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Everything posted by DittyDotDot

  1. Oh, but Norman is a psychopath, don't you know? And, I'm sure that all those folks that Dylan killed or is responsible for killing were just a bunch of baddies, after all. ;) **sarcasm**
  2. I've been a little behind lately...this was the season finale? Huh, it seemed to be lacking that finale energy, I was sure there would be at least two more. Weird. Okay, they did wrap some things up, but it seemed really...I don't know...easy?...simple?...I can't find the right words right now. Nice to see Norma give Dylan some love. It was long overdue. All the hugs with Noman/Dylan and Norma/Dylan kept me smiling all the way through the episode. Oh, darling Emma, I adore you and you're innocence. I'm sure I will be crushed when that innocence is taken from you. I still haven't figured out what purpose her character serves on the show, but I don't want her to ever go away. Maybe she's just supposed to be the innocent bystander--the audience surrogate, maybe? Still not convinced Norman/Mother killed Miss Watson. It just seems too obvious and on the nose for them to have stretched it out over the course of an entire season. Those visions Norman had in the box are not at all reliable. Anyway, it sets the stage for Norma to continue to keep Norman from getting help now--he passed the test, which means he didn't kill her so he's just fine...no need to have him get therapy and admit that he killed his father--right? Maybe I'm just weird, but that kiss in the woods didn't creep me out at all--it made me sad. Norma was just so desperate. I don't know, I just don't see the sexual stuff others do because I keep seeing Norma as a broken, emotionally-crippled 12-year-old girl. Norman's really her protector in many ways, that's why he didn't kill himself when Norma threatened suicide...who would take care of Mother if he was dead? I predict that Norma's ex-gal pal and her brother are going to be BIG problems next season--I'm wondering if they won't take over Nick Ford's side of the business? They took such great pains to set up this animosity, I could see it paying off with them getting the by-pass built and being a constant thorn in Dylan's side with the drug business. Especially now that Dylan is back in with Norma. Does that cover it...can't believe we have to wait so long for next season.
  3. + Scarecrow + Skin -- Phantom Traveler 42 - Scarecrow 37 - Pilot 26 - Faith 24 - Dead in the Water 24 - The Benders 23 - Something Wicked 19 - Skin 14 - Devil's Trap 05 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  4. + Scarecrow + Skin + The Benders 40 - Scarecrow 36 - Pilot 25 - Something Wicked 25 - Faith 24 - Dead in the Water 24 - The Benders 22 - Skin 14 - Devil's Trap 07 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  5. From what I understand, after the episode aired, the message boards lit up with "They're calling Dean a dick, how could they call Dean a dick" and such. So, Kripke issued a press release saying that they weren't calling Dean a dick, but it relates to a secret about Hell that he hasn't told Sam yet. I can't remember the entire thing, but I think the gist of it was that the episode was being misunderstood. Anyway, like I said, I like the episode despite it's minor failures. I binge watched the first six seasons and it may impact perceptions...I don't know. I liked Bela but found Ruby rather obvious and silly in both incarnations. Supernatural draws the most random audience and I don't think there is a "typical" viewer, so for everyone who hates a character or an episode there seems to be just as many that love them. Some just happen to be more vocal than others. That's kinda why I like this thread, it's fun to see what works for some and doesn't for others.
  6. Dean says "So, you guys road hauled a ghost? That sounds...awful. But hey, I'm alive. So, go team" (that's not the exact quote, but I think it's pretty close minus a few lines from Sam and Bobby) at the end of the episode just before they start teasing him. That's why I said it here...that was the tone of the denouement to me--Well, it may have sucked, but he was just a ghost after all so it was ok. Sam was actually smiling and seemed proud that he had thought of this plan. Which didn't really bother me so much, in light of how Sam must have felt so useless after he couldn't save Dean from Hell, but at least he could come up with a plan to save him then. It's really more the idea of it all and the moment that they did it. I think TPTB thought it was a really cool concept and didn't slow down enough to realize what it really said--but, I think it's not what they intended to say. And, they kind of addressed it after the episode aired and realized they may have put their collective feet in their collective mouths here, so I can be a bit forgiving.
