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Everything posted by Stiggs

  1. Good point. I guess in my head I was thinking she could just yell "pregnant!" if anyone tried to harm her, but it sure wouldn't stop a bullet to the head. Yeah - I actually don't see Nick as a rapist. But I was thinking that if he had been ordered to be the sperm doner for handmaids with sperm-less commanders, they would sure feel raped like they do with the commanders. And they never said it, but I got the impression that Serena wasn't the first wife to ask for his services, but I could be way off. I certainly don't feel like he was raping June - even the first time. I think he felt victimized by that as well. And after that, there were feelings going both ways. I'm wondering if he's more concerned for June or his future child - or he could be equally concerned for both. I'd say he's definitely Mayday, which would make me assume that so are the guards who got June? Which makes me wonder about how far Mayday goes - how deep. I am kinda pissed the show doesn't have 10 more episodes, heh. I want to know NOW. :) Nick was taking major risks. My only fear is that next season there will be a love triangle. The Handmaid's Tale doesn't need a love triangle. I'm assuming everyone Moira could mark down as "family" is dead. If she had a girlfriend, who knows if she was killed as a gender traitor before or during the red centers. I also think that when she was asked about family, Moira seemed to still be in shock. I don't know if she could remember her own name at that point. And Moira knows where June is, and she obviously didn't think Luke was alive. That was such a powerful scene.
  2. I don't care if Moira took a hovercraft to Canada - I was just happy to see her make it. I cried through all of her scenes - when she saw the license plate, when she was so shell-shocked going through the refugee system, and when she wept into Luke's hug. Samira Wiley kills me. They have made some insanely amazing casting choices on this show. I am so glad they cast Samira as Moira. She 100% captured the spirit of the character and ran with it like a champ. I'll forgive OITNB now, since I get to see Samira here. :) I don't really like or not like Luke, but I LOVED him the moment I realized he remembered to put Moira on his family list. He likely cares for her, but I think he put her on there because he knows how much June loves her. And I'm going to stick with that story in my head because I like that. :) Also, I know Gilead has been around for years, but it still made me queasy to see America refugees. "It can't happen here," could wind up being our epithet. We're a young country. Anything could happen here. I hope Ofglen is okay - and she was very brave to speak out, especially given that she likes this gig better than her old one. And I think June spoke up because she feels protected by her pregnancy. I keep bringing up casting - the actress portraying Jeanine hit all the right notes. Her character could have been too over the top or cartoony, but she did a really great job. The same with the actress playing Serena Joy - who is a fucking sociopath. Or worse. I don't even know how to categorize her. But damn it, the actress playing her does a good job at showing signs of being human. I clapped when she told off her disgusting husband. And for a second when she and June were in the car, and I realized that was Hannah, I thought that Serena was giving June some sort of reward - like, your daughter is alive and well, or hug your daughter for 5 minutes - something. Then when I remembered what show I was watching, I just got sick. Bravo to Elizabeth Moss in that scene - well, in all of her scenes. She's great. Still not sure if Nick is in love with June or just wants to protect his spawn. He has feelings for June, for sure, but I got the impression he was the rapey turkey baster for more than just June, and that there were a few little Nicks running around Gilead. So I'm not sure about all of that. "They shouldn't have given us uniforms if they didn't want us to be an army," was perfect. Can't wait for next season. I wish it could start tomorrow. :)
  3. I cannot believe Landon's "for future reference" bull shit when idiot Thomas gave her that flower. Someone gives you a flower, say thank you, my god. Don't correct him! How rude! I grew up in the woods and I have better manners than that. I want to like her, but she just keeps giving me reasons to roll my eyes. I have a friend who is a lot like Shep - he got to a certain age and realized he really needed to jump off of the party train, but had SUCH a hard time doing so since it had become his schtick. He was the guy who would aways do shots and stay out all night. He didn't finally get his shit together until he literally moved across the country where nobody knew he was the party guy. I don't think Shep is going anywhere, but I do hope he at least slows down. His liver scare should have scared him more. He just doesn't seem to be in a good place. Gizmo is the most awesome cat, ever, and Craig and Naomi are lucky to be in his orbit!
