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Everything posted by BogoGog24

  1. Yeah I don't care for Naked Gordon either. I think they saw the comments about it from last season and decided to ditch it. The show seems to have taken on a different tone in general with the way the show opens now too, no cheesy theme song, just shots of Gordon in slow motion looking all dramatic.
  2. I just got around to finally watching this. I read the comments beforehand and didn't think it was going to be as bad as it actually was. Hands down the most fucked up episode he's ever done. Yes I think even more than Amy's Baking Company. At least, if I remember correctly, they were clean. I think Gordon even commented on how spotless their kitchen was. He shouldn't even bother attempting to fix the place. It is at a point of no return IMO. They'd be better off burning the whole building to the ground with everything inside. This place is so dismal even Gordon Ramsay can't save it.
  3. Yeah it also isn't very clear when Ray started taping the game or for how long. He says one of his guests probably told him to start taping when something exciting was happening so that's why it didn't start from the beginning. I don't know why it would stop taping just before the end though.
  4. I literally just watched this episode the other night. Basically what happens is that the tape starts with Debra walking down the aisle and then it cuts to football. They never fast forward to see if the whole tape is all football or not, they just assume Ray taped over the entire wedding video. Then at the end Ray and the guys are watching the game and just as an exciting play is about to happen it returns to the wedding at what looks like Ray and Debra either were preparing to say the vows or had just said them. It's not exactly clear what parts of the wedding were cut and what remained intact.
  5. LMAO I watched a couple of preview clips on Fox's website and
  6. I also just watched The Christmas Picture and Debra's attitude in that episode is also ridiculous. She says that her parents should be in the photo because it's a family photo, yet Ray intended for it to be a Barone family photo only, so why should Debra's parents be in it? On the other hand Marie acted just as ridiculous by refusing to take the photo because her parents were in it. I don't understand why they couldn't just take 1 photo with just the Barones, then 1 with everyone of it was that much of a problem.
  7. I haven't seen it in ages but that sounds familiar, so probably. And I agree violence against men in comedy shows is just as unfunny as if it were women but I suppose the writers think it is supposed to be funny. This was back in like 1999. I just watched the Bully on the Bus episode. Debra's attitude throughout the entire episode is unbelievable. First when they believe it's Ally being picked on she is totally indifferent and expects that she's just going to defend herself and that none of the adults should intervene at all. Then when she finds out Ally is the one being a bully she still brushes it off like its no big deal that her kid is picking on someone else and makes an excuse that that is what kids do. What parent would seriously act like that in either of those scenarios? Ridiculous.
  8. One episode I've never liked is Someone's Cranky (I think it's called) where Robert is in a bad mood when he finds out he's getting better from his bull injury and he starts treating everyone like crap. I've also never really liked the Bad Moon Rising episode very much either.
  9. I know, there isn't even an opening theme at all now! Wonder why they ditched it? Didn't want to have to pay song royalties?
  10. Dear god this is going to be 2 parts?
  11. The most disturbing thing by far was the basement though. Creeeeppppyyyyy....
  12. At the risk of playing Internet Doctor here I seriously think, like others have mentioned, this woman suffers from some kind of mental health disorder like anxiety or OCD or something. She was way too concerned about straightening out the curtains and pillows and stupid things like that, things that were already neatly arranged. I also noticed every time Gordon slammed the husband for doing something wrong she was very quick to agree and not even feel bad that her husband was being attacked (even if justifiably). Yet she never took any responsibility for anything herself. Quick to blame everyone but herself. Would love to see her and Amy from Amy's Baking Company go head to head. Which one can deflect more?
  13. Jesus Christ, I think Gordon really wasted his time with these people. Making the staff buy their own $300 uniforms? What the F? I too am confused as to why anyone would work there or keep working there under those basically illegal conditions. LMAO at the stove thing. They didn't act shocked or scared at all when Gordon told them it was so bad it was actually bordering on illegal and that they could be shut down. They're just like "Ohhhh?" I hope someone was watching this and has shut them down by now or that customers stop going there (especially since they reverted back to the old ways). And when they addressed the rumors: "We haven't done that in 10 years!" Ok so that means you have done it then? LOL All I can think when I see all that clutter is it's a fine gathering place for dust. Imagine having that crap near food! These people are just a downright awful mess. He never said if they ever went out of business or not, just that their bad reputation has stayed the same.
