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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Definitely agree. I was prescribed medical marijuana for my PTSD and it helped greatly with my immediate symptoms (severe panic attacks, etc) when it was at its worst. Then the goal is to move on and forward from it (which I did fairly quickly), unless your condition is very very severe and it can be helpful over a long period of time. I don't think regular use is ALWAYS negative by any means. All it's doing for these two is helping them to sit around moping even more. It's especially not helpful for clinical depression that already causes you to sit around doing nothing........what in the world are they on about?! They're really, really not helping anyone who might actually benefit from medical use.
  2. Watching Cate and Tyler sucks the life out of me. Tyler so clearly can't stand her. I can't blame him, though I don't think he's any better.
  3. This is so true. Ali wasn't their teen or 20-something daughter who lost her ability to participate in ballet or sports after she was in a car accident. She's NEVER been able to walk or move like a typical kid, she has a congenital issue. So that "kid who plays sports and runs all over and walks down the aisle for her wedding day" is an image that only ever existed in their mind, it wasn't ever Ali. I'm not saying she never cares, but she probably doesn't more than any kid with a learning disability, bad asthma, diabetes, or some other difficulty that they notice occasionally when compared with other children. And she could develop a very healthy attitude about it if it was modeled. They need to realize that it's THEIR loss, not hers, that they're mourning. (That's so far above their heads though that I know it's a total lost cause).
  4. Seriously--so many folks would LOVE the privilege to see someone so great for themselves or their child. It's so messed up to see people go because MTV told them to (most likely) and then act like he's stupid and they know better because book learnin' is for chumps or something.
  5. I agree in that I don't think higher education is ever "easy." I teach many students far more privileged than Kail, with no kids and an educated, non-broken family, and many of them still struggle a great deal in their classes, and they've had every advantage-- tutoring all through school, SAT prep courses, private schools, parents with PhDs, etc. They still have to buckle down and do the work and many still get B's and C's. At the end of the day, college is hard. Most of my students don't work outside of school. Some do sports, internships, clubs, or theatre but that's about it. And they're still stressed every day. It's just that respect for her at this point for much of anything is rough, for me personally. She's a tough one to get behind and she squanders a lot of her opportunities. So I get where people are coming from. The third kid thing also makes her ultra tiresome to me, along with all her plastic surgery, and I think most folks are just sick of her. I still think the degree itself is something to be proud of though.
  6. I think a four-year degree means something no matter what, but idk if Kail knows that. It's not just to get a job. I'd have more respect for her if she just said that, actually. Instead I think she's going to try to use her degree to get a job in a field she's not qualified for / "to be a celebrity." If she just said hey, I don't need to work right now but the degree has its own value, cool; I've known parents who went back to school but weren't planning to work after. Instead she'll cheapen it and make it seem worthless by becoming a social media "personality." Ugh. We've seen enough of your personality, Kail, we don't want more. That said, it's an accomplishment, so kudos to her. And holy wow do I agree that I wouldn't be calling myself a mom of 3 at this stage, that freaks me out. But I'm pregnant and superstitious.
  7. She modeled for those photos Duffy spread around the internet. ;) Barb has always said she got good grades. The margins are all tiny here, but I'd agree that in terms of a basic IQ test (nothing to do with psychological issues, drugs, social skills, emotional intelligence, common sense, etc), Jenelle would fare at least a bit better than Leah or Chelsea. Leah in particular is very dim.