  4. The Jezebels part of the book always reminded me of the alien bar in Star Wars. I expected a little more of that yesterday (and really did expect to see a bunny outfit, heh), but I have to keep reminding myself that it's 2017. It's hard, because I'm old. :) The concept of Jezebels was communicated, so I was overall okay with it, but agree that some of the deviations surrounding it were surprising - and really defined THIS commander as much more predatory than book commander - who yeah, seemed weary. In my head, the commander always looked like John Heard, but that might be because I read the book not long after I watched Beaches, heh. I think since this show is living beyond the book, and because Fiennes is doing an amazing job, I'm okay with his recharacterization for TV, and it makes me relish any sort of future comeuppance even more. I have a few women friends who would be my Moira, and I've always said that my best friend is my soulmate, not my husband. I really hope we get to see more of June and Moira together in the last few episodes, but I'm not counting on it.
  5. While I hope this was the last guy-centered episode, I don't mind finding out more, getting more back stories. For 25 years I have wanted to know more about these characters, so I like that some blanks are getting filled in. The book is just from Offred's limited POV, so I'm enjoying learning more about the other characters. Though dude, more Moira! Nick isn't bad or good to me. The cult leader saw him for what he was - a desperate underachiever who had no idea what to do. I think Nick represents a lot of men in that unless it affects his life personally, he can stay out of it. When faced with making the right or wrong decision, he'll make whichever benefits him the most, and whatever he can get away with. I think he has a conscience, but he's gotten really good at ignoring it and rationalizing a lot of what he's faced with doing because he knows what happens when people don't tow the party line. It's weird - I don't like or dislike him. I'm interested in where the show will take him now. Is his rejection of Offred to keep them safe or him remembering not to get involved and to roll with the punches? The Commander is a vile human being who makes my skin crawl. I get physically uncomfortable just seeing him now, and man, I used to really dig Joseph Fiennes. He's so gross in this - which means he's doing a great job. But so disgusting. The scene in the limo with the three white guys casually discussing how to market sex slavery made me want to puke. And ten bucks Serena knows exactly what her husband is doing at all times, including Jezebels. Her festering resentment is going to explode one day, especially given that she is a true believer of this bull shit. If he winds up swinging on the wall, it wouldn't shock me if it was because of her. Of course, I have no idea how that would place her in the Gilead world. We're headed into uncharted territory. :)
  6. This show kicks my ass. I have to say that I, like June (it's still so weird to know her name), did not see the human trade thing coming. I thought it was weird that the Mexican official was in such awe of the kids, like, "Really? You'll trade because the kids are cute?" so then it made sense. I REALLY hope we get a better explanation of where the fertility problems are worse, if they're world-wide, etc. I am not sure how I feel about Luke being alive. I guess it's giving the show roots to grow, so I hope it's done well. It kind of makes me feel awful for June because she was actually experiencing pleasure, and now I worry she'll feel guilt. And I don't want any eventual fist fight between Luke and Nick. Please no. My biggest surprise is how freaking disgusting Joseph Feinnes can manage to be. I have always thought he was pretty hot, but he seriously makes me want to vomit. The foreplay prayers cracked me up, though. I know showing the "before" of both Commander and the Mrs. should make me feel a little sympathy for them, but yeah, no. They disgust me, and remind me so much of the squawking heads you see on the 24-hour news channels today. Great performances by both actors. Elizabeth moss is killing it and killing me. She's been good in many things, but I really think this is going to be her Rubber Soul. She's really at her best and she (and Alexis Bledel) can make me cry with literally a blink. So pleased with this show. It's not perfect, but it's really well done. It would have broken my heart otherwise. I've been waiting to find out what happened to Offred for like, 25 years. :)
  7. This book changed my life when I was 19, so I have been WAY excited about this series. When I saw that Alexis Bledel was going to play Ofglen, my first thought was, "Well, at least she'll be gone quickly." (I didn't think of the show actually following Ofglen after she disappeared.) Cuz I didn't want Rory Gilmore ruin this for me, but DUDE. I had no idea she had it in her. My god. She killed me in so many ways. The scene in the van and the last scene made me cry and made me sick - she was absolutely fantastic. And I thought Joseph Fiennes was a weird choice for the commander, but I'm not bothered by him, either. I tell ya, it's one thing to read it and imagine it - seeing it...I had to pause each episode a few times and walk outside. Intense. So far, I'm digging it. Well done.
  8. Shay is a dick. Scheana has no moral compass. Shay "texting" other women is karma at work - and the evil hoops Scheana jumped through to avoid her very much deserved "now you know how it feels" comments are just pathetic. She is such a desperate fame whore, I think she'd push her mother off a bridge as long as it was chronicled in the media. Scheana just makes my skin crawl. Her calculated victim routine with Katie/Stassi/Kristen is pathetic. I have no sympathy for her.