  7. I know that Bobby and Sam felt bad about having to do it, I just thought they were selling it as honorable because they did it to save Dean and in the end it's okay because it was just a ghost--so go team! But I whole-heartedly agree that the way Jensen balanced the humor and heavy is what really makes this episode work. I think my favorite part might be when Dean is itching his arm and Sam uses his ridiculously long legs to kick Dean and tell him to knock it off. It's just such a nice brotherly moment, but the snake guy makes me laugh a lot too. In reality though, they Eye of the Tiger bit might actually be why I remain attached to this episode. Hee! ;)
  8. Ahh, I see what you mean, but I'm not sure there was anything Jack or Will could do about it. Actually, Will tried and she didn't listen. And I don't think Jack was full on the Hannibal's-a-serial-killer wagon until after she started sleeping with him. And even then she was really annoyed he was questioning Hannibal. Short of locking her up to protect her, I'm not sure what could have been done to stop her from getting in deeper. And, I still don't find Alana annoying or foolish. When stacked up like this it sounds like I should, but I still see her as being unfortunate that she hasn't been able to see through his person suit yet.
  9. That episode has so many great scenes of quietness that I adore. What's funny is I never really had it on a favorite list until I re-watched it a month or so ago. Man did I forget how well this one was directed.
  10. Favorites huh? Ok, here I go, but just so you know this was very hard with S1-S3... S1: Pilot; Skin, Scarecrow; The Benders; Hell House; Something Wicked (crap, that's six...okay I will begrudgingly loose Something Wicked.) S2: In My Time Of Dying; Crossroad Blues; Nightshifter; Born Under A Bad Sign; Tall Tales; Hollywood Babylon; What Is And What Should Never Be (crap, too many again...it's already been painful to lose so many...I can't, I just can't...help!) S3: Bad Day at Black Rock; Fresh Blood; A Very Supernatural Christmas; Dream a Little Dream of Me; Mystery Spot; Long-Distance Call (sigh...I'll drop Long Distance Call...but I'm not at all happy about it.) S4: Lazarus Rising; Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester; Wishful Thinking; It's a Terrible Life, The Monster at the End of This Book S5: The End; Changing Channels; The Real Ghostbusters; Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid; Dark Side of the Moon S6: Two and a Half Men; Weekend at Bobby's; Clap Your Hands If You Believe...; My Heart Will Go On; Mommy Dearest; The Man Who Would Be King S7: Hello, Cruel World; The Mentalists; Time After Time; Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie; Out with the Old (actually I quite liked a few others from this season, but It wasn't as painful to let them go as it was with S2) S8: We Need to Talk About Kevin; Bitten; Everybody Hates Hitler (Sorry, there's a couple more that aren't too bad, but honestly I would never re-watch them.) S9: Bad Boys; Meta Fiction (I know the season's not over yet, but so far there's little I would re-watch--these two are stretching it as it is. Plus, I haven't found the last couple episodes of the season very good since S3--they're usually overcrowded and make me want to drown my sorrows in a gallon of whiskey after watching--so I doubt it will change my list.) Generally I have the same feeling about Jus In Bello as you, MsTaken, but I have to say that I recently saw it and I found more that I liked than I remembered. I have to say the stuff with Sam and Dean locked up really amuses me and the fact that Hendrickson's in it makes Ruby almost bearable--I said almost. ;) I also have similar feelings about Faith, I like bits, but there is so much heavy-handedness that I find I only really pay attention to the first parts. The thing about S1 is that I get this feeling when watching many of the episodes...I just think they hadn't found that balance yet, so I have to skip a few scenes in some episodes. I'm usually more forgiving of a first season of most shows anyway. Yellow Fever has some issues, but I still really like it. It didn't make my list only because I had to narrow it down and even though I like it I find myself more in love with Are You There God, It's Me Dean Winchester lately. I actually think it's the balance between the humor and the heavy to show Dean's fear is what makes this episode work. It's basically an episode making fun of Dean's time in Hell, which could have been really heavy and/or mawkish, but I think it strikes a good balance in the end. I do loath the way they victimized the ghost of a guy that was victimized his whole life and tried to sell it as honorable, though.
