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Everything posted by bunnywithanaxe

  1. God was in the hospital, but he recovered. I don't blame the Buscemi Brothers from backing away from this season.
  2. (rewatching ep) I want Zoey to go off on Jackie's manipulative ass so bad. I want her to vomit lava all over her.
  3. GASP! Go for Magnani! And I love Cabiria! Cabiria Magnani? And you can draw the little teardrop on your cheek....
  4. I was wondering about that. Also, sctupping Antoinette in an attempt to get her off Jackie's back (so he said)? And unshamedly stating that he deliberately overdosed to get Jackie's attention? The guy is going for the Cody Award for Best Enabler. What if the show had given us a deeper look at someone actually trying to manage recovery, and a real look at the disease of codependancy? What grills me is the wasted opportunities, in favor of dramatic relapses and withdrawls, and dividing everyone into these archtypes .
  5. Yeah, I was rooting for her, too. But I was rooting for her to beat her addiction, not for her to jack the system and game all her friends.
  6. Not to mention she was chock full of those drugs when she was caught, and had to go through assisted withdrawl. That retainer must have been used to buy off the judge.And yeah, the DEA would have been on that shit like a rat on a cheeto. Eddie would have been sharing a cell with Jackie within a day, in reality land.
  7. Bagged it from the "Vanderpump Rules" folk. I lurk. Does fit perfectly, thought, doesn't it! (Momlike head shake) Bunch of dumb fucks.
  8. I said elsewhere, I cannot to this day hear the phrase 'The Scarlet Pimpernel" without flashing on this sketch.
  9. Eddie was on a pretty short damn leash to begin with, so the immediate excuse was all she needed. IMO, she doing him a favor by getting him the hell away from pharmaceuticals, because he clearly has a weird relationship with them. He's coming unglued, he's in charge of dangerous quantities of chemicals, he's consistently making stupid decisions about handling them, he nearly killed himself with said chemicals before, the Quixotic stuff he is saying about Jackie suggests a broadening detachment from reality("She never hurt any of you"???)-- shit, if I was in Gloria's place, I would see firing him as possibly being the lesser evil from hanging back and waiting for him to do something that sent his dumb ass to jail. Or got him killed. Only in TV Land would he have lasted past the first season, and I suspect Akalitus's current rampage might be down to hospital admins over the nation begging Showtime to please, please haul their dignity out of the trash. Her popping the Xanex put her in the pool of culpability with Thor and Zoey-- obviously once she did that, there was no way she could rat them out without two fingers pointing right back at her. Based on the strong eye contact she made with both of them, I took this as strategic. Also, that Xanex was probably looking pretty good at that point.(Just saying.) Either way, to me that read as, "I get the urge, but don't start." As bombastic as she is, I really do get the sense that Anna Deveare Smith is portraying Akalitus as someone who is trying to tough-love a bunch of chucklefucks she genuinely cares about.
  10. I think Gloria popping the Xanex was inspired. It both gave Zoey a warning, and deprived her of her first step down the slippery slope of chemical dependancy. I definitely do not see her as a bad guy. Thor needs a boot to the head, big time. Eddie, too, but he seems to need one on an hourly basis lately. Thor? You shock me, sir.
  11. All she is gonna do is get Eddie's enabling ass thrown in jail. It'll take the feds like five seconds to connect the dots on the pills.
  12. Ohhh, wouldn't the Adventures of Nurse Zoey be the coolest? (sigh.)
  13. Oh , same here! Zoey! (Head pop.) I actually liked Carrie a little more when I saw her jacked up apartment. But I hope Coop coaxes her out of that lavender/ turquoise theme. Ugh.
  14. Cannavale, if you're lurking out there, throw this guy a bone, willya?
  15. Ok, just in case I disappear or something-- after reading this, I Googled the Squirrel Patrol to see what was up with that, found a list of the "25 people crippling Scientology", and while I was trying to read it, my browser must have crashed ten times. :D Also, I was on a trip to Ojai recently, and was thoroughly distracted while ambling around town by wondering which of the beaming tan people I saw were in the program and what their operating level might be. Don't let this get in your head, I'm saying.
  16. Miscavige's podium dress uniform was fucking creepy. It reminded me of the uniforms the evil dictators wore in those Twilight Zone episodes about unnamed totalitarian regimes. For more about the power of creepy uniforms and groupspeak, I encourage you to check out the documentary "Lesson Plan."
  17. Nicely put. Not to keep picking on Cruise, but hands up-- how many of you muttered to yourself "T.J. Mackie" whenever he was talking behind that garish podium?
  18. I was actually starting to feel sorry for Cruise-- he's pretty much living life as a marionette, it seems-- until they related what he did to Nazanin Boniadi. I was actually shaking with rage. So glad she got out! Paul Haggis is now officially added to my personal pantheon of heroes. (Bonadi was already there :D) Seriously, everyone interviewed for this is incredibly brave. But it is so satisfying to see this particular fortress under assault. When Haggis told about his letter getting 600+ shares in one day, I gave a little cheer. Yes, i get into my TV. The Hollywood Scientology building looks a lot like the newish "Tower of Terror" ride in Disney California Adventure. Think it's a coincidence? ;)
  19. Just watched the "Chinatown" episodes last night, in which Scanlon attempts to pitch woo to a sophisticated blonde, resulting in a harassment complaint, Jeez, what an ass. Great acting, though-- Murdock was a scream.
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