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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. Except there are matching lamps. She just didn’t put them in the same room. It makes my minor OCD ache!
  2. True, she could have put the matching lamp on a stack of books (KJ bibles, perhaps - lol!) to balance it. Poor, silly Jonny. He could have taken NotNurie far, far away from that circus. I don't buy for one second how NotNurie loves her family sooooooo much that she couldn't bear to live far away from BME and GWE! She's been told that her whole life and does not know she has a choice. I really, really hope that is not their newlywed home, but I am afraid it is. Sad. And like someone said earlier, Jonny is going to be broke taking the whole famn damily out to the "Good" Olive Garden all the time.
  3. This is like a bad accident I can't look away from. Maybe it's the angle, but does the mattress seem way to big for the headboard and bed frame? Like if you sat at the very edge of the bed it would not end well?
  4. My favorite update is the dangling electrical outlet in the "kitchen"... ETA: Oh! and the lamp on the kitchen table that is the twin to one of the nightstand lamps. Why couldn't she have matching lamps in the bedroom on the nightstands and put the other lamp in the kitchen???
  5. No way is JillyBean paying for anything for herself. She will work night and day to grift the party she thinks she deserves. NotNurie's wedding and the next Nurthan offspring will take a distant second place.
  6. LOL! Putting the options that way (like normal people) would actually move JillyBean out of the spotlight! We can’t have that…
  7. Not sure that would work for him. Employment-wise, he is a mechanic and his driving foot is the one broken. Even if he was able to get to work, I can’t see him fixing cars while using this. He would be frustrated within 5 minutes. He did say if the pain was really bad he would revisit the surgery option. But knowing him…
  8. I know that, and you know that. But it is Husband's choice to not have the surgery. If he was pushed into having it done, it would not end well. One thing the surgeon did say was he was lucky because when he dislocated it, it turned downward (because he fell on it and it went underneath him). If it had gone upward or sideways he definitely would have needed surgical intervention immediately. I completely hear what you are saying, but he said no, so I have to respect that.
  9. Awww, Jilly. Nobody cares. Really, we are all just here to snark. And it's most likely Nemo's getting a baby sibling. I think we all noticed Nurie's chestical area being a little larger in the last few pictures. And if that is the case, good for Nurthan, if that is what they want! Nobody needs a "Special! Live! Announcement!" *eye roll*
  10. I think Gray T-Shirt Girl was the Maid of Honor. Maybe that's why she had a different color t-shirt?
  11. Update on Husband (from my post a few days back): He went to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday to get his fractured toe looked at and surgery scheduled. They did new X-rays so that they could compare from when he broke it a week earlier. Turns out not only is it fractured, but dislocated as well. Surgery was discussed, but he would have to be completely off his foot for 6 weeks, and then ~gradually~ start putting weight on it. He would then have another procedure to get the pins removed (another surgery? or just yank them out with pliers in the doctor's office? Don't know) and basically be off for 3-4 months. He thought about it and decided the cure was worse than the break, so he chose not to have the surgery done. He's been home for 1 week now and is starting to get cabin fever already, and the thought of being completely off his foot for 6 weeks, and then being off work for 3-4 months pretty much did him in. I told him the final decision was his. I do agree with him that the aftermath of the surgery would be horrible for him. He is seriously (SEVERELY - lol!) icing his foot and keeping it elevated as much as he can. That is where we are. So if anyone wants to send me virtual wine, it would be most welcome!
  12. Jesus F. Christ! If you insist on wearing stupid t-shirts under a formal gown, 1) don't pick an old stretched out t-shirt that doesn't even match anything. At least look like you tried; 2) don't wear a short sleeved t-shirt under sheer sleeves; 3) hem your damn dress so you don't break any body parts; 4) or just wear a dress that doesn't need a stupid modesty t-shirt underneath! There are enough Fundy weddings going on that I'm sure bridesmaid's dresses can be borrowed back and forth, no? They sell perfectly fine "fake" camis at CVS drug store that would look 1000x better than... this...
  13. Well, just like Jilly's SEVERELY injured knee where she tore many things and maybe needed surgery. Or something. Apparently Jesus cured her because we never heard anything about that again. Also TimBit's CD that he "recorded" and then we never heard anything...
  14. Idiots. All of them. That whole place could have gone up in flames.
  15. And why does everything always have to be “bible” with them? Sheesh. Let them have ducks and bunnies and trucks and princesses and superheroes and… whatever!
  16. Good thoughts, please! Husband was out walking Harley yesterday and he tripped on the gravel driveway. His big toe went underneath him when he fell and he said it hurt. He still stuffed his foot into work boots and worked all day, although when he was leaving the garage (he's a mechanic) he could barely walk. Last night his toe was swollen and purple. It was, of course, worse this morning and he could not even get shoes on. He wisely chose not to go to work (believe me, that is a big deal for him to voluntarily miss work!) and when I came home for lunch I suggested he probably should go to urgent care. 3 hours later, he is in a boot, toe is fractured and he is facing surgery to get a pin put in. He will be out 4-6 weeks. He goes to an orthopedic doctor Monday to set things up. I think he is in shock right now. So if anyone has any good toe vibes to send our way, I would appreciate it!
  17. But yet, so much better than a Duggar Daughter wedding…
  18. No way did the not-Nurie’s make those earrings. They are too symmetrical. And they do not seem to be made from the same faux leather crap they tend to use.
  19. We had one at our wedding. The mothers lit a smaller candle each and once we said the vows we each grabbed a candle and lit the big fancy candle, and then blew out the little candles. Not a big deal either way for me.
  20. Me neither. Anybody have a link, or a season/episode number?
  21. It’s more likely that NotNurie2.0 will be married by then. I SEVERELY doubt TimBits will be married. What good would that do for her? She needs new wallets to marry into that family to keep them fed at The Good Olive Garden. A female DIL would only mean competition for JillyBean (at least in her mind).
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