  11. I don't think that Jack is going to leave Alana in play--just a guess on my part--I imagine that they won't allow her to go back to Hannibal. He's way to intuitive and that would just put Alana at risk. I imagine that she can be helpful to the team, but still be on lockdown somehow...maybe her and Freddie can become roommates and talk about how they were so wrong about things. ;)
  12. Innocence is a perfect way to describe how I feel when watching the first three seasons. Originally, I liked S3 fine, but thought it's getting cut short due to the writer's strike left me a bit wanting. In hindsight though, I find it to be a joy to re-watch. I don't think it will ever top my love of S2, but it's moved up above S1. When I look at a list of episodes there's only one or two that I could live without and I usually find something in all of them that I wouldn't want to live without--a lot like how I feel about S2. Whereas, the current seasons 90 percent I could live without and there's only one or two that I find myself re-watching.
  13. + Scarecrow + Pilot -- Devil's Trap 39 - Scarecrow 36 - Pilot 27 - Something Wicked 24 - Dead in the Water 23 - The Benders 23 - Faith 22 - Skin 14 - Devil's Trap 09 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  14. Wait, didn't I have the wrestling scene and Bobby's "you're breakin' my heart, can we leave now" moment on my list...::scrolls up to check::...man, I was sure I had it on there. Tall Tales is just chalked full of fun times, how could I neglect it? And Hollywood Babylon too...the Johnny Ramone shout out alone is hilarious! Sigh, so much good stuff, it's almost over-whelming to try and make a list. Oh, the Pilot...after seeing Bloodlines I was really thinking about the Pilot and what made it work; not only as a pilot, but as an episode in it's own right. It really is one of the best pilots I can think of right now. It sets up the show and it's characters very well, but isn't so overly expositional that I lost interest in the first couple minutes like so many pilots are these days. They didn't try to tell us everything out of the gate nor did they try to be so very cute in withholding important information--It was just enough to be able to follow along with the case, but also left a mystery or two out there so we would want more. I think what it did best though, was establish who these guys were and their relationship. I immediately felt like I knew these guys and had known them for some time. Anyway, I too love watching The Pilot. Brotherly bonding moments...I have to think on that a bit, there are quite a few. I will throw out the first one that comes to mind though...Bloody Mary, when Sam wakes up from his nightmare in the hotel and asks Dean why he let him fall asleep and Dean's response is because he's an awesome brother. I always smile at that.
  15. I'm really feeling satisfied with where they're heading with Alana--she's really the outsider-looking-in on the show so I've not had an issue with her not questioning things yet, but I think it's really nice to see her starting to put things together. Plus, it puts her on the team now.
  16. I'm not sure that Hannibal is completely taken in by Will and Jack's baiting, but he's not ready to jump ship yet. I was thinking that he displayed FakeFreddie's remains to show Will that he knew it wasn't her. Kind of a "look at what a mess you made and I see you" thing. I don't know, with this show I'm never 100 percent sure of anything--especially my own sanity. So my axiom about not believing they are dead until we see the body displayed still holds true here, and sounds like it might hold true for next week as well. It's nice to know I there is something on this show I can be certain about...um...mostly? It's interesting to me how appetizing the food was last season and how it has mostly not been so much so this season. I'm sure it's a deliberate choice, but man does it have me cringing mostly this season. The crunching of the bones of those wee little birds was just so...disturbing. I hope that Will goes on a complete purge when this is over! Better yet, I hope he goes home and pukes it all back up...I think bulimia might be preferable to some of the things he's forced himself to eat lately. Ooh, I like that. I've not really had an issue with caring about how all Hannibal's hijinks get done, but this could be a helpful tool if I do.
