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Everything posted by Stiggs

  1. I always appreciate your insights. I read your posts and nod repeatedly. 🙂 I am also hoping all of this leads to a bigger window into the outside world. It’s such odd, uncharted territory.
  2. Wasn’t odd to me! Welcome to the SC party! Please don’t shy away from posting. I love reading everyone’s comments and opinions.
  3. Patricia showing up at Craig's house for that "party" was so random. Also, I have a friend who calls people who use paper towels as napkins "savages," lol. (I'm a savage - I do it on the reg, but I would never hand guests a roll of Bounty to use as party napkins.) And thank you, Cameran for telling Craig to be responsible for his own damn dog. I want to dognap Bethany. She seems like a great dog and deserves an owner who isn't stoned 24/7 and takes her for nice morning walks. I don't have anything against folks who are devoted to staying stoned 24/7 and sleeping until 1PM - sounds like a good time and I'm a little jealous. But Craig shouldn't be allowed to even have sea monkeys. He can't motivate himself to MAKE A PILLOW, I can't see him motivating himself to provide that dog with enough exercise and socialization. I hope I am wrong. I hope they are just not showing us Craig taking Bethany out for marathon walks to eyeliner stores. I honestly think they are going to show the Austen threesome video every single episode. I think the editors are clowning us and him and it's a little funny, lol. And I'm quite sure that Austen's parents have just had a general feeling of shame since he first showed his muppet mug on this show. Danni is throwing some honesty at Kathryn and she just flat-out can't handle it. I can relate to Kathryn's anxiety and depression issues, but I cannot ever imagine being so dismissive of a friend's hurt feelings. It would have been so simple for her just to say, I am sorry if I've been self-involved, I'm overwhelmed with what I'm facing and I hope I can be there for you in the future. If she would have gone and cried to Danni? She would have gotten sympathy instead of "you just need a new pillow" from Craig. When she realizes nobody is bothering to check up on her anymore, she'll learn.
  4. I recorded this and tried to watch, but knowing the outcome, I turned it off 15 minutes in. Too much. Sean is the type of tragic person who just makes me extra sad. He never had a chance. Dr. Now could only do so much. Rest In Peace, Sean.
  5. Yes, every word of this. People are SO HARD on moms, good god. And I agree we need more Whitney and Patricia and basically 0 Austen and just sprinkles of Shep, because looking too closely at him is just sad. And though I'm sure he's not a dirtball, he always looks like he needs a shower. And like he smells like the beer sweats.
  6. I didn’t see that at all. I saw someone who is realizing that taking care of a baby and working at the same time is a myth. Most work-at-home moms I know have sitters/nannies who are there during the day because conference calls and feeding schedules often clash. She just seemed busy and very aware of the cameras. I am not sad for Palmer. I am worried about Cameran not asking for help, and I am glad she’s going to do it. I have a friend who is similar to Katherine in that I literally can’t have her water my plants without calamity ensuing, and her being late and not answering texts is just what she does. It used to be maddening - now I just know what to expect with her. She’s wired differently. She’s a good friend but I’ll admit I usually need breaks from the never ending drama caused by her messed up decisions. Naomi, stop projecting. Maybe not everyone cares about how things look to other people. Austen eating that “nutrition” with his muppet maw made me gag. And oh, Craig. Of course you watch Frozen when you are sad, lol. This guy. Shep is turning into an old Ken doll someone’s dog got ahold of. Like you can tell he was once nice and shiny and not covered with slobber and bugs, but now you know Barbie deserves better.
  7. Omg, I am dead, lol. That blonde wig looked horrendous and I thought for a moment that the sales lady was going to talk her into it.
  8. Oh, don't get me started. And I don't want to sound like I'm ragging on senior citizens, because I adore them. It's one of the things I love about where I live. But between the scooters and the golf carts, it can be dangerous to dog walk sometimes, heh. I have routes I take to avoid high-traffic areas, but that day I was going to lunch. Janine reminded me of the scooter ragers around here - they really do think because they are on the scooter that everyone should part like the red sea. My dogs are huge and I usually step aside when it's more than one person coming my way on the sidewalk. My dogs might be nice, but their size just scares some people and it's okay. I don't mind stepping aside - I think that's why I get so mad at the people who take over the walkway. And I guarantee you Janine is one of them, heh. She is a death bullet rager! lol. I was worried for a bit that maybe - maybe - Dr. Now wasn't understanding how bad her pain really was? I was worried maybe something was actually wrong - and now I'm kinda mad that I even thought that for ten minutes. Dr. Now KNOWS, man.