  9. I used to watch Hoarders. My friends thought I was nuts because it was so gross, but I found it fascinating and continued to watch - until the episode that I can't unsee, no matter how much I try. (I am gagging now thinking about it.) I think I've reached that point with this show. Even the "worst" candidates they have had on here have had at least something redeemable about them. This guy is like a cockroach - I couldn't find one positive thing about him, and I feel like TLC just gave him ego-masturbatory material for the rest of his life. Does anyone remember the 2nd Bill and Ted movie? Where the two little creatures jumped into each other and became one? I feel like that's what happened with Steven, only it was all of the Boys from Brazil that morphed together into one giant, evil being. I feel horrible thinking that, cuz this guy is clearly mentally ill. The brother and the hobby shop...good luck. I can't see how that will end in success, but I'm rooting for Justin to succeed. He had his assy moments for sure, but compared to his brother...he's like, Ned Flanders. When it was obvious that Steven had a pill problem, I thought that, at his weight, he'd have to take like, buckets of pills to get high - and I was right, apparently. My god. My husband is a terminal cancer patient (By "terminal" I mean he's stage 4 and wasn't expected to live more than a year...5 years ago...) and has been prescribed the same # of Percocets every month for basically the past 5 years. (We live in Florida.) He used to get 2 refills on them, and I was always the one who picked up his medication. Then one day I showed up to get it and I thought they were going to cuff me and stuff me. My husband had literally JUST gotten out of the hospital after a brutal surgery, and I had to drag his ass to Walgreens to prove I wasn't a drug dealer. (The head pharmacist later made the tech apologize to me for dragging my sick husband out and said that I could have just brought in his driver's license instead.) But I couldn't even really be mad, because I have seen the shit that people try to pull on pharmacy staff to get pills, and I get it. It's because of pieces of shit like Steven that people with legit pain medication needs are made to feel like they are breaking the law. Grrrr. And I want to set up a Go Fund Me account to pay for kitten therapy for poor Cupcake...
  10. The wedding was sweet, and this whole episode was pretty good. I think their vows were a little much, but hey, whatever works. Schwartz's 2-speech brother cracked me up. The speeches were funny - however, if it were my wedding and someone starting dropping f-bombs in the vicinity of my Aunt Ruth, I would have tackled the speaker to get him or her off the stage. Mixed-company language, people! Good lord. The scene with Stassi and Ariana made me like Ariana for the first time. That, and Ariana's tears at the prospect of Sandoval having an opportunity for something other than bartending, I think really sort of voiced the true core of all of them - as much fun as they have, none of them have achieved the goals they set, they're all in their 30s now (or close) and shit is getting real. I think that's why they all stay together regardless of what happens. They're all in the same boat. I don't mean to say that they have horrible lives or aren't successful, just that I think they wanted other things for themselves. The Scheana/Shay stuff - I can't look at any of it objectively. Scheana has some relationship karma coming to her, so I have a very difficult time sympathizing with her on anything. I just cannot stand her and think she might be a well-mannered sociopath. I can't be sad for her. But Shay is a dick. Is all that time "in the studio" paid? His draining of the bank account and going MIA are inexcusable, and he also got what he had coming to him. But I just think they are both shit human beings, so I am officially not on a side. They're both gross, and Shay is clearly on something. And I need Tom Tom to be a thing, now. Each meal should come with a complimentary forehead shaving.
  11. I think I'm the only one who really loved Katie's dress. I thought it was beautiful and that she looked great in it. Loved her hair, too. I think most of the time she looks like she dresses in the dark, so I was surprised by how much I liked the dress. Watching Scheana put on the "my marriage is great" face for LVP was disturbing for some reason. It was like someone pulled a cord in her back and she let out a pre-recorded message. It's like every single thing she does or says reeks of desperation. It makes me uncomfortable. On what $50K+ wedding planet do you not have enough money to fly in your family?!?!?! Or rent a car for the dad? Though I have a feeling the dad just didn't want to be there. That storyline had to have been a setup. I mean, what? I am confused by LVP's fashion choices. Yikes. But what she wrote for the ceremony was beautiful. It was a lovely day, it looked like.
