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Everything posted by bunnywithanaxe

  1. Yes, she si an incredibly generous performer. I realized recently that Carol was my first really big real-life hero (my first imaginary hero being Underdog.) When I was about 4, my grandmother asked me what I would like to be when I grew up,and I said,. "I wanna be a funny lady like Carol Burnett." Well, I'm a preschool teacher,and the kids laugh at my jokes... If you have the means, do pick up One More Time ( http://www.amazon.com/One-More-Time-Nonfiction-Classics/dp/0812969723). I jut did last week, and am loving it. She tells the most heartbreaking stories in the most frank, earthy way.
  2. Hee-- that's why I asked. I have never been pregnant, and I found her breasts fascinating. Like big scarlet poppies on a creamy golden beach. She was like a Gauguin.
  3. Tim Conway is my hero. Dave rocks for making people talk about Dorf.
  4. Kevin,you are one hot mess. Is anybody else disturbed by Patrick adopting Kevin's hair style? Talk about Twincest.
  5. I am gonna be the weird girl and say I found Gabby Hoffman quite lovely in her nakedtidity. Is she really pregnant? She also has a great speaking voice, and used to excellent effect this ep. From her crooning to her shrieking. I also thought Dunham's hair was cute this ep-- that silky little bob. Awww. In fact, I thought she was extra adorable this whole episode-- even her clothes were not that bad. But mainly I think she just gave great face during her reaction shots, and her tender refusal of Adam was delivered with finesse and sensitivity. SHOSH! NOOOO! You were becoming my favorite! Please promise you will Skype every episode.
  6. The Family sketches are fascinating and cathartic to me; I come from one of those families who have people in it who can turn the simplest conversation into a complete train wreck. Seeing the utter ridiculousness of it from a distance helps one cope. And Carol Burnett just goes for it as Eunice-- she isn't afraid to get shrill and ugly. Viki Lawrence's stone faced passive aggression is a perfect counterbalance.
  7. I just spat a mouthful of fine redwine back into my glass. You owe me eleven bucks.
  8. I was trying to remember what show she had Mommed before. Also, it hit me that she was in one of my favorite short films, " Bad Bosses Go to Hell." Wonderful. She played one of several people laying out horrendous job descriptions to an interviewee. She had lines like " I need to be able to go off on you and still know you are on my side."
  9. I thought the same thing, at first. I thought, what a cheesy dramatic ploy, freezing like tha-- and then he gulped.
  10. On a production note, can I just say, this was probably the creepiest ending/ credits I have ever seen since I first saw "The Blair Witch Project"? No lie, I will probably sleep with the lights on tonight. That muted piano... brrrrr.
  11. In Mimi Rose's case, I think her nonchalance was supposed to be a parody of the whole NYC artist/ intellectual navel gazing stereotype. (See: Slaves of New York.) Adam was a different story-- I think he was just refusing to get dragged into the drama. As for Hanna's speech to Cleo-- hell yes, she would be out on her ass is she actually said that in most schools! I have heard that NYC is kind of hard up for teachers, though.
  12. I guess I just wondered why we didn't get some info on what else was in the box. The answer is either that is was useless-- home movies and such-- or that it was was legally important for the contents not to be broadcast.
  13. As I said on the "Breaking News" thread, I wonder about what else was in that box with the envelope. Perhaps law enforcement already had enough evidence out of that that they could afford to let the filmmakers hang on to their audio, or maybe they knew the way the audio was procured would make it inadmissible in court.
  14. Marnie and Hannah are such a great match as best friends-- they really shared the title of "Biggest idiot" this ep. As for Jessa and Adam-- I truly think the only reason Mimi Rose abruptly broke up with Adam is that she saw he was following Jessa out the door on the path to breaking up with her.
  15. What would stop them from being introduced? (real question) As far as any of us know, the only person who may or may not have viewed them is Sareb. And As I speculated aloud on another thread, they might have handed the box over right after the envelope reveal, which might have been chronologically much earlier than it turned up in the finished version. Sorry, to clarify I was talking about the VHS and cassette tapes stacked in the box with the envelope. The film audio I understand would not fly in court, obviously.
  16. Oh, thank you. This is why I found the stork so interesting. I have spent months looking forward to the zoo ep-- I am a zoo member, thank you-- and what do I get? Some freaking telanovela, with everyone's backs to the animals. The non- zoo part of the show, though, were really good. I love Auggie and Boo, as well, and I really felt for Doris this ep. I could not believe what a prick Dom was being. I get that he was shaken and disappointed that the anticipated money was not in question, but to go off on her like that? Someone wrestling through probate, and having probably a thousand problems in her own life that the estate stall complicates? Fine, freak out, but how fucking dare you scold someone who has pretty much offered you their life's savings? (or potential of such?) Heartless dick! We were puzzled when Doris collapsed in front of Malik, but not Dom. I think I have a little more insight now as to why that was. Good move, Show-- now I want to see how they work all that out.
  17. I was thinking, they might have turned over the evidence right away and convinced law enforcement to delay action until they nailed him in the interview. Not just for drama, but for their own safety. If Bob got a whiff that they were not completely sold on his version of things, there might have been a couple of documentarians missing.
  18. We still don't know what was on those tapes. whatever it was may have been the primary reason Jarecki put preserving evidence for conviction at the top of the list.
  19. I have to admit, it was hard to focus on Megan and Patrick's torrid moral relativism discussion with that handsome Marabou stork in the background. (Sorry, but I know that stork personally. And that better have been actual shrimp Mom was chucking at him. Quinoa chips? Really?)
  20. "Why don't you just jerk off in the mirror if you think you're so cute?" Loved him.
  21. I gasped out loud and that's when the litany of "Holy shit" started. I could not move or say anything else until the credits rolled. (Then I ran to the computer.)
  22. Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. If Errol Morris is tuning in, he must have pissed himself.
  23. Yeah, you're right, there was something really weird about just about everything the wife was saying. She Knows Shit.
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