  9. Heh, well, um, I left out the part of the story where I went ape shit on her 80-year old ass, lol. Thankfully I live in a dog town, and the other folks out and about were outraged on our behalf, so she left in a fit of shame, heh. If that woman had hit a person, they probably wouldn't have gotten half as mad, lol. NOT A DOG, lady! (Also, my golden is like an ox and was fine, but I did make a trip to the vet just to make sure. My vet laughed and is like, only in Florida...) So the rescue cat yoga...at a bar? I like wacky stuff and all, but I think I'm showing my age when I just don't understand shit like this. Like yoga with goats. Why on earth? I'm the least hip person in the world, so I just don't get it. I wouldn't want to do half-ass yoga in a bar with rescue kitties. Separately, I support all of those things, but that looked kind of icky. But hey, she had fun. I thought for a tiny moment she had moved from the scooter to a chair, but no, she was riding side saddle. I'm like, she's even doing rescue kitty bar yoga on her frigging scooter, FFS. I can't with this one, lol. When she had the scene without her wig at the end it was a little jarring. Looks like a completely different head.
  10. An ASSHOLE woman on a scooter was like, raging down the sidewalk, lost control of her scooter and hit one of my dogs (he's a golden). She cussed me out for having such a big dog. (She thought it should be illegal to have such a big dog in public - I'm not joking, lol.) I live in South Florida, and I live in a walking town, so I fear the scooter. I can see the sense of power the scooter folks have on their faces, lol. Before my dog got hit we had many close calls, no joke. I got literally nervous watching Janine speed around on her death bullet. How different she looked with that wig! I could have really done without her efforts to be cutesy. Her visit with Dr. Now when she brought a date was icky. She was acting like a tween and it was weird. I hope I am never at a point in my life where I'm asking people to push my butt.
  11. He seemed flustered and she had a short flash of rage, heh. That was a Craig excuse, Michael! Keep an emergency tray in a lockbox! Who knew Whitney would grow on me? He even looks far less vampirish.
  12. I hope Craig proves me wrong, but I have a feeling eventually we will hear a vague story about how Craig had to give Bethany away - it will probably have something to do with his pillow output. Like, now that he’s up to 11 pillows per week, no time to walk a dog. Bethany looks like an active dog who needs attention and activity. I don’t have faith in Craig giving attention and bothering with anything that doesn’t revolve around his dedication to procrastination and slack. I really hope I am wrong and that he’s a super dog owner. But, the fact that he can’t hold his dog back while he answers the door - and his subsequent blaming of Cam - doesn’t bode well. Also, Naomi gives Gizmo commands as if he’s going to listen. Gizmo literally never listens because he is not a golden retriever and doesn’t care about pleasing anyone, lol. I know she is giving the people what we want when she brings Gizmo to a scene, but stop telling him what to do, heh. I can’t believe Michael didn’t find some other tray on which to serve that drink! I drink beer out of bottles so I obviously have no class, but I know what class looks like, lol. On the book pile? Not even structurally sound!
  13. I worked in the home shopping world for the better part of a decade and I have stories that I don't even tell people because I know they won't really believe me, lol. I've tried telling them other shit I experienced to give them a window into my insane work world but I could tell they thought I was embellishing. Had a friend who literally told me that until she, herself, got a job at the same company, she really did think I was making shit up, lol. And that's home shopping - I can't imagine working in like, the world of Vogue. Also never had a problem believing "Devil Wears Prada," heh. I think your career plan for Tinsley is perfect. If she put all of the effort she wastes trying to be 27 again and uses it to help her community/the world in some way, she has no idea what awesomeness she'd put out to the world. People would be talking a lot less about her weird eyebrows and embryos and more about her as a human being. That said, I'm really growing to like her, more, but I think it could be left-over goodwill from when Carole unfriended her IRL on camera. That was just harsh, man. HARSH. Part of me wants to believe that Lu's ultra narcissist awfulness is part of some persona/act she's trying to build to promote her horrible cabaret. Like I feel like she has people write her responses that she just repeats. Like the cabaret never ends in her head. But I then I think, no, the truth is that she's probably just really a shit person. I think Sonja is a sundowner...
