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Everything posted by bunnywithanaxe

  1. Speaking of teachers,and just to be positive, I love how Martin Yan didn't just dismiss his bottom three quickfire contestants with a recitation of the flaws in their cooking, but used each critique as a teachable moment. To me it would almost be worth it to get panned by Yan if he gave me a bunch of good tips while doing it. Just love Yan, really. He seems like such good people.
  2. Yeah, the teacher in me started waving around the axe in my moniker when I heard that. Hope he's keeping the poor kid well stocked in Tums, otherwise she'll have an ulcer by the time she's 22.
  3. I expect she picked up those cute little dresses at the local Gemco, cause ain't it a sin that folks waste good money on some scrap of satin at Judy's when you can get right purty Sunday go tuh meetin dresses two for five dollars? That's in her up phase, when the manic phase hits it's, " That skinflint husband of mine gets his paisley ties at Bollock's, and I have to wear the same old rag scraped out of the bottom of the bargain bin at Ben Franklin's "
  4. Not attracted to him in the slightest-- not his fault, he reminds me of this really evil guy I dated in my twenties-- but it actually gave me the warm fuzzies to see him as plain old Adam again. It was like seeing a cherished cousin walk in the room when he strolled into the bungalow all suited up. I still love Shosh, Marnie makes me want to swat her, and Ray needs to get over her dumb ass. I have a huge soft spot for Jessa, and loved her whole makeup hair rescue moment. However big an asshole Jessa can be, something about that actress just shines through for me. Wish I liked the whole Adam / Jessa idea, but it kind of feels Classic Sitcom to me. I dunno. Guess I need to watch it unfold.
  5. When Padma announced the rap name challenge, I told the TV, "Oh, thank God Phillip is gone." He would have made Carl look like Dr. Dre. Perfect. Yeah, when I heard "gold rush", I immediately pictured a tin camping pan, and some dish made up of stirred together stuff with a hunk of sourdough on top.
  6. Heh, you're right. i was confusing my lanky white boys. :D "Soigne ploosh" sounds like an unsavory event at a furry convention.
  7. Oh, worlds of word. People, you have no idea how spot-on this is. (unless you live around here.) The Maze is like a demon portal of random lostness.Sorry-- end tangent.
  8. Also, if they wanted to treat the audience to the full Oakland experience, they should have shown the van getting totally lost in the 880 Maze.
  9. OK, Jeremy's rap for Hammer was pretty lame, but Hammer responding by intoning "The layers are unfolding" pretty much evened things out.
  10. I never even though about Gretchen Mol before watching this show. Her performance was shattering. Of all the actors on the series, I think she was the one who really nailed her role. Jack Huston comes in very close second.
  11. I am a proud Northern Californian, and the minute I set foot in Southern England I became very aware I had an accent-- that half the people there couldn't understand. We muddy our constonants, we pronounce our vowels indistinctly, we have a California drawl that is just as prononced as (but very distinct from) a Southern drawl. Lucky for me they thought it was cute, so I deliberately amped it up.
  12. (Sob)That was ridiculously touching, Peaches. Well done.
  13. "What we have is my take on a pork ragout with eggplant and heirloom tomato base, and a shitload of shredded romano to complement the texture..."
  14. (Rewatching ep) How the hell did they keep all those seagulls at bay on the pier?
  15. My dad was a Korean war vet, with severe PTSD, and his ideas about discipline and punishment were pretty fuckin' psycho. He would make up new rules for the joy of punishing us.The skeptic in me wonders if at least part of Tim and Tom's experiences can be explained by Dad compulsively tormenting his kids. Also, abused kids develop PTSD of their own, and one symptom of that is hyperalertness to noise or other stimuli in the surroundings.The dad theory would explain some stuff-- the bugs in the bed, the wall shaking-- but not others-- the man in the woods, the red eyes in the closet. But the general unease in the house could simply be general feelings of unsafety in a house where you are being abused.
  16. Preach! Preach it to the beer-loving world!
  17. That would be a refreshing break from hearing "The knocks( scratches, flashes, kittens, whatever) come in threes to insult the Trinity" solemnly intoned like we never heard it before. Oh by the way-- total skeptic, but the light in the basement burnt out and the last ep made me skip laundry that night. Thank you, Show.
  18. They have all been cursed by demonic objects they found in their crawl spaces while dragging out the Christmas stuff. I did! I did! The lonely lady ghost stuff made me sad. I dunno, I am a huge skeptic, but for some reason I have been bingeing on this stuff. Outer manifestation of Collective Unconsciousness anxieties?
  19. [snaggletooth voice]Put'em up! Put 'em up! ;) I hear you on the hammyness, but like someone up there said-- a lot of addicts behave this way not just melodramatic, not just "soapy," but like the world is their personal goddamn Theatre Grand Guignol. (Hey, spellcheck says I got that in one!) It's tiresome to watch on TV, but indescribably more tiresome to watch in real life. So, yeah Scotty is dramatic beyond belief, and yeah, that's part of what makes me think the actor got it right.
  20. The moment in the last ep when Scotty tried one last time to hand Cole his $37,000 was like a punch in the stomach for me. I thought he killed it.
  21. (Blinks for a while) OK, remember how I said the Lockharts were total Yankees? They all just became total Yankees. Montauk Does Miskatonic.
  22. Just to add to this, I appreciate how, despite the fact that Astrid didn't cry much in this scene, Makeup allowed Maria Bellow to look like she had been crying a long time for this episode. IOW,held back the makeup. See folks? That's what happens when you allow actresses use their actual faces to, y'know act.
  23. (marathon watching) Not only that, but I'm pretty sure "Annie Zheng" was meant to be a stand in for Amy Tan, and I am much unhappy about Noah's remarks about that.. Bow to your betters, asshole.
  24. RE: Whitney; "it's our baby" Did Scotty fricken knock her up again? (Speculatively I mean.)
  25. Interesting. I went through stages. 1. Cool song! Ok, who is who's daddy? 2. Any song you hear too many times in a row will grate on you. 3. This song ( and the opening credits) are so perfectly aligned with the tone of the show that I can't imagine the Show without them. And it has a whole " Yankee" feel, like I described elsewhere.
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