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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. And other people say it back to her, like the poor child's actual given name is Boo Boo!! That's tooooo much. Luckily most comments are positive, and then there's this: Replying to @krissyK01 and @ItsGaryTime Give Amber more time with Leah, you are breaking her spirit, put the past where it belongs & let her be a Mom Ugh. There's always one.
  2. I absolutely believe Debra is a psychological abuser (if not physical as well). She comes across like every narcissistic abuser I've ever known and I think she did a number on Farrah and Michael as well (who himself admits that Debra caused Farrah trauma). In the preview for the reunion, she's being asked about if she was abusive. She replies with "we've all been through something" and "Farrah grew up in a million dollar house." Classic abuser deflecting tactics, much like the fake suicide threats; if I was accused of abuse I didn't commit, my responses certainly wouldn't be about money, houses, or how much we've all been through, they'd be about my own innocence. Now that she wants money and Farrah can't be controlled (as you say), she wants to be buddy-buddy. Before anyone says this-- no, of course this doesn't excuse Farrah's current rude and obnoxious behavior. But in specifically her relationship with her mom, I think there's a lot of abusive backstory that informs the current resentment.
  3. I think she's actually into a criminal record-- enjoys the risk and thinks it makes them a "real man."
  4. What is with Jenelle's boyfriends and the choking?! David choked his ex and it's a matter of time before he chokes Jenelle, Nathan has choked two women...do this many people have a "choking your partner" impulse or does Jenelle just have a knack for seeking out the absolute worst?
  5. From my understanding Butch was in and out a lot. I don't think he was in prison the entire time, hence all the talk now about the promises he's breaking for the 8,000th time. That alone is pretty traumatizing. But I agree that Catelynn went through much worse on a day to day basis.
  6. Yeah, I don't think with that father we can describe his childhood as anything but abusive. That's one of the only times I really feel for him-- when he interacts with Butch. You can see the deep, long standing sadness in his eyes. I hate the guy but I still think it's sad. Makes me think of the kids on this show. I have little faith that Kaiser and Jace, for example, won't grow up to be assholes, given their mother and fathers. But the first time they get arrested (and they will) it'll make me think of Jenelle (and Nathan/Andrew) first. They don't have much of a chance, especially Kaiser. It's sad.
  7. Also, her excuse was PCOS. Anyone who knows anything about women's health or even just freaking Googles PCOS knows no doctor would ever, EVER tell a woman not to use birth control due to PCOS. First off, it's not highly uncommon and it affects everyone differently. One of my close friends has actual diagnosed PCOS (as opposed to Maci who I doubt has it at all) and has since her teen years. She went off birth control with her fiance to see if she could conceive without fertility treatment and was pregnant within months. People with PCOS conceive naturally all the time. No way in hell any doctor is going to tell you you suddenly became 100% infertile due to PCOS.
  8. My dad was a gambling addict and this is giving me chills. (Though he went to GA and has been "sober" 20 years. :)) Matt has all the makings of a hardcore gambling addict...the lying, the love of risk, the self centeredness, the manipulation...I wonder how long he's been gambling behind Amber's drug addled back.
  9. I agree. On Couples Therapy he also admitted he feels like he stayed out of guilt sometimes because "people see them as the perfect all-American couple" (his claim, not mine, lol). I think the "what do people think of me" drive is strong with him.
  10. I assume she and Tyler learned a lot of lingo growing up with their junkie parents...then they started using themselves when they were 12 or so, they've said. I believe that Tyler doesn't use any more (except maybe pot, but not as much as Cate), but Cate absolutely seems like a pill head to me. A sort of strange general question: does anybody think Cate and Tyler actually love each other? Does she love him and he's just obligated to her? Does he love her and she's just dependent on him? Are they both just codependent and there's no real love there at all? Curious what people think.
  11. Little girls' outfits aren't even made for actual *play* most of the time. Even a lot of little girl baby outfits are completely unrealistic.
  12. Oh, is that what she was saying?? I had no idea what she was referencing there. A "bar" of Xanax? Someone's used a little too often...
  13. She has a couple weeks left before baby is due. She could still fit in one last tropical vacation!!! Lolol
  14. I agree. I think she'd be so much better off as the "two weekends a month" mom with Corey as primary caretaker. A receptionist or salon job the rest of the time. She pushed so hard to be their primary caretaker but in her circles that's just *always* considered best and a no-brainer. It's really a shame. I think she does love the girls and could do well as the "fun outings, sleepovers, and cheer practice" kind of parent that a lot of dads are by their own choice or someone else's. She doesn't have the emotional maturity, patience, coping skills or steadiness to be a good day in and day out caretaker.
  15. Yeah, it looks like a bad Photoshop job to me. They look really disproportionate.
  16. She does have a mugshot she could use for street cred. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/mother-of-teen-mom-star-officially-charged-with-assault-2010201#ixzz2wXEpEkJe
  17. Yeah. I see the point in a couple hours of daycare for socialization or a rest-- I plan on doing so twice a week, but I have a full-time at home job for which I have to clock in. I can't imagine doing it all day, five days a week, without a real job. Tierra Reign/Things That Matter are not actual jobs.
  18. Yeah, it's really not. There's no real male equivalent currently. I really wish any phrase involving spreading/closing one's legs could be retired. To each their own, but I just find it vulgar and totally unfunny. Now, when it comes to DV there is the opposite double standard sometimes imo. Kailyn is a good example of that.
  19. Why does he keep insisting we have no idea? We...have a pretty good idea of what your deal is, Matt. We have court documents.
  20. LOL!!!!! I hope "concurrently" is in there too. She likely just learned it while writing the first one.
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