  14. My husband lived with stage 4 cancer for 6 years. Within that time he had 6 surgeries and umpteen trips to the ER, etc. It was impossible for me to tell when it was the time. I kept everyone as informed as I could but, any of those hospital visits could have gone south and he could have died before I had the time to call anyone. If Mama Jax was withholding the information because her husband asked her to - a lot of people don’t want anyone watching them die - I don’t have a problem with it. Also wouldn’t have a problem if she had called anyway. There’s no winning in that decision. It all sucks. From what I remember, Jax’s parents were at least separated? Maybe she was also dealing with the death of someone she once loved and now didn’t and she’s not acting how her kids’ want her to? Or maybe Jax comes from people who are like him, therefore there was no way that was going to be handled well? Good god, how much time have I just spent pondering Jax’s family life. I need to get a hobby like Jill Zarin. I really detest James - like, a lot - but Kristin really needs to move the hell on.
  15. I literally only watched this show when I found out she was on it. Her season of The Real World was one of the last I even attempted to watch - and all I remember is that she loved vibrators, was goofy and that she and a dude named Randy (I think?) cracked me the hell up. She just seems like a more grown-up version of the goofball she was on The Real World. She hasn't always been perfect, but I think she's always been genuine. And maddeningly gorgeous. Even without Thomas, these men are looking rough. Shep looks like his insides are revolting, and like he's a few months pregnant. His skin looks gray. Austin's mouth has never been more obviously muppet-y, and Craig being an alleged lawyer but not knowing what a W-9 is makes him a little less attractive. Loved Chelsea's house, even the Blanche Deveroux wallpaper. Katherine is so beautiful, I don't know why she keeps insisting like dressing up like one of the Carringtons.
  16. Yeah, hillbillies are easy targets. I've learned to (mostly) ignore that shit over the years... As usual with this group, there's so much yelling at the reunion I really don't like any of them right now, except maybe Stassi. She didn't annoy me as much as the rest. I'd say they all have levels of delusion, but LaLa and James might take the cake. He thinks he's some sort of magic DJ and she thinks MyMan's non-fofty $ will last forever. There were moments last season where I liked LaLa, but she lost me this season. As for the grief wars...man, I've been there. The rage is always simmering, and it is weird and makes you think and do weird things, but it is NEVER an excuse to treat people like shit. EVER. And LaLa seems to think she's entitled to it.
  17. Omg, what a sanctimonious shit ass. My hillbilly family knows how to behave better than Eliza, and we even know how to brush our hair. Her credibility? WTF is he even talking about? Ah, fuck you, dude who got fired and is getting sued by Patricia. (Sorry, I can’t with that brand of snobbery, ugh.)
  18. I'd really like to get a better idea of what "hard work" means to the Toms. To Sandoval, "hard work" could be, like, folding a load of laundry. I know a lot of the scenes are just to entertain us, but it seemed like on the occasions when they needed to be actual business people they didn't really rise to the occasion. I'm sure they were doing their version of hard work, and I have no doubt that they can bust a move during a shift at SUR, but to open up an establishment of that size—I can see why LVP basically locked them out at one point. That said, I think LVP made a huge error when she didn't sit down with crayons, paper and some juice boxes and listed EXACTLY what was expected of the Toms, and what was none of their concern. Granted, it would have led to a bazillion questions and requests from the Toms, but hey, don't invite them to invest in a business and name it after them if you don't want to deal with their adolescent approach to literally everything. And it should have been made clear to them that it would be a while before they got a return on their small investment—or at least set up some sort of salary schedule with them, if she basically just needs them to show up and Tom it up. I feel like their involvement was just played up for the show, and they had pictures of themselves starting a freaking chain and raking in money hand over fist every night. The grief wars on this show are killing me (pun intended, lol). I went through a major loss and my friends and I would joke about my grace period—how long I could get away with not returning emails and phone calls or acting like an asshole? At the same time, a friend went through a similar loss and became so mean. She just said the most horrible, terrible stuff to people that never would have previously flown out of her mouth. I remember telling her the grace period didn't cover shit like that. She told me to fuck off, lol. Grief is so weird and comes out in so many different ways, but there is never an excuse to say hurtful and hateful things to people. WTF was LVP wearing? Raquel talks like she is answering questions from pageant judges.
