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Everything posted by DittyDotDot

  1. Oh, I'm quite certain he wasn't joking. It was in reference to all the media coverage they'd been getting this year.
  2. It's just my impression of the two guys. I think Jensen has been ready for new challenges for years now, but his responsibility to the show, loyalty to the cast and crew and his love for his character keeps him on the show until everyone decides it's time to call it quits. I'm in no way saying he's phoning it in or anything like that, just that I think he's been more ready to move on than Jared, who IMO isn't ready to give up the stability the show provides for him and his family. As to the "hit after 13 years comment": it was a couple months ago. I can't remember if it was at a con or an interview, though. And sorry to be one of those people who don't provide links, but I don't have the energy to run it down right now. There's been some discussion of it around here though. So, I'm sure if you dug back through the social media or media thread you could find it. I want to say it was late October or early November, but time is not my friend lately so I might be way off on that.
  3. Well, Lucifer isn't at full power, so why not take a shot? However, I don't think that's what Cass was referring to learning his lesson about. I think it was more about not making deals with devils. But as @Katy M said, no one learns their lesson forever on this show. ;)
  4. The show always dips in the spring like almost every other show. But, I think what @Jakes was getting at wasn't that Supernatural didn't dip at all, but that they dipped less than most of the other shows on the network. Eh, TBH, I don't think Jared is as ready to hang it up as some think. He clearly doesn't want to do much acting after the show ends, but I think he likes the security the show provides. Of the two, I think Jensen is more ready to move on than Jared. However, they've gotten so much media coverage this year and with Jensen's comments about suddenly being a hit after 13 years I really feel like they might try to ride this out a bit longer. I can easily see them going two more full seasons right now.
  5. Wow, sorry, didn't realize this would require research and so much debate or thought. My point was that there are always these little conveniences on TV. I'm okay with it. Really. It wasn't a big deal. Just a momentary, "Wonder how Sam knew exactly where Dean was going...oh well, whatever." Sometimes the most innocuous comments can derail a whole thread. Sorry.
  6. Well, he was hexed and I'm not sure he was really thinking like Dean, so I found it reasonable he'd just continue on his way given the circumstances. I was more flummoxed by how Sam found them so quickly, but that's me. I know it's a small town, but that seemed a bit too easy for me. But, whatcha gonna do? It's TV and these things happen. ::shrugs::
  7. Slàinte!!! I rather enjoyed this one. They found a nice balance between the humor and the horror; I thought the Valley Girl Witches were funny...and a zombie too! For the first time in a while Supernatural felt like Supernatural. That was nice. And, Rowena!! No surprise she had sent the girls to get the book. And no surprise she played on Sam's sympathy to get the spell--even though I think Sam was being total idiot for giving it to her. But, that's what I love about Rowena; she's always un-apologetically working whatever angle works for her. She is not a good "guy" or even a sympathetic "guy", IMO and she knows it. I'm okay with that. Oh, and BTW Sam and Dean, Crowley did not sacrifice himself for you; he sacrificed himself for himself. It was the ultimate screw you to the Devil by getting the last word while also screwing the Devil. Egotistical much, boys? ;) Anyhoo, love to see Cass back and love to see him being smart and proactive. Now, if we can just allow him to be in the Winchester's presence for more than one episode... . Overall, a decent episode, IMO. They said their mother taught them to always make the deaths look un-magic-y. So, getting the other guy to rob the store and kill the guy was less magic-y than them walking up to the counter and using a bunch of spells. This way everyone is dead and it doesn't draw the attention of any hunters. I have no idea why they didn't ask her about Ketch--other than maybe it's best not to give her too much information unnecessarily--but I wonder if what Ketch said about her giving him the resurrection spell was true. I mean, he also told them he was his not-so-evil-twin, so... . It could be he was telling the truth, Rowena had mentioned the Brits chased her off, but I wouldn't put it past Rowena to tamper with the spell a bit so it didn't work quite right. Perhaps he's not really and truly un-dead and was looking for Rowena to fix what she had tampered with? I just think it's always best to question anything that man says. ;) I'm pretty sure Lucifer was being hyperbolic to get a reaction out of Cass, but that should not take away the fun you had with it. Because it is funny whether the show really thought it was or not! ;) Actually, Dean tried to pick up the keys but Sam grabbed them first. That's when Dean decided it was fine, he'd just walk.
  8. Sure, if you only look at it from Dean's side. But, Dean also thought Sam was wrong and took every opportunity to try and force Sam to his position. So, if I wanted, I could make the same exact argument that the narrative was saying Sam was being expected to ignore his own feelings and buck up to get along too. I don't think that's at all what the narrative was actually saying, though, so I wouldn't make that argument. I think the narrative was saying they both were messed up and both were not handling things well, which caused them to be in conflict over Jack. And, I didn't see the narrative say either were not entitled to their perspective feelings even if their perspective characters may have thought that.
  9. I happen to disagree that there was anything on screen that said it wasn't okay for Dean to have conflicted feelings about Jack--in fact, I think the narrative very clearly stated that Dean was just as right to be wary of Jack as Sam was to accept him. And, IMO, just because Sam would like Dean to accept Jack doesn't mean Dean doesn't have a right to feel differently and nothing that was shown on screen suggested otherwise, IMO.
  10. Well, personally, I don't see the double standard myself. I think it was perfectly fine that Dean felt the way he did about Jack and I think it was perfectly fine that Sam felt the way he did about Jack. It just happens that their feelings conflicted for a while there. And, I think that's okay.