  12. I grew up in the Ohio Valley - right across the river from Ohio. The pill/heroin/meth problem there is astounding and a horrible, horrible epidemic. One of the local sheriffs said last year that he would "take the crack epidemic back" in a heartbeat because this one is so much worse. When I was up visiting friends last year, I was STUNNED by the # of people I knew who were trading pills. These are people in their 40s with jobs and kids, and they acted like throwing down some opiates with their beer on a Friday night was just what you do. Was NOT like that when I grew up there in the 80s. Very, very sad. My husband is a stage 4 cancer patient, and he NEEDS pain medication every day. Getting his prescription filled is more difficult than getting a freaking passport. I went to pick it up one time and the pharmacy tech literally called me a drug dealer. I had to contact the corporate office to get them to release the prescription (my husband was home from surgery and could not pick it up). And even then, they would only give me a partial refill and said when my husband could get in the car, bring him in and he can get the rest. I have never been so horrified in my life. Getting that classification of drugs prescribed to you now, where I live (south-ish Florida, west coast) is insane. I hope Sturgill stays in California. Aside from the drug epidemic in WV, the state has been in an economic downward spiral since the 80s. There's really nothing for him to come back for. I hope he finds his way on the West Coast.
  13. When the show first started I was like, "Oh no...please don't let this be in West Virginia. They sound like they are from southern West Virginia..." and then yeah, Sissonville. I spied a flying WV on a car at one point - go Mountaineers! Heh. Maybe it's because Sturgill's family was like a lot of families I know, but I thought they seemed like nice people, and Sylvia was the perfect interventionist for them. She read them well - honestly, I think Sturgill would have said yes after her hug. I hope Sturgill stays in California. I love my home state, but the opiate/meth problem there is an epidemic, and I think it would be too easy for him to fall back into old habits.
  14. I sat here and bawled like I did the day after the Pulse attack. I'm not far from Orlando, and the fear was real, so I can't judge these idiots for talking it out amongst themselves because I did the same thing with my friends. And I think the Toms were sincere with their "we're proud to live in West Hollywood; haven't LGBTQ folks been through enough?" comments. But I think Katie just didn't want to work and Stassi seemed to want to just have a house party. And Tom Sandoval's tearful drunken testimony to Lisa was even more bizarre with his unfortunate hair choices, Lisa's WTF demon prom dress getup and Jax talking about testicles. I, too, am confused by the mostly naked women theme at SUR/Pump. But I'm completely confused by most fashion choices that Lisa makes for herself and others (Free Giggy!), so I should stop being surprised. I mean, WTF was she wearing? What WAS that? And Lisa framing herself as some sort of hero for getting on an effin' Pride float - really? I don't doubt Lisa's sincerity, but her motives for everything are clearly publicity for herself. Oh, Lala. I don't care if she has 12 sugar daddies or whatever - but if she doesn't want people to talk about her being a lady of the evening, maybe not spout off about blowies for Range Rovers and private jets. I can't even get mad at her for the mean things she says because she just makes me sad. That's a whole lot of insecurity, and I hope that one day she realizes that free luxury SUVs don't love you back. And PS, Lala, Stassi has proven that she WILL hit you. If she slaps hard enough to break through your makeup, it will probably hurt. NASCAR is the best birthday idea, ever? What? My dad would agree, but I'd rather eat glass, man.
  15. Love this show! The last episode had me laughing through tears. It's one of the few shows where I like ever character and nobody gets on my nerves - and I actually belly laugh. The "God taking out Grandma" line made me snort, and the whole scene with the mom eating the gay cake in the bathroom with the "sink ice cream" was both hilarious and sweet. And on a shallow note, Jay R. Ferguson grew up so...damn sexy. He was Ponyboy in the TV version of The Outsiders (which OWNED ME the summer I was 17) so he'll always have a special place in my heart. :) He's a great sitcom dad, and the mustache almost made me throw my bra at the TV.
  16. I also snorted over, "Nobody knows, but I've been sleeping here for six weeks..."
  17. I signed into this site for the first time just to post about this. (Lifelong lurker for the most part...) This was BRILLIANT. My husband thought I was nuts because I was cackling so hard. The entire thing was amazing. I'm still laughing over Kristen putting Seth's glasses on after he had them in his mouth. So many hilarious moments - I was DYING. And it made me love Kristen even more. (Can't help it - I love her crazy ass!) And I am shocked by how well Jax, Pete and Kristen did, acting-wise. Sheana's performance reminded me of those late night commercials: "Talk to sexy girls in your areas now!" I wonder how they made the cut? Was there an audition? Are they just Seth Rogan's favorites? I have to admit I wanted to see Sandoval, but Arianna would have ruined it. I even watched WWHL after with Seth Rogan to get more info on the entire thing. That was effin' awesome. I died 10 times. And I now adore Seth Rogan. I was iffy on him before, but THAT? Was a masterpiece!!! They had me 2-second into the opening credits...
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