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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. The other thing I don't get is, 1) does he think we don't know his actual track record? MTV wasn't around when he lost custody of his first child or when he got any of his TONS of charges. This wasn't one charge that ended up being one bad night on his part, only a product of his toxic relationship with Jenelle, or something that ended up being blown out of proportion. It's a long-standing pattern that he's had for years. He's had, what, ten arrests by now or something? That has nothing to do with 'editing.' And 2) even IF there were good things MTV failed to show, that wouldn't change the general awful attitude he had for all the time they did show. His hoing around while he's with the son he supposedly loves so much, verbally abusing everyone around him and flipping out on the regular wouldn't suddenly change if they showed some rude texts from Jenelle or him hugging Kaiser 5 times instead of 2 or whatever. I don't know why he thinks that would just erase Jessica's account of the abuse, his criminal record or his terrible behavior in viewers' minds.
  2. He thinks co-parenting means "my mom watching him while I hang out with him every once in a while and leave to bang chicks."
  3. Seriously! How did Barb & Doris raise Jenelle and Nathan?! Barb at least seems to have some issues and a temper...Doris seemed like a normal, somewhat enabling/spoiling mom. The dads must have been real doozies to churn out Jenelle & Nate.
  4. One of his charges was for threatening a cop. I don't know that they'd be all that endeared to him seeing that on his record,
  5. He is definitely very obsessed with proving his masculinity. A few years back he was insulting gay people. I love how Jenelle's boyfriends think being gay is so wrong because it's "not manly" but domestic violence is somehow NBD or proof of your alpha maleness...
  6. Maryssa is really pretty. Poor girl. Jenelle will be jealous of her soon.
  7. He knows he has gotten arrested for it. I don't believe he's not cognizant. He could seek help himself. He won't because he doesn't care who he hurts. Also, can we send Doris on a vacation with Barb?
  8. It scares me that people this dangerous could even be TRYING to become cops. Also he should feel horribly fucking ashamed of how he treats his mom, and should be writing thank you notes and checks daily to the other grandma raising his daughter rather than worrying about bodybuilding and his ego.
  9. Shall we rename TM/2 The Biggest Loser? It's too bad that name is already taken.
  10. Some of the folks in my PhD program got lightly teased because they took 7+ years to finish dissertations (most people take 4-6 in ours)...Kailyn would take 15 years and have 5 more Baby NoNames along the way. #momof8plusadoctorATE #drmiamidoesdrkail #phDateaMomof8
  11. This is how I would have fed myself as a five-year-old (and mayyybe occasionally as a college undergrad ;)), and I tried...but I got in trouble. Shoulda been born in the holler.
  12. Yeah, she never seemed to me to want a relationship as much as he did.
  13. Seriously, how are these people not bored? I like vacations as much as anyone but what is there to take a vacation FROM?!
  14. The description for Being Nathan: After multiple arrests and bad break-ups, Nathan moves back in with his mom to pursue a career in bodybuilding, while attempting to date again. But a pending court case with possible jail time puts Nathan's goals in jeopardy. Why don't they just start calling this show COPS 2? We see way more court cases than we do parenting!!
  15. I know. I was just making a joke. Anything to bring up the sugar packets again. LOL
  16. The main character has an accident that gives her amnesia and causes her to repeat the same day over and over again. Those around her still pretend it's that one day so that she doesn't start to get confused and upset.
  17. I can get how Barb hasn't completely come down hard on Jenelle because of a mother's love and all that. That IS her kid at the end of the day, plus they have a history. But Nathan and David, and whatever other boyfriends (Courtland probably was a dick to her as well)? I can't imagine being Barb, raising Jace and working all day at WalMart and then visiting my daughter only to be bitched out by one of her array of unemployed boyfriends trying to impregnate her, and have some drugged out idiot screaming in my face, filming me, or whatever, and NOT hitting him. Unless I was scared physically. I...really can't.
  18. Unless Dr. Tsao prescribed t-ball, sugar packets, Cheetos and prayer as remedies I don't think what he says is ever going to matter.
  19. Yeah, not disagreeing. Just saying that part of her issue is that she attracts more chaotic people to draw into her web of chaos. The triangulation she and her fucked up partners create with Barb is what allows her to keep doing what she does. If I were Jenelle's therapist I would 1) ask for a hell of a lot of money and 2) demand that she not date for 2 full years or I would not continue treating her. Without her variety of abusers to back up her abuse (like bouncers), she would be somewhat disarmed. That would be step #1 only, but it would allow Barb to take a breather at least from the constant abuse.
  20. To be fair, so do all her partners. None of her partners except for Gary has never had other domestic violence or assault charges of some kind. Water seeks its own level, and all that. At this point I don't think anyone *without* a serious history of abuse would be interested in her, or vice versa.
  21. Yeah, was gonna say that Wicca is a legit religion just like Christianity, Buddhism or anything else. *steps off mini-soapbox* Separate from that, I always come down right in the middle on these nature/nurture arguments. It is ALWAYS both, IMO. It's never one or the other. With both Kailyn and Jenelle--and, well, everybody-- genetic, environmental, trauma-based, and individual factors all played a role. What we see as the 'main factor' in how a person went wrong is often a result of our own biases towards or against the person, or maybe insider knowledge of that person's history. Nathan is a good example of this: Some see Nathan as more sympathetic even though he's an abuser, because he has PTSD so we can speculate that maybe some of his abuse is because of that. But we don't *really* know how much of his abuse is just how he is as a person, or how much of it is exacerbated by his alcoholism--and was his alcoholism due to PTSD, or did it exist before, or was substance abuse genetic for him too? We can never really know. It all depends on how we view it, our own biases and how much we know about the person before and after the trauma, their genetics, their personality, and their upbringing, really. Same thing with Barb/Jenelle. At this point, I don't see much to sympathize with when it comes to Jenelle, but others might. I don't know how traumatized she is or not, or what her soul consists of. I can speculate that she is an awful person because of what she's done, but at the end of the day, I don't actually know. I wasn't there and can't pry into her genetics or turn back time and alter the course of her life. It's my opinion at this point that, as with Nathan (and David, and the other abusers on this show--Ryan, Adam, Kail, etc.), she would have been that way no matter what...but what the hell do I really know about these people? Not a lot, except that their actions hurt a lot of innocent people and animals, and at this point their victims matter more than they do.
  22. I'm a city person so I can't imagine being on The Land for more than thirty seconds without getting So Bored Dude, but I would contact them for sure if I ever started a horror film company. David is totally the person you would not want to come to the door when you're the protagonist and your tire gets blown. "Dare I enter?"
  23. I think the fixing the wheelchair thing may have had as much to do with logistics as money. It can take months to get someone out to fix one properly, and I can't imagine there are that many wheelchair repair-trained folks in the holler. You also usually need an insurance claim from a doctor first. I can't imagine Leah being willing to put up with all that red tape rather than lying around taking Instagram pics and it's another convenient excuse for Leah and Corey to not have her use it and then say it's because she's 'so determined.' "Oh well, it's broken! It's a SIGN that she shouldn't use it!" #prayerworks #butwewontprayforbrains #oradoctor #yaytball #runalirun
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