  17. As I was saying over at TWoP, this episode left me reminded of The Rapture. But it also reminded me of how Sam killed Alistair in On The Head Of A Pin. The ease at which Dean dispatched Abaddon isn't really why I thought it was anti-climatic, it was just that it was a forgone conclusion that he could and would kill her so it really didn't elicit the same response to me as when Sam killed Alistair, because I was surprised that Sam could kill Alistair. Does that even make sense? This is why I've had little interest in the MoC story, it's not been at all surprising or really very well developed. If the episodes themselves hadn't been so lackluster, I might have been drawn in to it. It's really such a shame because I think it could've been something epic and really very interesting--Dean takes on the full power of the Blade and kills a Knight of Hell--but it just felt so ho-hum to me in the end. Just another day at the office.
  18. + Scarecrow + Skin -- Faith 36 - Scarecrow 34 - Pilot 26 - Dead in the Water 26 - Something Wicked 23 - Faith 24 - The Benders 21 - Skin 18 - Devil's Trap 09 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  19. Funniest moments (other than what supposebly most awesomely mentioned above)... Dean: I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sam: It's hellfire Dean. Adding to I lost my shoe: the whole bit of Sam in the hotel room and catching things on fire and the curtains and the whole shebang. Dean: Planes crash! Sam: And apparently clowns kill! Dean's confession in The Usual Suspects. Wishful Thinking...Teddy: It is a terrible world. Why am I here?! Audrey: For tea parties! Changing Channels...Sam: Should I honk? Sam and Dean at a Supernatural convention. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid...Dean: It's all right, they're idiots. They can't pick a lock. Bobby: Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Dean: I'm making this stuff up as I go. Sue me. Loveable, huggable Cupid. LeviathanSam: Dead plants with creamy goo. It's like eating self-righteousness. Every single time they've played Rock Paper Scissors to settle and argument. Oh, there are just too many, this post is getting waaaaay too long! Adding to the favorite female characters list...I always liked Ellen. And Ava is still one of my all-time favs...and I liked Bela too.
  20. + Scarecrow + Skin -- Faith 37 - Scarecrow 34 - Pilot 26 - Something Wicked 26 - Dead in the Water 26 - The Benders 24 - Skin 24 - Faith 17 - Devil's Trap 09 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  21. + Scarecrow -- Faith -- Phantom Traveler 37 - Scarecrow 34 - Pilot 27 - Something Wicked 27 - The Benders 27 - Skin 26 - Dead in the Water 25 - Faith 17 - Devil's Trap 09 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
  22. I think Gavin is in our time--Crowley doesn't know the spell to do the time travel bit and it's been established (although that matters little on this show) that only angels--or a spell involving angel feathers--can time travel. So I'm assuming it was in our time and I'm also assuming it will come back later just because I have a feeling that Crowley has more up his sleeve and really isn't addicted to humanity. As far as time travel and changing events on this show--S4 and S5 did not change anything, it was established (again I'm laughing) that nothing can be changed in the past until after the Winchesters changed the story at the end of S5. They made a point in S6--the episode about the Fates and Balthazar sinking the Titanic--of pointing out all the rules where different now and things in the past can be changed. Even though they may not have changed actual events in the western episode, Samuel Colt was aware of their presence in his timeline and that alone would have made changes, IMO. Same with the episode where Dean hunts with Elliot Ness. I don't know, it's a slippery slope when you start trying to figure out all this timey, wimey stuff, so...I decided that I was okay with it, for now, mostly because they at least acknowledged there was this issue.
  23. + Scarecrow -- Faith + The Benders 37 - Scarecrow 34 - Pilot 29 - The Benders 28 - Something Wicked 27 - Skin 27 - Faith 26 - Dead in the Water 19 - Devil's Trap 11 - Phantom Traveler GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow
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