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  1. Of course an episode takes place in New Jersey and it has to deal with the mob. Sorry, New Jersey has a large population that is no way associated with the mob. As a New Jersey native it gets to be a bit old after a while. There is so much more to the state that Colter could have tracked someone thru.
  2. I'm getting a bit tired of Jimmy playing such a prominent role. He's not my favorite character and sometimes less is better.
  3. I enjoyed the movie, I tend to ignore critics since they aren't me and do not speak for me and my tastes. I had a couple of things that bugged me the main one being that the cherry blossoms in DC do not look like that, ever. Whoever decided that was a good effect obviously never actually saw the the cherry blossoms. I loved the Bucky cameo and I'm also curious about the sudden turn to politics.
  4. I've been rewatching and my apparently UO is that I cannot understand is why anyone would defend Romano and anything his horrible obnoxious character. As a victim of past sexual harrasment, thankfully nothing as reprehensible as anything Romano does but bad enough, I don't find anything the character does redeemable. The one time I saw him act like an actual empathetic human being was after his amputation when a prison inmate was admitted after an assault. His ridiculous take over of the ER and his apparent blackmail of Elizabeth, not to mention the fact that I wouldn't want the man anywhere near a loved one of mine for treatment, I don't care how skilled a surgeon his is.
  5. as soon as I saw the heavy veil I thought of the old "March of the Wooden Soldiers" movie where they used the same trope with Laurel and Hardy.
  6. I started my rewatch a couple of weeks ago, alternating between Homicide and ER. I started listening to the Reed Diamond/Kyle Secor podcast, Homicide: Life on Repeat, and I'm getting big kick out of how enthusiastic they both are about the show, especially Reed.
  7. I only started watching because of Jensen Ackles guest staring, I know I don't have my finger on the pulse either.
  8. I remember seeing that supposed reunion description on line and knew immediately that it was just a tease to get JAG viewers to tune in. I never even bothered to remember any of the writers names for the LA show. And I hear you on LL Cool J. (I used like Chris O'Donnell before realizing what an idiot he is). Bringing things back to JAG, has there ever been any serious talk about rebooting the show? With everything seeming to be rebooted these days, it seems prime for it. What is Don working on these days?
  9. anyone watching Nationals tonight on USA? I can't complain that Tara and Johnny's mics seem to be super low. It's kind of a relief to be able to easily ignore them.
  10. YES!!!! that at least gave Harm an idea of how he looks to others, he did get more tolerable -- until the whole insta-daddy plotline. My sister is a big Hallmark Channel fan and insists on re-watching Hallee Hirsch's movie regularly. That whole plot point was so incredibly ridiculous I wonder what drugs Bellisario was on when he thought that plot up. What judge would approve that situation with this miscellaneous (obnoxious) teenager living with at staff member of the guy that wants to be her guardian? Yes, the fool should have bought a house and moved to the suburbs if he really was serious about parenting her. Agreed on Tom Morrow, I was so incensed when they killed him off later on. Getting rid of him in favor of Lauren Holly as director was one of the more misguided plots. Agreed on the change in the Gibbs personality after two seasons. Yes, the DRAMA is always going to be pushed but for once it would be nice if that drama wasn't linked to the agony of the tragic loss of a spouse. Wasn't there enough to explore to see why Gibbs was a serial dater of red-heads? I liked Coates character after her "redemption" arc, but she fell into that terrible predictable precocious character that we all NEED to love role. Overall I really enjoyed the rewatch and I'll probably do another rewatch in a year or two and my opinion on Harm will probably change again. I always loved him during the original broadcast and even attempted to see his and Mac's episodes from the LA show (which is something since I can't stand that show, stopped watching it halfway thru the first season). It is so amazing how our television culture has changed since this series was on. I'm so happy that we have the option of actually watching it in its entirety again.
  11. @GHScorpiosRule I slogged my way thru to the end of the series since I hadn't watched any of the episodes since they were originally broadcast. I started out just wanting to watch the NCIS backdoor pilot episodes. I did come to the conclusion that Harm in those early years was unbearably annoying. As the series went on I really rooted for Mac to trounce him in the courtroom. I still liked Harm overall, I just got tired of his early smugness. I agree the whole Webb situation was beyond stupid as was the the whole insta-daddy set up with that obnoxious teenage girl. I still can't stand that actress anytime I see her in anything. I kind of wish I'd stopped watching at season 8 too.
  12. I agree with previous posters about the possible Faith resurrection. I hope that is a point that is dropped immediately in the new season. Alas William is still as much of a dick as he is in the books. On the upside I got a kick out of them mentioning Colts Neck.
  13. I immediately thought of Molly Pitcher and the Battle of Monmouth too! I knew it was coming (I've read all the books and was looking forward to them arriving there) and was trying to figure out how close to the actual battle field they were able to make Scotland. I too grew up in the northeast and the revolutionary war was our main history schooling. Funny thing, I remember learning more about Lafayette from the John Jakes Kent family Chronicles novels that were popular way back when. I also work in DC and am very familiar with Lafayette Park. At this point in the books I was more and more annoyed with spoiled William and more fond of Bree.
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