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The Crazed Spruce

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Everything posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. When are the nominees being announced? I'd hate to miss Tatiana Meslaney being snubbed live. It's much more satifying yelling at my TV than it is yelling at my laptop.
  2. You missed a couple of letters there, sev.... Just to fill the gap.... J is for Jack Geller, his father. K is for Kids, of which he has two. And to follow yours.... M is for the Moist Maker, the slice of bread soaked in gravy in the middle of his turkey sandwich.
  3. Speaking as someone who's taking care of a dementia sufferer, I definitely spotted early signs of the disease. Sarah's lucky she found him when she did. In a few months, communicating with him would be... difficult, to say the least.
  4. Actually, it was Father Mulcahey with a Tom Mix pocket knife. Jack Tripper actually taught me how to separate eggs (which has come in handy, since I've recently switched to scrambled egg whites for breakfast).
  5. And here I thought I was the only one who remembered that horrible, horrible cartoon. :)
  6. Well, hey, since I've got two... A: An alien time traveler joins a televised improv comedy "competition". B: A young man transforms into a feral beast when the moon is full, and a sports car when his body temperature rises.
  7. *measures room for a steam table for the breakfast buffet*
  8. Even though I beat you to the last one by about ten minutes (and we still haven't gotten confirmation that it's right), I'll guess that yours is . :)
  9. I personally rank casting Donal Logue as Harvey Bullock right up there with the X-Men movies casting Patrick Stewart as Professor X. He's absolutely perfect for the role, and I can't wait to see it.
  10. Aw, man..... What is it about me that makes people want to kill me in the first round? Is it my breath or something?
  11. Good, 'cause that was the one I was leaning towards. :) *Ahem* After a suburban Canadian teenager marries his girlfriend, he wakes up as a cop in the 1970's.
  12. I'm too tired to do research on the second half of B right now, but I'm guessing that A is either or .
  13. Exactly my thoughts. There are two parts to the game, "Night" and "Day". During "Day", the players vote to eliminate someone from the game because they believe that person's one of the bad guys. To help the vote, the writer usually slips a clue into the story pointing to one of the bad guys. Right now, the line that everyone seems to think is a clue seems to point to either you or TMunz. So it's basically up to you to defend yourself. Did anyone else find anything that might be a clue?
  14. Don't know about anyone else, but the only thing that strikes me as even remotely clueish is the reference to Earl Grey. Could refer to either TMunz or the illustrious Mr. Cole.
  15. Between working graveyard shifts and my DVD recorder crapping out on my, I've seen a grant total of three episodes of Castle this season (the premiere, the finale, and another episode in the middle the plot of which escapes me at the moment), and while the finale was incredibly awkward and out of place, and didn't mesh at all with the tone of the show I loved, I just fall to my knees and thank the good lord above that it hasn't gotten nearly as bad as Bones. (I just hope I feel the same when I get a chance to catch up.)
  16. This show's definitely at the top of the list of shows I'm looking forward to in the Fall. Especially now that I know it's not airing across from anything I'm currently invested in. (Not since ABC bumped Agents of SHIELD ahead an hour, at any rate.) Just a few things I really hope they include at some point: The Flash Museum. Just 'cause. :) The Rogues not only teaming up, but hanging out together when they're not trying to kill Flash. (I always thought that kind of camaraderie was what set Flash's villains apart from the rest.) A Mark Hamill cameo in The Trickster's origin story. Wally West. He doesn't need to become Kid Flash (at least, not right away....), but I'd still like to see him in the show. At least one crossover with Arrow each season. Two words: Cosmic. Treadmill.
  17. I'm actually hoping that the Flash Museum turns up somewhere down the road. Not necessarily in the first season, but definitely after he establishes himself.
  18. Very good point. I say we table the Killer Frost/Captain Cold discussion until she actually gets freeze powers. (Or the show starts dropping anvils about giving them to her. Whichever comes first.) Where is it written that the female assistant/friend/ally has to have an unrequited crush on the hero? Why can't a guy and a gal on a show just be friends and hang out together without romantic feelings tying into it? I mean, you didn't see Janet pining for Jack on Three's Company, or Carla making googly eyes at Sam on Cheers, and those shows did okay for themselves. (Or, if you want a more genre example, how about Councellor Troi and Captain Picard? Or Uhura and Kirk in the original Trek?) I say the producers should just establish a platonic friendship between them, and leave it at that.
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