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The Crazed Spruce

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Everything posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. Got sniped by TOWTooMuchTV, couldn't think of an "N"....
  2. C is for the Coffee that Rachel and Joey used to serve at Central Perk.
  3. Well, yours stumped me, and I'm still working on the second half of Actionmage's other two. Can't speak for anyone else....
  4. Don't know why it sprang to mind, but ?
  5. My only issue is with the mobile version, or at least the version that I get. For some reason, those handy dandy little word balloons and stars that tell you when you've read the content of a thread don't show up on my tablet any more.
  6. Y is for Yellow, the colour of her hair.
  7. See? Told you they were easy. :) (Although I was thinking about Smelly Cat and Triplets....) V is for Vegetarian, which she is, but the triplets were not.
  8. And setting up four easy ones.... Q is for Quirky, which is what she is.
  9. I've got half of it, but I'm completely stuck on the show.
  10. L is for Leslie, the former singing partner who stole "Smelly Cat" for a cat food commercial.
  11. UsernameFatigue, if you want to catch up a bit faster, all five seasons are on Netflix in Canada.
  12. G is for her Guitar, which she made up her own chords for
  13. I've got a nice, shiny blue plastic portrait of Sir Wilfred Laurier that says that they keep the gothic look for the architecture, fashion, and vehicles, but use modern cell phones, computers, and social media.
  14. Kinda cheating but... X is for his three eX-wives. :) (BTW, thanks for correcting me about the Moist Maker. It's been a while since I've seen that episode, and the fine details were a bit fuzzy.)
  15. Space aired a special last week about Orphan Black, with a ton of interviews with the cast and crew of the show, including . I was wondering what that actor's character would be like, because all the special said was that . Thanks for clarifying, Grammaeryn!
  16. Am I the only one who thinks that Booth and Brennan from Bones make a horrible couple? Granted, I haven't seen this past season, or about half of the previous one, but for the year and a half I've watched them together, they bicker constantly, shown affection for each other maybe a dozen times (if that), and I could count the number of times they've kissed on one hand without using my thumb. Maybe it's because they held off too long before pulling the trigger on the relationship, or maybe it's because they hooked up off-screen, or it might be that the first hint that they'd ever been together was when she announced that he knocked her up, but they came across to me like two actors of limited range who can't stand to be in the same room together forced to pretend to be a couple.
  17. I always thought the novel The Alienist by Caleb Carr was just ripe for adaptation. In the book, a scientist in the late 1800's, who specializes in advanced (for the time) forensic techniques, assembles a team of experts to hunt a serial killer. (Granted, it does cover a lot of the same ground that Murdoch Mysteries does, but I do love that show, and this book had a much more dramatic take on the concept.) I also wouldn't mind seeing a show based on Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone books. Or Ed McBane's 87th Precinct, for that matter. (Yeah, I know, they've already made two pilot movies about the 87th that weren't picked up for series. I'd still like to see it, though.) And if we're talking science fiction, Spider Robinson's Callahan's Crosstime Saloon would make a great basis for a Twilight Zone-style anthology series.
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