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Snow Apple

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  1. I just saw "I remember, I remember" and that episode always make me wonder how Charles afforded the pearl necklace. Maybe he can save up for one but I can't believe he would pay for an entire string. Is it fake? Did he buy on credit? Did he trade work for it like he did for the widow's dishes?
  2. I was amused that Mayim keep bringing up that she's a neuroscientist.
  3. If you haven't read Olivia Hussey's book, I think fans will enjoy it. She always seem so elegant to me. A sense of humor too, writing she knew readers will flip to the chapter about Romeo and Juliet first.
  4. You just explained something in the books to me. In one of the books, Laura was thrilled to get an entire orange at her friend Ben's birthday party. In a later book, Almanzo contributed a bag of oranges for Christmas.
  5. Merry Christmas! I hope everybody got a new tin cup, peppermint stick, and a bright new penny.
  6. I'm glad Carol told Sass that his first time should be with someone special. I'm sorry Flower didn't realize that. Sass seems like a romantic. I also didn't like how she made Thor believe couples can't have secrets.
  7. I like the California episodes fine even after Shirley left. But even with the decline of the writing, the only thing I hated was when Edna left Frank. It didn't make sense. I wish they'd just have her off stage "busy at work" or "visiting family." Remember her daughter Amy? She and Lenny were cute.
  8. Is there a reason the expert was wearing that filthy cost other than for a sitcom joke? I would think he'd be wearing scrubs and white gloves or something like that.
  9. Trevor's story reminded me of Fry's dog from Futurerama and made me want to cry thinking about Bucky waiting for Trevor to come home.
  10. Seems like a harmless sitcom to have in the background but I kept thinking it's Reba Hart and Barbara Jean working in a bar since they act like those characters.
  11. Is that a live audience? It sounds like a fake soundtrack and I don't like it.
  12. I'm mildly interested enough about this show but I can't stand Mandy's mom. I'll give it a chance but if she's still a humorless and judgemental character, I don't think I'll last the whole season.
  13. Since we're throwing out ideas, I'm going to forget about the movie. The original show ended with Blair as headmistres, and wasn't Jo studying to be a teacher? So that explains why those two are at Eastland. Natalie can be writing a novelization of her adventures growing up as a student, in the vein of "Life With Mother Superior" aka "The Trouble With Angels." She's back to remind her of it all. They just need to come up with an idea why Tootie is back.
  14. Like a few others, I wasn't sure about continuing this but that ending sucked me in and I'll be back. I also loved Mattie introducing older references to her young coworkers and then hearing that old Matlock theme song.
  15. Isn't NBC going to show gymnasts from any other countries? And I don't mean just when the members of the other teams fall. I'm sure Simone will win the all around unless something unexpected happens but this still the Olympics. Not the Simone and team USA show.
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