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  1. I hope he finally gets what he wants--move to Florida!
  2. On the one hand, I can appreciate Antony staying for a couple of charters because that would give Captain Jason time to find a replacement. But he has such a horrible dismissive attitude that it was best he go immediately. I noticed that Tsarina would ask "that alright with you" rather than just saying "Please do this ". She probably hasn't been a boss before. OMG the primary on this charter! My eyes were rolling at EVERYTHING he said. That was not a prayer. That was the primary giving himself a tongue bath. Harry's thumb(s)! First we got the estactic "I kissed a runway model" thumbs up. And good for you Harry-don't sell yourself short, you are a golden retriever in human form! Keep it up and you might get a belly rub! And then you nearly lose a thumb. That was so gross. I'm not worried about losing him based on previews. Enjoying the season so far.
  3. I knew this wasn't going to end well when Lara called herself Barbie and Tzarina Weird Barbie...
  4. I'm just happy Harry is back.
  5. Well fuck. ETA: Curse word came through!
  6. Maybe it would be easier to list who stayed together.
  7. Does this mean that Ray finally gets to move to Florida?
  8. Here's where Whitney confuses me over the Lisa text: She says she didn't believe the rumor about Lisa and John. So if Whitney thought is was a lie, why text the lie to someone else?
  9. My doctor diagnosed me as pre-diabetic and wanted to put me on medication immediately. I pleaded with her to give me 1 year to change my diet and exercise. She begrudgingly said yes. I managed to do it. Some doctors are prescription happy...
  10. Giselle and Ashley. I made up my mind at the end of last season that I was done with the show when they both came back. Now. I still come here to read your thoughts and I listen to the Watch What Crappens recaps because I love Ben and Ronnie, but I'm over Giselle and Ashley.
  11. Shannon was also a first offender. This was Karen's second offense. I know state's have their own laws, but generally speaking, drunk driving laws have a progressive tier system. In my state, the monetary fines and jail times go up with each DUI. Your 1st DUI is a minimum 1 day jail miminum to a year maximum and its a gross misdemeanor. Your 4th DUI is up to 5 years in prison and it is a Class C felony.
  12. My opinion is: Let Theresa and her family have their own show and keep RHONJ without her on it. That would make the tree stumps happy and it would make me happy because I might actually enjoy Jersey for once!
  13. If she had been drinking, the blow and go would have reported it to the proper authorities. If she had a drink, waited the proper amount of time before getting in the car, then it's not "drinking and driving". I just watched Karen's videos. She was drunkity drunk drunk drunk. Overall, polite to the police though.
  14. Shannon was drinking on camera this season, but she was NOT driving (on camera). We saw a scene where a blow and go was installed in her car, but I don't remember any scene where she drank and got behind the wheel since her DUI.
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