  14. Bethany is basically the Donald Trump of the Housewives. She just says whatever she feels like about anyone and everyone without caring if it hurts their feelings. LMAO So why was Dorinda so against having Sonja there again? Every time she brought up her party disasters I thought to myself "And guess who was at all of them and caused the issue? Bethenny!" I couldn't help but laugh when Carole said she thought Bethenny was arguing with a man when she came into the house. Poor Jules. I wanted to smack Luann every time Jules tried to talk about her father and Lu kept redirecting the conversation back to herself and the stupid slut comment. Such middle school mentality. Did Luann really reference her own song Chic C'e la Vie? LMAO I too was wondering why if Jules was so worried about her dad why she didn't leave the party? Contractually obligated to be there? I would say this party trumps The Dinner Party from Hell. Wouldn't it be delicious to see Bethenny take on Alison Dubois? That's probably one fight I'd like to see Bethenny win.
  15. I always thought the episode with Ray thinking Peggy was hitting on him was one of the best and most hilarious. Yes Peggy is a horrible and unlikeable character (though that's the point I guess), but I always crack up at the scene of Raymond reenacting the "scene" with Robert patting his ass and Debra comes downstairs and sees and then just turns around and goes back upstairs.
  16. Oh god that chef was a nightmare. Like a deer in headlights. Why was she trying to do everything herself when there are 2 other sous chefs/cooks/whatever right there?
  17. Whether realistic or not, I always loved that scene. Their overreaction to something so small is just hilarious.
  18. Yeah I was disappointed they ditched the opening theme. We didn't see Gordo nekkid because he never tried out the shower. Does anyone else find that tiny silver suitcase amusing? I just find it funny because he literally uses the same one everywhere he goes. And it's so small. I almost wondered if that fight between the son and Ramsay was scripted. Has he seriously never watched Gordon on TV before? Or did any research on the guy before he came? Bullshit.
  19. I am a 90s kid and black and white doesn't bother me. I prefer color of course but it doesn't bother me if something is in B&W. I grew up watching Lucy and the 3 Stooges so I wasn't a complete stranger to the concept. I thought for the most part they did a good job with the colorizing of the John Wayne episodes. It reminded me of the style used for Lucy's later show The Lucy Show in the 60s. Very appropriate for the time period IMO. My only issue with the coloring is that Lucy's hair looked more orange than it probably should have, but perhaps maybe her hair really was that color (since it was hair dye)? That was the only thing that really bothered me about it. But overall I enjoyed it a lot. It is a bit baffling that even as crazy as Lucy is she would commit a crime for a souvenir. I suppose the writers figured they could get away with it by chalking it up to Lucy's craziness.
  20. Oh I forgot one thing: When they showed Erika's acting scene I didn't even recognize her. Except her voice still sounded the same but that's it. If they hadn't told us it was her I wouldn't have known just from looking at her.
  21. It's really a shame that app companies take advantage of kids like that. Portia is not the first kid I'm sure to make that mistake. That's why you have the option to turn off in app purchases or at least they should have probably explained to her that when she buys things in the app it costs real money. But it sounds like Kyle wasn't aware that's how it worked. I hope they were able to get the money back somehow. Just terrible to take advantage of kids like that, who probably don't know it costs real money. At least the Umanskis can afford that bill if they had to end up paying it, what about all the other kids who have made that mistake who don't have rich parents? Corporate greed at its finest. I also happened to notice Yolanda's pissed off expression when the doc told her she was looking better. LOL I was thinking maybe Yo should get together with Shannon from the OC and they can share holistic treatment ideas. I still like Erika. I like that she's self aware and knows how ridiculous and over the top she is and that this Erika Jayne thing is just a character/alter ego thing. Her explanation of her relationship with Tom in this episode struck me as odd though, like I came away thinking they have more like a father daughter bond than husband and wife. I would say this episode was probably better than almost anything from the rest of the season (apart from Dubai). I'd rather watch fun fluff pieces of the Howives doing normal everyday things with their kids or watching Eileen on the set, etc. than these manufactured storylines any day of the week.
  22. That makes much more sense then since her sister not only looks totally different but seems several years younger, like 10 years younger.
  23. I think Ariel said something briefly about she and her sister bonding when "we lost our father," so it sounds like they do actually have the same father. I noticed how strikingly different they looked though too. But then again my brother and I don't look alike at all, so who knows.
  24. It doesn't really matter if Ariel is qualified to run a restaurant or not, since she won't be doing that anyway. She's basically going to be a glorified line cook.
  25. I think they either choose the most recently eliminated up to a certain point, or they choose a combo of the best contestants (like Ashley) plus the ones they know will be trainwrecks to work with like Jackie. I'm not sure if they are contractually obligated to come back but I imagine it's most likely part of their contract that they have to return.
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