  19. Oh, we may need to step outside, LOL. Don't make me burn your couch!
  20. Love your name and your pic! Mrs. Garrett never goes out of style. I agree with you about Gypsy. I really feel for her, but she's guilty of a pretty heinous crime. I'm quite sure her version of what life was supposed to be like and what reality actually consists of was WAY skewed. She lived in fairy tales and love stories and absolutes. She had fantasies about being saved. She had no real clue. Even though she clearly had other ways out (like just standing up and walking out), she was basically kept prisoner and I can see why she thought killing her mom was the only way out—and it was also a very dramatic, movie-like thing to do. She just wasn't living far enough in reality. I think finding out that she was legally an adult, she was scared of getting in trouble for the schemes, so she had her boyfriend kill her mother so nobody would find out and she could live happily ever after in one of her wigs. It's all so fucked up. I have sympathy for her, but I'm not signing her hot dad's petition. I think her prison sentence is fair. Then again, had she stayed there, pretty sure Dee Dee would have killed her... My mom is nuttier than a fruitcake and my sisters and I joke about how hard she tried M by P our whole lives and we were like, "no, we're fine," so it never quite took, lol. Our favorite mom diagnoses were scarlet fever, unintentional anorexia and the time she was convinced we all had a stomach parasite (we did not). She has always been an armchair doctor and psychologist and like, got excited when she heard one of us cough so she could ferry us off to the medical center. She actually did convince my doctor when I was 6 that I had asthma. (I have never had asthma and never used the inhaler) My mom told people for years I had asthma and I'd be like NO I DO NOT STOP LYING. We were never, ever isolated or told it was just us and Mom or anything like that, but when this series came out we were like MOM THIS COULD HAVE BEEN US and she's like, YOU HAD ASTHMA!!! Still sticking with her story, lol.
  21. Jealous. I've been fighting adult acne for 15 years, and still have some issues. I'm 46. Nothing, including Murad, worked well. It's pretty horrifying because people assume I don't wash my face or that I am not even trying to do anything about it when it's my biggest insecurity and for a while, my biggest expense. Now that I finally have it mostly under control, I have to deal with remnants of scars. It's fun. I've cried many times over the state of my skin. Speaking of crying, Tinsley crying in that makeup was surreal. She just makes me sad. She was on WWHL with June Diane Raphael and I really wish they were BFFs—June was calling Scott a piece of furniture and telling Tinsley she deserves better. I feel like nobody in Tinsley's life is giving her that message. I wonder if she lost every cent, she'd flourish like David and Alexis on Schitt's Creek? LOL.
  22. Heh, I come from folks who would never even think of NOT having an open bar, and STRONGLY feel that making wedding guests pay for drinks is as gauche as it gets. I'm always shocked to see people who spend money on stupid wedding shit who skimp on the food and the drinks, cuz that would be my first concern, but everyone is different. I don't drink much but weddings are boring so I usually wind up getting drunk with like, third cousin Jason who was stuck at the kids' table. I don't remember ever being offended that I had to pay for drinks, heh. I was just glad they were there. However, for an engagement party, I have no idea. When a friend of mine got married she had 4 lead-up events the week before the wedding (not even including the rehearsal dinner there) and then had the after-wedding brunch—and said by far, her biggest wedding expense was booze. I was like, then don't have a $60K wedding with a billion different stupid events that were all boring, but whatevs. Different strokes. I'm old. We didn't do that shit, lol. $20K for an engagement party is insane, the cake-cutting was tacky AF and the theme was just unnecessary—but I am here all day long for a mashed potato bar and Sheana crying to Mamaw about her non-boyfriend and penguins.
  23. Wait...what? Okay... See y’all next week!
  24. Omg, I am laughing so hard and also wishing I could have drinks with you two, lol. Spinnies! LMFO
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