  8. I think part of the problem is how they think about a wheelchair. Most wheelchair users in healthy situations don't think of themselves as "bound" or "confined" to one. It gives them more mobility. More freedom, more of a life. Ali already doesn't have good mobility when she walks and runs. She could do much more, much faster in a chair. She seems happy in it when she's in it. When she's not, she falls a lot and can't keep up. Her parents are training her (even if unconsciously) to think of it as a punishment and a negative because of how THEY think of it, when actually she could have a longer, much more fun and adventurous life using one. The "90%" would be in a wheelchair. She could go everywhere, not get injured and not be nearly as tired as she likely is. Her being pushed to walk and run unsteadily and dangerously is what's at 50%, because she's constantly reminded of her difference in a negative way rather than learning to be cool with her disability. It's selfish of them and I don't think it will change. It's been years. And yeah, they're definitely willing to harm their child in hopes of a "miracle." They know full well they're directly ignoring the specialist that they're wildly lucky to see. I also think part of the issue is that they don't seem to value non-physical activities as much. Cheer and sports are all they seem to be familiar with. Are there no other clubs a kid could join?!
  9. Omg this is one scary Intervention level photo. She really looks like she has a severe eating disorder. Drugs are probably in the picture too but girlfriend really looks like she doesn't eat a thing. They have enough $ for two wheelchair vans. The ramps come down on their own so power chairs can go up them, it's not heavy. You can actually drive it straight into the van.
  10. And you know she'd be the type that if you tried to call her on it she'd get bitchy. Those are the worst kind. Apologize and move on!
  11. Drives me nuts when people do this. Always speaks to their spoiled entitlement. Even we don't always use it because my partner only needs a place to get out using his ramp, he doesn't need to be close, and sometimes other parking spots have an area where a wheelchair ramp can fit. There are *so* few handicapped spots and we've had to leave places, have known folks who got trapped in their cars because someone parked in the ramp area, etc. YOU DON'T NEED THEM KAIL. It goes along with her general sense of being owed stuff though. Vee's reaction to that photo was my fave.
  12. I think it's like "I'm dark" etc not referring to African Americans...That's generally what people mean when they say it. Like emo or hard.
  13. Can someone remind me why we call him Panda?
  14. He doesn't spend time with his other kid. I feel bad for her. He seems like the type who would spoil a boy and not a girl, like Jenelle will with Ensley (obviously vice versa). Narcissists are like that with "mini mes."
  15. Those din durn doctors and their book learnin'
  16. Jenelle can spare me with the tears. Nathan is fucking gross. David is major league controlling. Damn, Leah looks sober! And attractive! I hope they actually listened to what they learned at the conference.
  17. Gary actually pushed it a lot and she pretended with him a ton and fought with Barb about it, and they'd have on camera convos about "what it would take to get Jace back." Except Gary, unlike Nathan and David, actually seemed to want Jenelle to want Jace as a human being and a mother, instead of the "my manhood is somehow measured by how much I can scream at an older lady" N&D games. Then Kieffer (again) and Courtland came around after Gary and they never seemed to push the Jace issue, so Jenelle didn't try. She just goes along with whatever her current partner's agenda is.
  18. "Doing better"= "I haven't gotten arrested for a felony in six months" "We have a great relationship"= "neither of us has gotten arrested for DV in three months"
  19. I'm pretty sure Jenelle's "full time" is equivalent to Adam's "50/50 custody," aka bullshit.
  20. She's been linked to two other women (named Gigi and Shelby or something? Those might be wrong) starting in high school.
  21. Yeah, master's are different, especially in the U.S. However, you can get into many PhDs without a master's and then it's paid for along the way. That doesn't work for all careers, though. And I agree, it's a lot less foolish than many people think to take out loans to pay for an education if you plan right! And it doesn't only have to be in the STEM fields to work out very well financially. I believe Leah already quit, right?
  22. My PhD paid extremely well and supported a family. You should almost never have to pay for grad school. PhDs are a well kept secret, people always ask how much debt I'm in from mine...If you have to pay for it, it's a scam.
  23. I think they haven't been together in a while. But it really doesn't seem like Kailyn is actually with Becky anyway. They've made it pretty clear it's a joke because of the media stuff. Becky has a long-time partner. My bet is Kail is single.
  24. You mean they'd actually want something other than to have babies with the first guys who invite them into their truck beds? Naahh can't risk that.
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