  11. I agree that Sam wasn't sure if it was really Dean at first. Sam was rubbing that hand scar pretty hard until the waiter acknowledges Dean's presence. Then Sam started to engage Dean more. However, Sam was pissed and rightly so. Dean was doing what Dean usually does, which is confront the issue head on and deal with it so they could move past it. Sam was doing what Sam usually does which is to go away until he could move past it. Sam wasn't quite ready to move past it yet and I think that's okay. They each deal in different ways, sometimes those ways clash. I find that's pretty realistic, myself.
  12. My theory? Since the next episode description has Cass looking for Lucifer--which indicates Cass is no longer Asemodeus' prisoner--I think Asemodeus is going to try to impersonate Cass and it fail. But, in the meantime, he'll have left his useless minions in charge of Cass and Lucifer and I think they take advantage of his absence to escape. I don't think it will be a big part of the episode, but I think it'll be more than a blink this time...I guess only time will tell.
  13. I seem to remember one of the episode descriptions released for Various and Sundry Villains was that Cass and Lucifer work together to get free from Asemodeus. I also remember seeing Cass was listed as a "YES" on the spoiler sheet from http://ibelieveinthelittletreetopper.tumblr.com/post/162826766658/supernatural-season-13-spoiler-sheet at least a month ago.
  14. I don't know, I lived in Portland, OR for a lot of years and it's usually was just more drizzly and overcast than actually raining. I expect Vancouver is much the same, just a bit colder in the winter, probably. I rarely use my phone for photo taking unless it's just something like @rue721 mentioned where I needed to ask someone's opinion or I just happen to not have my actual camera with me and want to capture something. I usually just text or email those photos, so I've never went to my iCloud to see what's what, but I think If you have your phone set to back up, that's what's in your iCloud. Any photos you have on your phone, contacts...everything.
  15. My understanding is this is the episode where Cass and the Devil work together--one might even say the Devil strikes a bargain with Cass--to get free from Asemodeus and then the next episode he's reunited with the boys and they go looking for Lucifer who, I imagine only kept up his end of the bargain as long as he had to.
  16. Well, they need more than just a dreamwalker. It would be pointless to find another dreamwalker if they don't have Jack to focus and open the door. It was the combined power of Jack and Kaia that opened that rift, not just Kaia.
  17. I don't see the point in discussing the finer points of an episode if the person you're having the discussion with hasn't seen it either. I mean, you'd be discussing someone else's opinion of the finer details and I'd rather just discuss the episode directly with them and cut out the middle man. Funny story. My nephew was one of those odd children who didn't like pasta or cheese as a kid. When he was in kindergarten I would pick him up from the bus on my way home with work and hang with him until his mom got home. One day he got off the bus and immediately demanded to know why he'd never had macaroni and cheese before. "Well, honey, you don't like pasta and you don't like cheese and that's the whole shebang. I just never considered you'd want any." "My friends tell me macaroni and cheese is the best thing ever and I believe them. Can you make some for dinner tonight?" Of course I agreed and we went to the store and bought macaroni and cheese, from the box, just like his friends told him was the best thing ever. I really wanted to make it from scratch, but he insisted it had to be the dish his friends had recommend. He took one bite and declared it was gross and started ranting about why his friends would lie to him. So, even your friends can steer you wrong from time to time. You really can't know just how bad or good it is until you try it yourself, IMO.
  18. Then I don't think you're who we're talking about. I was under the impression we were talking about people who don't get any entertainment value out of a show, but watch it anyway just so they can complain about it. Clearly, you are getting entertainment from watching the show, even if it's not from the show itself.
  19. TBH, I think it's just that people don't like to feel left out. Even if they hate something, they have to be watching what everyone else is watching so they can feel like they're part of the crowd. And, you can't just watch it silently, everyone needs to know you watched it and you don't like it. I'll take my curmudgeonly ass off to bed now...sorry!
  20. I'd say Booker was just a nickname.
  21. Fangasm was the first book these two college professors--Katherine Larsen and Lynn Zubernis--wrote about fandom. It seems it's mostly Lynn anymore, but they were both very active in fandom and over the years has gotten to know the cast and some of the crew. Basically, Fangasm are just fans who write reviews, do interviews with the cast and sometimes write books about fandom.
  22. I didn't mean literally lost, as in they didn't know where he was, just lost to them in the sense they have no way of reaching Jack--or Mary--right now. I believe both Sam and Dean do actually know where Jack is, though.
  23. Nor do I. I don't think this is an accumulation of 13 years, but the accumulation of the last few months. Right after they lost Cass and Mary, Sam did what Sam usually does, which is try and find meaning in the loss instead of feeling the loss. In this case, he put all his effort into helping Jack be "good" which I think Sam thought would make the losses not feel so empty. And it worked for a while so he could continue to pretend it will all turn out okay. But then Jack gets lost, Kaia gets dead and they're no closer to saving Mary than they were at the beginning of the season. A lot piled on all at once and keeping up the faith just became too exhausting for Sam. TBH, I think this is Sam's normal coping mechanism for when he's at a loss of what to do next, he just shuts down for a bit--it's what he did in S8, IMO and in S5 when he quit hunting for a bit. I don't expect it to last long. They'll get some word on the Jack and/or Mary front and he'll have something to work towards again.
  24. That was a different Doug who Donna was once married to. This Doug isn't a dick and was first introduced in Plush.
  25. It's been my observation that, on TV, the crazies don't have partners.
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