ... well ... I've put Closed Captioning up on my TV screens for many, many years now. Again, maybe it's contemporary film making practices now to have characters mumble their dialogue (to make it seem more naturalistic and believable) rather than back in the day when characters spoke loudly, clearly and with diction. A lot of emphasis nowadays is put on music, score, ambient noise, off-putting noises (especially in creepy dramas) and yeah, audible dialogue goes right out the window. So yeah, I have my CC on for all TV and shows all the time. The only time I don't have an issue is sitting in a large, loud movie theater when I hear it all. Now to the words that pop out throughout these episodes. Signs, skin etchings, etc. It just doesn't matter to me. I see some, I miss others. The last shot of this episode lasted 1 second and we see "FIX" on her forearm as she's speed driving. I just don't think that the words mean much to me. We'll see as the show progresses. I feel for Camille. I think she had a rough childhood, has a rough family, and is a sensitive soul deep inside beneath her hardened, alcoholic facade. And I feel terrible that she'd feel guilty about the suicide of that Alice girl (at the hospital ward that she obviously stayed at some time prior to her trip to Wind Gap). I feel like alcoholics/cutters/drug users ride that fine line between coasting through life and wanting to end it all. Camille seems to have faced a lot of heartache and death in her life and saw Alice as that younger sister-type. The fact that she lost both in such traumatizing ways has GOT to mess with her head; hence, the quick, flashy alcoholic-induced edits in her memory TO those terrible moments in her past; listening to that ipod, etc, etc. Camille's mother is a monster. And like someone else said, could be because of her first husband. Could be a jealousy of her own daughter growing up. Could be because of the younger sister dying. Whatever. She's just awful and, I don't think it's supposed to be much deeper than that. Can't figure out the stepdad just yet. Amma is awful. But she's young and, I agree with others that she's feeling her older sister out; poking and prodding her. I'm not giving up on this character just yet; a product of her horrible mother. But yeah, not loving what she's all about to this point. The pig stuff. I just assume that scene was the setting for some clandestine sexual act - OR - a place to get a pig for some cruel ritualistic, sick game. Whatever the case, it happens in life. Glad the scene ended quickly, haha. Yeah, loving the show. Loving the unsettling, sad, creepy, trapped-in-this-crazy-town vibe I get every Sunday night. And Amy Adams continues to low-key blow me away.
  18. It said "scared" and then later it said "sacred" !!! I'm pretty sure of this. Haven't went back to look for sure. Amy Adams is killing it so far. Patricia Clarkson, too. And I love the natural ease of the acting coming from Amy Adam's boss. Whoever he is, his line readings are so great -- feel like I'm looking in on real life and not watching a "show". And for me, this last episode flew. I was allll into it. And then boom, credits tolled.
  19. I know what you mean. That said, I'm just so interested in seeing what Adams can do with this role. I love the TYPE of show this seems to be. I think the visuals ARE great. And I often find the "journey" of shows like this to be more gratifying than the PLOT. Plot is not everything to me when watching movies or shows. More often than not, I soak in the acting, visuals, editing, tone, mood. We'll see if it's all worth it in the end. But yeah, can't say I don't see what you're talking about. :)
  20. That video has me gagged because I never realized that all the winners are taped so that when the show finally airs, the contestants themselves don't even know the winner yet. VERY cool. I enjoyed the finale. For me, the MOMENT of the night was Monique Hart's Meme/GIF/Face Crack moment at the utter fail of Asia's stunt. Asia really blew it, huh? Sasha Velour nailed it last year. But gimmicks shouldn't be all it is to a lip synch slay. Which brings me to the actual lip synch thing Ru is doing the last two years. As entertainment ... I LOVE it; poor camera angles/shots and all. As a seemingly declarative reason for crowning a winner ... I hate it. For me, the winner should be based on the season as a whole. And personally, for my aesthetics ... what I'm looking for in amazing drag queens ... it's LOOK first, HUMOR second, LIP SYNCH third, ACTING/SINGING/DANCING capability last. All close calls in rankings for me, but that's what I look for. Luckily, Aquaria had allllllll of that, anyway. But even though I love Kameron; I really really do {more so than most} ... I'd feel very weird if the lip synch slayer WON RuPaul's Drag Race based on the Finale protocols. She was great. But Eureka and Aquaria were just a little better. And I'm glad Aquaria or Eureka had a better shot at the crown because they really did deserve it. And yeah, the real winner of this season is still ... Miss Vannnnnnjie.
  21. Bingo. Every word. This show sucks as a "show". The manipulation is beyond. But I hold out hope to be greatly entertained by SOMETHING every episode and, I usually am.
  22. Team Kameron. Over the last 5-6 weeks, she's realllllly grown on me. For the first 5 or so weeks, she was just that muscle queen who was quiet, but turned out decent performances/great runways that never stood-out as Top or Bottom-worthy in the results. But I loved the Cher episode (which she won). Then ... to see her in the bottom for the next 3 weeks and face her demons (too quiet, no confidence, stand-off ish) and to slayyyy with those LSFYL and then to NAIL this week, too ....... ....... I just find her ARC to be much more interesting than the other girls. Aquaria has annoyed the crap out of my, at times. But she is clearly near the top, here. Her looks are amazing and she's consistently funny and she can act and sing when necessary. She kinda has the IT factor. Eureka is MUCH. But she DOES impress for the most part. And she makes me laugh the most of all the queens. By far. And that is very important for me when looking at a potential winner. Asia. Kind of a minority opinion, here. She's just good for me. Always looks beautiful. BEAUUUUUTIFUL. She's had a few shining moments. But sometimes she rubs me the wrong way. And I didn't actually love her look this week or her performance. They both were fine, for me. And she's usually fine/pretty good for me. Her singing is meh. Her dancing is meh (comparatively speaking to some of the other girls in the competition) -- I just don't gag over her. That said, she has many strengths and would be a decent winner. I GET her appeal and how beautiful/strong/funny she can be. She's just not for me. Having said all of that, yeah, Aquaria looks like the one to me (unique x1000). Unless ... they go BIG GIRL winner in Eureka. Or ... they go for consistently impressive like Asia. Or ... they pick the hard-working, super-professional queen who remains appealingly mysterious; the one who consistently surprises me ... Kameron.
  23. I'm sorry. I enjoy this show and get from it what I can to be entertained. But I just CAN NOT with the sappiness and phoniness. I realize some of it is editing, but when these audience members leap to their feet in the midst of a performance in unison and give their OVER-THE-TOP screams and claps, it just feels so unbelievably disingenuous and programmed and beckoned by producers (off stage) or asked to do so by some off-camera blinking message or ... something. It just totally negates a lot of the amazing, natural feelings I SHOULD be feeling during lots of the talented acts. Loved the outfits changers. Loved the couple that did it years ago. I'm just in awe of that stuff; don't know why. And the techno/visual effects guy was increeeeeedible. Hope he goes far. And yeah, Mel B does look rough. I mentioned it last week but, why go to the botox and make your face looked all frigged? Ugh.
  24. I really enjoyed that last night. Groban and Sara were wonderful. Loved the presenters. Loved the performances. Loved the winners. I totally cried during the Parkland segment and the Frozen segment. There's just something about a rousing finish to a song followed by rapturous applause that gets my tears flowing out of nowhere. I DVR-ed this and look forward to showing my mom later.
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